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Famous Make Haste Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Make Haste poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous make haste poems. These examples illustrate what a famous make haste poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...n't. But whom at least do you admire? 
Present your own perfection, your ideal, 
Your pattern man for a minute--oh, make haste 
Is it Napoleon you would have us grow? 
Concede the means; allow his head and hand, 
(A large concession, clever as you are) 

Good! In our common primal element 
Of unbelief (we can't believe, you know-- 
We're still at that admission, recollect!) 
Where do you find--apart from, towering o'er 
The secondary temporary aims 
Which satisfy the gro...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert

...lms and the sea,
 Where the world-end steamers wait.)

Now for this debt I owe,
 And for her far-borne cheer
Must I make haste and go
 With tribute to her pier.

And she shall touch and remit
 After the use of kings
(Orderly, ancient, fit)
 My deep-sea plunderings,
And purchase in all lands.
 And this we do for a sign
Her power is over mine,
 And mine I hold at her hands!...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...wives to be embraced, 
Hearts to borrow and hearts to lend, 
And hearts to take and keep to the end;-- 
O little sails, make haste! 

But thou, vast outbound ship of souls, 
What harbor town for thee? 
What shapes, when thy arriving tolls, 
Shall crowd the banks to see? 
Shall all the happy shipmates then 
Stand singing brotherly? 
Or shall a haggard ruthless few 
Warp her over and bring her to, 
While the many broken souls of men 
Fester down in the slaver's pen 
And nothing...Read more of this...
by Moody, William Vaughn
...ster of his gold and bid France adieu. 

Then deceived by her plan he allowed her to leave the room,
Telling her to make haste and come back very soon,
Then to her master's bedroom she led the way,
And showed him the coffer where her master's money lay 

Then Heinrich with the axe broke the coffer very soon,
While Hanchen instead of going upstairs to her room,
Bolted all the doors upon him without dismay,
While Heinrich was busy preparing to carry her master's money away....Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz
...ught the boy, wild-eyed with fear; they made him understand;
They stood him by the dying man, a rifle in his hand.
"Make haste!" said they; "the time is short, and you must kill or die."
The Major puffed his cigarette, amusement in his eye.
And then the dying Zouave heard, and raised his weary head:
"Shoot, son, 'twill be the best for both; shoot swift and straight," he said.
"Fire first and last, and do not flinch; for lost to hope am I;
And I will murmur: Vi...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

...hey show all peoples their magic and ask no price in return.
Wherefore, since ye are bond to that magic, O Hubshee, make haste and learn!

Certainly also is Kitchener mad. But one sure thing I know --
If he who broke you be minded to teach you, to his Madrissa go!
Go, and carry your shoes in your hand and bow your head on your breast,
For he who did not slay you in sport, he will not teach you in jest....Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
And when the frightful fireships he saw, 
Pregnant with sulphur, to him nearer draw, 
Captain, lieutenant, ensign, all make haste 
Ere in the fiery furnace they be cast-- 
Three children tall, unsinged, away they row, 
Like Shadrack, Meschack, and Abednego. 

Not so brave Douglas, on whose lovely chin 
The early down but newly did begin, 
And modest beauty yet his sex did veil, 
While envious virgins hope he is a male. 
His yellow locks curl back themselves to seek, ...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew
And turned his toes up to the daisies—
His laziness had caused his death!


Spelling reformers should make haste.
If each reformer wants a taste....Read more of this...
by Butler, Ellis Parker>

She likes to eat.
She hurries up, striding reared on long uncanny legs
When food is going.
Oh yes, she can make haste when she likes.
She snaps the soft bread from my hand in great mouthfuls,
Opening her rather pretty wedge of an iron, pristine face
Into an enormously wide-beaked mouth
Like sudden curved scissors,
And gulping at more than she can swallow, and working her thick, soft tongue,
And having the bread hanging over her chin.

O Mistress, Mistress...Read more of this...
by Lawrence, D. H.
...he tiny, clear
Sparkling armada of promises draw near.
How slow they are! And how much time they waste,
Refusing to make haste!

Yet still they leave us holding wretched stalks
Of disappointment, for, though nothing balks
Each big approach, leaning with brasswork prinked,
Each rope distinct,

Flagged, and the figurehead wit golden ****
Arching our way, it never anchors; it's
No sooner present than it turns to past.
Right to the last

We think each one will heave to an...Read more of this...
by Larkin, Philip
And here I crouch in the dew-drenched grasses,
 And look and listen and love it all.

