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Famous Shad Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Shad poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous shad poems. These examples illustrate what a famous shad poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Whitman, Walt
 whites and *******, 
Thirty or forty great wagons—the mules, cattle, horses, feeding from troughs, 
The shadows, gleams, up under the leaves of the old sycamore-trees—the
 black smoke from the pitch-pine, curling and rising; 
Southern fishermen fishing—the sounds and inlets of North Carolina’s
 shad-fishery and the herring-fishery—the large sweep-seines—the windlasses on
 work’d by horses—the clearing, curing, and packing-ho...Read more of this...

by Williams, William Carlos (WCW)
...lips to drink! 
Give me your wrists to drink— 
I drag you, I am drowned in you, you
overwhelm me! Drink! 
Save me! The shad bush is in the edge 
of the clearing. The yards in a fury 
of lilac blossoms are driving me mad with terror. 
Drink and lie forgetting the world. 

And coldly the birch leaves are opening one by one. 
Coldly I observe them and wait for the end. 
And it ends....Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...ter strewed her head with snowe.
She toilt and span thro' all those years
nor bid repine that it ben soe,
nor never shad noe teares.


Whiles Robin lay within his bed,
A divell came and whispered lowe,--
"Giff you will doe my will," he said,
"None more of sickness you shall knowe!"
Ye which gave joy to Robin's soul--
Saies Robin: "Divell, be it soe,
an that you make me whoale!"


That day, upp rising ffrom his bed,
Quoth Robin: "I am well again!"
& backe he came ...Read more of this...

by Nash, Ogden
...y sail
With the vigor of vikings and whalers
In the days of the vikings and whale.
 They sport on the brink
 Of the shad and the shark;
 If it’s windy, they sink;
 If it isn’t, they park.
It is pleasant to gaze at the sailors,
To gaze without having to sail.

How pleasant the salt anesthetic
Of the air and the sand and the sun;
Leave the earth to the strong and athletic,
And the sea to adventure upon.
 But the sun and the sand
 No contractor can copy;
 We lie ...Read more of this...

by Pastan, Linda
...Because the shad
are swimming
in our waters now,

breaching the skin
of the river with their
tarnished silvery fins,

heading upstream
straight for our tables
where already

knives and forks gleam
in anticipation, these trees
in the woods break

into flower--small, white
flags surrendering
to the season....Read more of this...

by Whittier, John Greenleaf
...ox-tree, white with blossoms, 
Made the sweet May woodlands glad, 
And the Aronia by the river 
Lighted up the swarming shad, 

And the bulging nets swept shoreward 
With their silver-sided haul, 
Midst the shouts of dripping fishers, 
He was merriest of them all. 

When, among the jovial huskers 
Love stole in at Labor's side 
With the lusty airs of England 
Soft his Celtic measures vied. 

Songs of love and wailing lyke-wake 
And the merry fair's carouse; 
Of the wi...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Shad poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things