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Famous Mosquito Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Mosquito poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous mosquito poems. These examples illustrate what a famous mosquito poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...cherry blossoms.

 Winter Haiku
I didn't know the names 
of the flowers--now
my garden is gone.

I slapped the mosquito
and missed.
What made me do that?

Reading haiku
I am unhappy,
longing for the Nameless.

A frog floating 
in the drugstore jar:
summer rain on grey pavements.
 (after Shiki)

On the porch
in my shorts;
auto lights in the rain.

Another year
has past-the world
is no different.

The first thing I looked for 
in my old garden was
T...Read more of this...
by Ginsberg, Allen

All the air was white with moonlight, 
All the water black with shadow, 
And around him the Suggema, 
The mosquito, sang his war-song, 
And the fire-flies, Wah-wah-taysee, 
Waved their torches to mislead him; 
And the bull-frog, the Dahinda, 
Thrust his head into the moonlight, 
Fixed his yellow eyes upon him, 
Sobbed and sank beneath the surface; 
And anon a thousand whistles, 
Answered over all the fen-lands, 
And the heron, the Shuh-shuh-gah, 
Far off on the ...Read more of this...
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...Was shifting and dancing, and pawing the ground, 
The boy saw me enter and wheeled for his canter, 
When a darned great mosquito came buzzing around. 

"They breed 'em at Hexham, it's risky to vex 'em, 
They suck a man dry at a sitting, no doubt, 
But just as the mare passed, he fluttered my hair past, 
I lifted my hand, and I flattened him out. 

"I was stunned when they started, the mare simply darted 
Away to the front when the flag was let fall, 
For none there co...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...tre of love diffused
and the wave of love travel into vacancy.
How easy it is to make a ghost.

The weightless mosquito touches
her tiny shadow on the stone,
and with how like, how infinite
a lightness, man and shadow meet.
They fuse. A shadow is a man
when the mosquito death approaches...Read more of this...
by Douglas, Keith

That's him on the verandah, drinking rum
With a man who might be a Nazi,
His children asleep under their mosquito-nets....Read more of this...
by Muldoon, Paul


be done in Salt Lake.

 The Mormon woman told us that when she had been mar-

ried in the temple at Salt Lake, a mosquito had bitten her on

the wrist just before the ceremony and her wrist had swollen

up and become huge and just awful. It could've been seen

through the lace by a blindman. She had been so embarrassed.

 She told us that those Salt Lake mosquitoes always made

her swell up when they bit her. Last year, she had told us,

she'd been in S...Read more of this...
by Brautigan, Richard
...was a little turtle.
He lived in a box.
He swam in a puddle.
He climbed on the rocks.

He snapped at a mosquito.
He snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow.
And he snapped at me.

He caught the mosquito.
He caught the flea.
He caught the minnow.
But he didn't catch me....Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Mosquito poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry