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Famous Shrimp Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Shrimp poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous shrimp poems. These examples illustrate what a famous shrimp poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Burns, Robert
...ut vain they search’d when off I march’d
 To go an’ clout the cauldron.
 I’ve taen the gold, &c.

Despise that shrimp, that wither’d imp,
 With a’ his noise an’ cap’rin;
An’ take a share with those that bear
 The budget and the apron!
And by that stowp! my faith an’ houp,
 And by that dear Kilbaigie, 2
If e’er ye want, or meet wi’ scant,
 May I ne’er weet my craigie.
 And by that stowp, &c.

RecitativoThe caird prevail’d—th’ unblushing fair
 In his embraces ...Read more of this...

by Pound, Ezra
...ooks clatter over the fishermen's lanthorns,

A light moves on the north sky line;
where the young boys prod stones for shrimp.
In seventeen hundred came Tsing to these hill lakes.
A light moves on the South sky line.

State by creating riches shd. thereby get into debt?
This is infamy; this is Geryon.
This canal goes still to TenShi
Though the old king built it for pleasure

K I U M A N M A N K E I 
T A N FUKU...Read more of this...

by Lee, Li-Young the flickering, deep green shade. 

White rice steaming, almost done. Sweet green peas 
fried in onions. Shrimp braised in sesame 
oil and garlic. And my own loneliness. 
What more could I, a young man, want.

Credit: Copyright © 1986 by Li-Young Lee. Reprinted with the permission of BOA Editions, Ltd., more of this...

by Bukowski, Charles
later we joked about the lotion
and the cigarette and the apple.
then I went out and got some chicken
and shrimp and french fries and buns
and mashed potatoes and gravy and 
cole slaw,and we ate.she told me
how good she felt and I told her
how good I felt and we 
ate the chicken and the shrimp and the
french fries and the buns and the
mashed potatoes and the gravy and
the cole slaw too....Read more of this...

by Edgar, Marriott
...g John, all unsuspecting, 
And having the afternoon free,
To Runningmead Island had taken a boat, 
And were having some shrimps for his tea. 

He'd just pulled the 'ead off a big 'un, 
And were pinching its tail with his thumb, 
When up came a barge load of Barons, who said, 
"We thought you'd be here so we've come" 

When they told him they'd brought Magna Charter, 
The King seemed to go kind of limp, 
But minding his manners he took off his hat 
And said " Thanks very m...Read more of this...

by Lear, Edward
...Ss Shrimpy, Nimpy, Flimpy, Shrimpy. Jumpy, jimpy, Little shrimp! ...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
And in a voice that rang he answered: "No!"

I grabbed my loaded rifle and I jabbed it to his chest:
"Come on, you shrimp, give me that Book," says I.
Well sir, he was a parson, but he stacked up with the best,
And for grit I got to hand it to the guy.
"If I should let you desecrate this Holy Word," he said,
"My soul would be eternally accurst;
So go on, Bill, I'm ready. You can pump me full of lead
And take it, but - you've got to kill me first."

Now I'...Read more of this...

by Edgar, Marriott
His collars were soggy and limp. 
And, with holding his breath at the bottom so long, 
His face were as red as a shrimp. 

Pa took them across, and he brought the boat back, 
And he said to old Ted on the slip:
"Wilt' row me across by me'sen?" Ted said:
"Aye, at per tuppence per person per trip". 

When they got t'other side, Father laughed fit to bust.
He'd got best of bargain, you see. 
He'd worked it all out, and he'd got his own way,
And he'd paid n...Read more of this...

by Cook, Eliza
...n reach 
The rugged tracks of the desolate beach;
Creeping about like a Triton imp, 
To find the haunts of the crab and shrimp. 
He clings, with none to guide or help, 
To the furthest ridge of slippery kelp; 
And his bold heart glows while he stands and mocks
The seamew’s cry on the jutting rocks. 

Few years have wan’d—and now he stands 
Bareheaded on the shelving sands. 
A boat is moor’d, but his young hands cope 
Right well with the twisted cable rope;
He free...Read more of this...

by Nash, Ogden
...A shrimp who sought his lady shrimp
Could catch no glimpse
Not even a glimp.
At times, translucence
Is rather a nuisance....Read more of this...

by Levis, Larry wear
The too large, faded blue workshirt of
A lover as she walks thoughtfully through
The Via Fratelli to buy bread, shrimp,
And wine for the evening meal with candles &
The laughter of her friends, & later the sweet
Enkindling of desire; but something else, something
Cut simply in stone by hand & meant to last
Because of the way a name, any name,
Is empty. And not empty. And almost enough....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...hland there were three
Pukka Pliers of the pen;
Two of them had Fame in fee
And were loud and lusty men;
By them like a shrimp was I -
Yet alas! they had to die.

Jack was genius through and through.
Who his future could foretell?
What we sweated blood to do
He would deem a bagatelle.
Yet in youth he had to die,
And an ancient man am I.

Rex was rugged as an oak;
Story-teller born was he.
First of writing, fighting folk,
How he lived prodigiously!
Better m...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Shrimp poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things