God! What a life! But I must make haste now,
 Before the shadow of night be spent.
It's little the time there is to waste now,
 If I'd do the job for which I was sent.
My bombs are right and my clippers ready,
 And I wriggle out to the chosen place,
When I hear a rustle . . . Steady! . . . Steady!
 Who am I staring slap in the face?

There in the dark I c...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
...o the young crop won't
Have these claws to reap their waist,
But I know "do more" from "don't"
Since the grave cry out "Make haste!"
This banjo world have one string
And all man does dance to that tune:
That love is a place in the bush
With music grieving from far,
As you look past her shoulder and see
Like her one tear afterwards

The falling of a fixed star.
Yound men does bring love to disgrace
With remorseful, regretful words,
When flesh upon flesh was the tune
Since ...Read more of this...
by Walcott, Derek no one ever see.

If dinner at "half-past" be placed,
At "half-past" then be dressed.
If at a "quarter-past" make haste
To be down with the rest

Better to be before you time,
Than e're to be behind;
To open the door while strikes the chime,
That shows a punctual mind. 


Let punctuality and care
Seize every flitting hour,
So shalt thou cull a floweret fair,
E'en from a fading flower...Read more of this...
by Carroll, Lewis
...u that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken to
           thy voice: cause me to hear it.

22:008:014 Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a
           young hart upon the mountains of spices....Read more of this...
by Bible, The
...broke at the strain.
Where was the use of thinking of it now,
Sitting alone and listening to the clock!
She'd best make haste and knit another row.
Three hours at least must pass before his knock
Would startle her. It always was a shock.
She listened -- listened -- for so long before,
That when it came her hearing almost tore.
She caught herself just starting in to listen.
What nerves she had: rattling like brittle sticks!
She wandered to the window, ...Read more of this...
by Lowell, Amy, I've
Noticed the couple were never inquisitive,
But told them they're folks the Duke don't want here,
And bade them make haste and cross the frontier.
Brief, the Duchess was gone and the Duke was glad of it,
And the old one was in the young one's stead,
And took, in her place, the household's head,
And a blessed time the household had of it!
And were I not, as a man may say, cautious
How I trench, more than needs, on the nauseous,
I could favour you with sundry touche...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert deep amaze
To know why came this Beam of Light
So far along the ocean ways
Out of the vast and shadowy night.

“Make haste, make haste!” he cried. “Away!
A thousand ages now are gone.
Yet thou and I ere night be sped
Will reck no more of eve or dawn.”

Swift as the swallow to its nest
I leaped: my body dropt right down:
A silver star I rose and flew.
A flame burned golden at his breast:
I entered at the heart and knew
My Brother-Self who roams the dee...Read more of this...
by Russell, George William
Of Being from the Well amid the Waste --
And Lo! the phantom Caravan has reach'd
The Nothing it set out from -- Oh, make haste! 

Oh, plagued no more with Human or Divine,
To-morrow's tangle to itself resign,
And lose your fingers in the tresses of
The Cypress-slender Minister of Wine. 

Waste not your Hour, nor in the vain pursuit
Of This and That endeavor and dispute;
Better be merry with the fruitful Grape
Than sadden after none, or bitter, fruit...Read more of this...
by Khayyam, Omar
One Moment, of the Well of Life to taste— 
The stars are setting and the Caravan
Starts for the Dawn of Nothing—Oh, make haste!


How long, how long, in infinite Pursuit
Of This and That endeavour and dispute?
Better be merry with the fruitful Grape
Than sadden after none, or bitter, Fruit.


You know, my Friends, how long since in my House
For a new Marriage I did make Carouse:
Divorced old barren Reason from my Bed,
And took the Daughter of the Vine to Spouse....Read more of this...
by Fitzgerald, Edward
...r>   My Sister! ('tis a wish of mine)  Now that our morning meal is done,  Make haste, your morning task resign;  Come forth and feel the sun.   Edward will come with you, and pray,  Put on with speed your woodland dress,  And bring no book, for this one day  We'll give to idleness.   No joyless forms shall regulate  Our ...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Make Haste poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry