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Best Famous Make Haste Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Make Haste poems. This is a select list of the best famous Make Haste poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Make Haste poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of make haste poems.

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Written by William Wordsworth | Create an image from this poem


  A simple child, dear brother Jim,
  That lightly draws its breath,
  And feels its life in every limb,
  What should it know of death?

  I met a little cottage girl,
  She was eight years old, she said;
  Her hair was thick with many a curl
  That cluster'd round her head.

  She had a rustic, woodland air,
  And she was wildly clad;
  Her eyes were fair, and very fair,
  —Her beauty made me glad.

  "Sisters and brothers, little maid,
  How many may you be?"
  "How many? seven in all," she said,
  And wondering looked at me.

  "And where are they, I pray you tell?"
  She answered, "Seven are we,
  And two of us at Conway dwell,
  And two are gone to sea.

  "Two of us in the church-yard lie,
  My sister and my brother,
  And in the church-yard cottage, I
  Dwell near them with my mother.

  "You say that two at Conway dwell,
  And two are gone to sea,
  Yet you are seven; I pray you tell
  Sweet Maid, how this may be?"

  Then did the little Maid reply,
  "Seven boys and girls are we;
  Two of us in the church-yard lie,
  Beneath the church-yard tree.

  "You run about, my little maid,
  Your limbs they are alive;
  If two are in the church-yard laid,
  Then ye are only five.

  "Their graves are green, they may be seen,"
  The little Maid replied,
  "Twelve steps or more from my mother's door,
  And they are side by side.

  "My stockings there I often knit,
  My 'kerchief there I hem;
  And there upon the ground I sit—
  I sit and sing to them.

  "And often after sunset, Sir,
  When it is light and fair,
  I take my little porringer,
  And eat my supper there.

  "The first that died was little Jane;
  In bed she moaning lay,
  Till God released her of her pain,
  And then she went away.

  "So in the church-yard she was laid,
  And all the summer dry,
  Together round her grave we played,
  My brother John and I.

  "And when the ground was white with snow,
  And I could run and slide,
  My brother John was forced to go,
  And he lies by her side.

  "How many are you then," said I,
  "If they two are in Heaven?"
  The little Maiden did reply,
  "O Master! we are seven.

  "But they are dead; those two are dead!
  Their spirits are in heaven!"
  'Twas throwing words away; for still
  The little Maid would have her will,
  And said, "Nay, we are seven!"

   Shewing how the practice of Lying may be taught.

  I have a boy of five years old,
  His face is fair and fresh to see;
  His limbs are cast in beauty's mould,
  And dearly he loves me.

  One morn we stroll'd on our dry walk,
  Our quiet house all full in view,
  And held such intermitted talk
  As we are wont to do.

  My thoughts on former pleasures ran;
  I thought of Kilve's delightful shore,
  My pleasant home, when Spring began,
  A long, long year before.

  A day it was when I could bear
  To think, and think, and think again;
  With so much happiness to spare,
  I could not feel a pain.

  My boy was by my side, so slim
  And graceful in his rustic dress!
  And oftentimes I talked to him
  In very idleness.

  The young lambs ran a pretty race;
  The morning sun shone bright and warm;
  "Kilve," said I, "was a pleasant place,
  And so is Liswyn farm.

  "My little boy, which like you more,"
  I said and took him by the arm—
  "Our home by Kilve's delightful shore,
  Or here at Liswyn farm?"

  "And tell me, had you rather be,"
  I said and held-him by the arm,
  "At Kilve's smooth shore by the green sea,
  Or here at Liswyn farm?"

  In careless mood he looked at me,
  While still I held him by the arm,
  And said, "At Kilve I'd rather be
  Than here at Liswyn farm.

  "Now, little Edward, say why so;
  My little Edward, tell me why;"
  "I cannot tell, I do not know.
  "Why this is strange," said I.

  "For, here are woods and green hills warm:
  There surely must some reason be
  Why you would change sweet Liswyn farm,
  For Kilve by the green sea.

  At this, my boy hung down his head,
  He blush'd with shame, nor made reply;
  And five times to the child I said,
  "Why, Edward, tell me, why?"

  His head he raised—there was in sight,
  It caught his eye, he saw it plain—
  Upon the house-top, glittering bright,
  A broad and gilded vane.

  Then did the boy his tongue unlock,
  And thus to me he made reply;
  "At Kilve there was no weather-cock,
  And that's the reason why.

  Oh dearest, dearest boy! my heart
  For better lore would seldom yearn
  Could I but teach the hundredth part
  Of what from thee I learn.

  Written at a small distance from my House, and sent by
  my little boy to the person to whom they are addressed.

  It is the first mild day of March:
  Each minute sweeter than before,
  The red-breast sings from the tall larch
  That stands beside our door.

  There is a blessing in the air,
  Which seems a sense of joy to yield
  To the bare trees, and mountains bare,
  And grass in the green field.

  My Sister! ('tis a wish of mine)
  Now that our morning meal is done,
  Make haste, your morning task resign;
  Come forth and feel the sun.

  Edward will come with you, and pray,
  Put on with speed your woodland dress,
  And bring no book, for this one day
  We'll give to idleness.

  No joyless forms shall regulate
  Our living Calendar:
  We from to-day, my friend, will date
  The opening of the year.

  Love, now an universal birth,
  From heart to heart is stealing,
  From earth to man, from man to earth,
  —It is the hour of feeling.

  One moment now may give us more
  Than fifty years of reason;
  Our minds shall drink at every pore
  The spirit of the season.

  Some silent laws our hearts may make,
  Which they shall long obey;
  We for the year to come may take
  Our temper from to-day.

  And from the blessed power that rolls
  About, below, above;
  We'll frame the measure of our souls,
  They shall be tuned to love.

  Then come, my sister I come, I pray,
  With speed put on your woodland dress,
  And bring no book; for this one day
  We'll give to idleness.

Written by Lewis Carroll | Create an image from this poem


 Man Naturally loves delay,
And to procrastinate;
Business put off from day to day
Is always done to late.
Let ever hour be in its place Firm fixed, nor loosely shift, And well enjoy the vacant space, As though a birthday gift.
And when the hour arrives, be there, Where'er that "there" may be; Uncleanly hands or ruffled hair Let no one ever see.
If dinner at "half-past" be placed, At "half-past" then be dressed.
If at a "quarter-past" make haste To be down with the rest Better to be before you time, Than e're to be behind; To open the door while strikes the chime, That shows a punctual mind.
Moral: Let punctuality and care Seize every flitting hour, So shalt thou cull a floweret fair, E'en from a fading flower
Written by D. H. Lawrence | Create an image from this poem

Lui Et Elle

 She is large and matronly
And rather dirty,
A little sardonic-looking, as if domesticity had driven her to it.
Though what she does, except lay four eggs at random in the garden once a year And put up with her husband, I don't know.
She likes to eat.
She hurries up, striding reared on long uncanny legs When food is going.
Oh yes, she can make haste when she likes.
She snaps the soft bread from my hand in great mouthfuls, Opening her rather pretty wedge of an iron, pristine face Into an enormously wide-beaked mouth Like sudden curved scissors, And gulping at more than she can swallow, and working her thick, soft tongue, And having the bread hanging over her chin.
O Mistress, Mistress, Reptile mistress, Your eye is very dark, very bright, And it never softens Although you watch.
She knows, She knows well enough to come for food, Yet she sees me not; Her bright eye sees, but not me, not anything, Sightful, sightless, seeing and visionless, Reptile mistress.
Taking bread in her curved, gaping, toothless mouth, She has no qualm when she catches my finger in her steel overlapping gums, But she hangs on, and my shout and my shrinking are nothing to her.
She does not even know she is nipping me with her curved beak.
Snake-like she draws at my finger, while I drag it in horror away.
Mistress, reptile mistress, You are almost too large, I am almost frightened.
He is much smaller, Dapper beside her, And ridiculously small.
Her laconic eye has an earthy, materialistic look, His, poor darling, is almost fiery.
His wimple, his blunt-prowed face, His low forehead, his skinny neck, his long, scaled, striving legs, So striving, striving, Are all more delicate than she, And he has a cruel scar on his shell.
Poor darling, biting at her feet, Running beside her like a dog, biting her earthy, splay feet, Nipping her ankles, Which she drags apathetic away, though without retreating into her shell.
Agelessly silent, And with a grim, reptile determination, Cold, voiceless age-after-age behind him, serpents' long obstinacy Of horizontal persistence.
Little old man Scuffling beside her, bending down, catching his opportunity, Parting his steel-trap face, so suddenly, and seizing her scaly ankle, And hanging grimly on, Letting go at last as she drags away, And closing his steel-trap face.
His steel-trap, stoic, ageless, handsome face.
Alas, what a fool he looks in this scuffle.
And how he feels it! The lonely rambler, the stoic, dignified stalker through chaos, The immune, the animate, Enveloped in isolation, Fore-runner.
Now look at him! Alas, the spear is through the side of his isolation.
His adolescence saw him crucified into sex, Doomed, in the long crucifixion of desire, to seek his consummation beyond himself.
Divided into passionate duality, He, so finished and immune, now broken into desirous fragmentariness, Doomed to make an intolerable fool of himself In his effort toward completion again.
Poor little earthy house-inhabiting Osiris, The mysterious bull tore him at adolescence into pieces, And he must struggle after reconstruction, ignominiously.
And so behold him following the tail Of that mud-hovel of his slowly rambling spouse, Like some unhappy bull at the tail of a cow, But with more than bovine, grim, earth-dank persistence.
Suddenly seizing the ugly ankle as she stretches out to walk, Roaming over the sods, Or, if it happen to show, at her pointed, heavy tail Beneath the low-dropping back-board of her shell.
Their two shells like domed boats bumping, Hers huge, his small; Their splay feet rambling and rowing like paddles, And stumbling mixed up in one another, In the race of love -- Two tortoises, She huge, he small.
She seems earthily apathetic, And he has a reptile's awful persistence.
I heard a woman pitying her, pitying the Mère Tortue.
While I, I pity Monsieur.
"He pesters her and torments her," said the woman.
How much more is he pestered and tormented, say I.
What can he do? He is dumb, he is visionless, Conceptionless.
His black, sad-lidded eye sees but beholds not As her earthen mound moves on, But he catches the folds of vulnerable, leathery skin, Nail-studded, that shake beneath her shell, And drags at these with his beak, Drags and drags and bites, While she pulls herself free, and rows her dull mound along.
Written by Derek Walcott | Create an image from this poem


 Man, I suck me tooth when I hear
How dem croptime fiddlers lie,
And de wailing, kiss-me-**** flutes
That bring water to me eye!
Oh, when I t'ink how from young
I wasted time at de fetes,
I could bawl in a red-eyed rage
For desire turned to regret,
Not knowing the truth that I sang
At parang and la commette.
Boy, every damned tune them tune Of love that go last forever Is the wax and the wane of the moon Since Adam catch body-fever.
I old, so the young crop won't Have these claws to reap their waist, But I know "do more" from "don't" Since the grave cry out "Make haste!" This banjo world have one string And all man does dance to that tune: That love is a place in the bush With music grieving from far, As you look past her shoulder and see Like her one tear afterwards The falling of a fixed star.
Yound men does bring love to disgrace With remorseful, regretful words, When flesh upon flesh was the tune Since the first cloud raise up to disclose The breast of the naked moon.
Written by Philip Larkin | Create an image from this poem

Next Please

 Always too eager for the future, we
Pick up bad habits of expectancy.
Something is always approaching; every day Till then we say, Watching from a bluff the tiny, clear Sparkling armada of promises draw near.
How slow they are! And how much time they waste, Refusing to make haste! Yet still they leave us holding wretched stalks Of disappointment, for, though nothing balks Each big approach, leaning with brasswork prinked, Each rope distinct, Flagged, and the figurehead wit golden **** Arching our way, it never anchors; it's No sooner present than it turns to past.
Right to the last We think each one will heave to and unload All good into our lives, all we are owed For waiting so devoutly and so long.
But we are wrong: Only one ship is seeking us, a black- Sailed unfamiliar, towing at her back A huge and birdless silence.
In her wake No waters breed or break.

Written by George William Russell | Create an image from this poem

The Fountain of Shadowy Beauty

 I WOULD I could weave in
 The colour, the wonder,
 The song I conceive in
 My heart while I ponder,

 And show how it came like
 The magi of old
 Whose chant was a flame like
 The dawn’s voice of gold;

 Whose dreams followed near them
 A murmur of birds,
 And ear still could hear them
 Unchanted in words.
In words I can only Reveal thee my heart, Oh, Light of the Lonely, The shining impart.
Between the twilight and the dark The lights danced up before my eyes: I found no sleep or peace or rest, But dreams of stars and burning skies.
I knew the faces of the day— Dream faces, pale, with cloudy hair, I knew you not nor yet your home, The Fount of Shadowy Beauty, where? I passed a dream of gloomy ways Where ne’er did human feet intrude: It was the border of a wood, A dreadful forest solitude.
With wondrous red and fairy gold The clouds were woven o’er the ocean; The stars in fiery æther swung And danced with gay and glittering motion.
A fire leaped up within my heart When first I saw the old sea shine; As if a god were there revealed I bowed my head in awe divine; And long beside the dim sea marge I mused until the gathering haze Veiled from me where the silver tide Ran in its thousand shadowy ways.
The black night dropped upon the sea: The silent awe came down with it: I saw fantastic vapours flee As o’er the darkness of the pit.
When lo! from out the furthest night A speck of rose and silver light Above a boat shaped wondrously Came floating swiftly o’er the sea.
It was no human will that bore The boat so fleetly to the shore Without a sail spread or an oar.
The Pilot stood erect thereon And lifted up his ancient face, Ancient with glad eternal youth Like one who was of starry race.
His face was rich with dusky bloom; His eyes a bronze and golden fire; His hair in streams of silver light Hung flamelike on his strange attire, Which, starred with many a mystic sign, Fell as o’er sunlit ruby glowing: His light flew o’er the waves afar In ruddy ripples on each bar Along the spiral pathways flowing.
It was a crystal boat that chased The light along the watery waste, Till caught amid the surges hoary The Pilot stayed its jewelled glory.
Oh, never such a glory was: The pale moon shot it through and through With light of lilac, white and blue: And there mid many a fairy hue, Of pearl and pink and amethyst, Like lightning ran the rainbow gleams And wove around a wonder-mist.
The Pilot lifted beckoning hands; Silent I went with deep amaze To know why came this Beam of Light So far along the ocean ways Out of the vast and shadowy night.
“Make haste, make haste!” he cried.
“Away! A thousand ages now are gone.
Yet thou and I ere night be sped Will reck no more of eve or dawn.
” Swift as the swallow to its nest I leaped: my body dropt right down: A silver star I rose and flew.
A flame burned golden at his breast: I entered at the heart and knew My Brother-Self who roams the deep, Bird of the wonder-world of sleep.
The ruby vesture wrapped us round As twain in one; we left behind The league-long murmur of the shore And fleeted swifter than the wind.
The distance rushed upon the bark: We neared unto the mystic isles: The heavenly city we could mark, Its mountain light, its jewel dark, Its pinnacles and starry piles.
The glory brightened: “Do not fear; For we are real, though what seems So proudly built above the waves Is but one mighty spirit’s dreams.
“Our Father’s house hath many fanes; Yet enter not and worship not, For thought but follows after thought Till last consuming self it wanes.
“The Fount of Shadowy Beauty flings Its glamour o’er the light of day: A music in the sunlight sings To call the dreamy hearts away Their mighty hopes to ease awhile: We will not go the way of them: The chant makes drowsy those who seek The sceptre and the diadem.
“The Fount of Shadowy Beauty throws Its magic round us all the night; What things the heart would be, it sees And chases them in endless flight.
Or coiled in phantom visions there It builds within the halls of fire; Its dreams flash like the peacock’s wing And glow with sun-hues of desire.
We will not follow in their ways Nor heed the lure of fay or elf, But in the ending of our days Rest in the high Ancestral Self.
” The boat of crystal touched the shore, Then melted flamelike from our eyes, As in the twilight drops the sun Withdrawing rays of paradise.
We hurried under archéd aisles That far above in heaven withdrawn With cloudy pillars stormed the night, Rich as the opal shafts of dawn.
I would have lingered then—but he: “Oh, let us haste: the dream grows dim, Another night, another day, A thousand years will part from him, Who is that Ancient One divine From whom our phantom being born Rolled with the wonder-light around Had started in the fairy morn.
“A thousand of our years to him Are but the night, are but the day, Wherein he rests from cyclic toil Or chants the song of starry sway.
He falls asleep: the Shadowy Fount Fills all our heart with dreams of light: He wakes to ancient spheres, and we Through iron ages mourn the night.
We will not wander in the night But in a darkness more divine Shall join the Father Light of Lights And rule the long-descended line.
” Even then a vasty twilight fell: Wavered in air the shadowy towers: The city like a gleaming shell, Its azures, opals, silvers, blues, Were melting in more dreamy hues.
We feared the falling of the night And hurried more our headlong flight.
In one long line the towers went by; The trembling radiance dropt behind, As when some swift and radiant one Flits by and flings upon the wind The rainbow tresses of the sun.
And then they vanished from our gaze Faded the magic lights, and all Into a starry radiance fell As waters in their fountain fall.
We knew our time-long journey o’er And knew the end of all desire, And saw within the emerald glow Our Father like the white sun-fire.
We could not say if age or youth Were on his face: we only burned To pass the gateways of the day, The exiles to the heart returned.
He rose to greet us and his breath, The tempest music of the spheres, Dissolved the memory of earth, The cyclic labour and our tears.
In him our dream of sorrow passed, The spirit once again was free And heard the song the morning stars Chant in eternal revelry.
This was the close of human story; We saw the deep unmeasured shine, And sank within the mystic glory They called of old the Dark Divine.
Well it is gone now, The dream that I chanted: On this side the dawn now I sit fate-implanted.
But though of my dreaming The dawn has bereft me, It all was not seeming For something has left me.
I feel in some other World far from this cold light The Dream Bird, my brother, Is rayed with the gold light.
I too in the Father Would hide me, and so, Bright Bird, to foregather With thee now I go.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Hanchen the Maid of the Mill

 Near the village of Udorf, on the banks of the Rhine,
There lived a miller and his family, once on a time;
And there yet stands the mill in a state of decay,
And concerning the miller and his family, attend to my lay.
The miller and his family went to Church one Sunday morn, Leaving behind their darling child, the youngest born, In charge of brave Hanchen, the servant maid, A kind-hearted girl and not the least afraid.
As Hanchen was engaged preparing dinner for the family She chanced to turn round, and there she did see Heinrich Bottler, her lover, and she sincerely loved him, Then she instantly got him something to eat and bade him begin.
And in the midst of her business she sat down beside him, While he did justice to the meat and thought it no sin, But while he was eating he let fall his knife, Then he commanded Hanchen to pick it up or else he'd take her life.
Then as she stooped down to pick up the knife, The villain caught her by the throat, and swore he'd take her life, Then he drew a dagger from under his coat, Crying, tell me where your master's money is, or I'll cut your throat.
And still he threatened to kill her with the dagger in his hand, If the poor girl didn't comply with his demand, While in his choking grasp her breath was fleeting faster and faster, Therefore she had no other choice but to die or betray her master.
Then she cried, mercy, for Heaven's sake let go thy hold.
And I'll tell thee where my master keeps his gold; Then he let go his hold without delay, And she unto him thus boldly did say.
Here, take this axe and use it, while I run upstairs, To gather all my money, besides all my wares, Because I'm resolved to fly along with you, When you've robbed my master of his gold and bid France adieu.
Then deceived by her plan he allowed her to leave the room, Telling her to make haste and come back very soon, Then to her master's bedroom she led the way, And showed him the coffer where her master's money lay Then Heinrich with the axe broke the coffer very soon, While Hanchen instead of going upstairs to her room, Bolted all the doors upon him without dismay, While Heinrich was busy preparing to carry her master's money away.
Then she rushed to the mill to give the alarm, Resolved to protect her master's money, while she could wield an arm; And the only being in sight was her master's boy of five years old, Then she cried, run! run! and tell father there's a robber taking his gold.
Then the boy did as she bid him without any doubt, And set off, running on the road she pointed out; But at this moment, a shrill whistle made her stand aghast, When she heard Heinrich, crying, catch that child that's running so fast.
But still the boy ran on with might and main, Until a ruffian sprang up from the bed of a natural drain; And snatching the boy in his arms, and hastening towards the mill, While brave Hanchen was afraid the boy would he kill.
Then the villain came rushing with the boy towards the mill, Crying, open the door, or the child I'll kill; But she cried, never will I open the door to thee, No! I will put my trust in God, and He'll save the child and me.
Then the ruffian set down the child, for a moment to look about, Crying, open the door, or I'll fire the mill without doubt; And while searching for combustibles, he discovered an inlet to the mill, Saying, my pretty maid, once I get in, it's you I will kill.
Then he tied the hands and feet of the poor child, Which caused it to scream with fear, very wild; Then he stole back to the aperture to effect an entrance, And when Hanchen saw him, she said now is my chance.
So the ruffian got safely in the great drum wheel, Then Hanchen set on the engine, which made the ruffian reel; And as he was whirled about, he screamed aloud, And when Hanchen saw him like a rat in a trap, she felt very proud.
At length the master arrived and his family, And when she heard his kindly voice her heart was full of glee, Then she opened the mill door and let him in, While her eyes with tears of joy were full to the brim.
Then the master set off the engine without delay, And the ruffian was dragged forth while he shook with dismay, And Heinrich and he were bound together under a strong escort, And conveyed to Bonn Prison where villains resort.
So thus ends the story of Hanchen, a heroine brave, That tried hard her master's gold to save, And for her bravery she got married to the miller's eldest son, And Hanchen on her marriage night cried Heaven's will be done.
Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem


 To the City of Bombay

The Cities are full of pride,
 Challenging each to each --
This from her mountain-side,
 That from her burthened beach.
They count their ships full tale -- Their corn and oil and wine, Derrick and loom and bale, And rampart's gun-flecked line; City by City they hail: "Hast aught to match with mine?" And the men that breed from them They traffic up and down, But cling to their cities' hem As a child to their mother's gown.
When they talk with the stranger bands, Dazed and newly alone; When they walk in the stranger lands, By roaring streets unknown; Blessing her where she stands For strength above their own.
(On high to hold her fame That stands all fame beyond, By oath to back the same, Most faithful-foolish-fond; Making her mere-breathed name Their bond upon their bond.
) So thank I God my birth Fell not in isles aside -- Waste headlands of the earth, Or warring tribes untried -- But that she lent me worth And gave me right to pride.
Surely in toil or fray Under an alien sky, Comfort it is to say: "Of no mean city am I!" (Neither by service nor fee Come I to mine estate -- Mother of Cities to me, For I was born in her gate, Between the palms and the sea, Where the world-end steamers wait.
) Now for this debt I owe, And for her far-borne cheer Must I make haste and go With tribute to her pier.
And she shall touch and remit After the use of kings (Orderly, ancient, fit) My deep-sea plunderings, And purchase in all lands.
And this we do for a sign Her power is over mine, And mine I hold at her hands!
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

Over The Parapet

 All day long when the shells sail over
 I stand at the sandbags and take my chance;
But at night, at night I'm a reckless rover,
 And over the parapet gleams Romance.
Romance! Romance! How I've dreamed it, writing Dreary old records of money and mart, Me with my head chuckful of fighting And the blood of vikings to thrill my heart.
But little I thought that my time was coming, Sudden and splendid, supreme and soon; And here I am with the bullets humming As I crawl and I curse the light of the moon.
Out alone, for adventure thirsting, Out in mysterious No Man's Land; Prone with the dead when a star-shell, bursting, Flares on the horrors on every hand.
There are ruby stars and they drip and wiggle; And the grasses gleam in a light blood-red; There are emerald stars, and their tails they wriggle, And ghastly they glare on the face of the dead.
But the worst of all are the stars of whiteness, That spill in a pool of pearly flame, Pretty as gems in their silver brightness, And etching a man for a bullet's aim.
Yet oh, it's great to be here with danger, Here in the weird, death-pregnant dark, In the devil's pasture a stealthy ranger, When the moon is decently hiding.
Hark! What was that? Was it just the shiver Of an eerie wind or a clammy hand? The rustle of grass, or the passing quiver Of one of the ghosts of No Man's Land? It's only at night when the ghosts awaken, And gibber and whisper horrible things; For to every foot of this God-forsaken Zone of jeopard some horror clings.
Ugh! What was that? It felt like a jelly, That flattish mound in the noisome grass; You three big rats running free of its belly, Out of my way and let me pass! But if there's horror, there's beauty, wonder; The trench lights gleam and the rockets play.
That flood of magnificent orange yonder Is a battery blazing miles away.
With a rush and a singing a great shell passes; The rifles resentfully bicker and brawl, And here I crouch in the dew-drenched grasses, And look and listen and love it all.
God! What a life! But I must make haste now, Before the shadow of night be spent.
It's little the time there is to waste now, If I'd do the job for which I was sent.
My bombs are right and my clippers ready, And I wriggle out to the chosen place, When I hear a rustle .
Steady! .
Steady! Who am I staring slap in the face? There in the dark I can hear him breathing, A foot away, and as still as death; And my heart beats hard, and my brain is seething, And I know he's a Hun by the smell of his breath.
Then: "Will you surrender?" I whisper hoarsely, For it's death, swift death to utter a cry.
"English schwein-hund!" he murmurs coarsely.
"Then we'll fight it out in the dark," say I.
So we grip and we slip and we trip and wrestle There in the gutter of No Man's Land; And I feel my nails in his wind-pipe nestle, And he tries to gouge, but I bite his hand.
And he tries to squeal, but I squeeze him tighter: "Now," I say, "I can kill you fine; But tell me first, you Teutonic blighter! Have you any children?" He answers: "Nein.
" Nine! Well, I cannot kill such a father, So I tie his hands and I leave him there.
Do I finish my little job? Well, rather; And I get home safe with some light to spare.
Heigh-ho! by day it's just prosy duty, Doing the same old song and dance; But oh! with the night -- joy, glory, beauty: Over the parapet -- Life, Romance!
Written by Ellis Parker Butler | Create an image from this poem

Little Ballads Of Timely Warning; III: On Laziness And Its Resultant Ills

 There was a man in New York City
(His name was George Adolphus Knight)
So soft of heart he wept with pity
To see our language and its plight.
He mourned to see it sorely goaded With silent letters left and right; These from his own name he unloaded And wrote it Georg Adolfus Nit.
Six other men in that same city Who longed to see a Spelling Heaven Formed of themselves a strong committee And asked Georg Nit to make it seven.
He joined the other six with pleasure, Proud such important men to know, Agreeing that their first great measure Should be to shorten the word though.
But G.
Adolfus Nit was lazy; He dilly-dallied every day; His life was dreamy, slow and hazy, And indolent in every way.
On Monday morn at nine precisely The six reformers (Nit not there) Prepared to simplify though nicely, And each was eager for his share.
Smith bit the h off short and ate it; Griggs from the thoug chewed off the g; Brown snapped off u to masticate it, And tho alone was left for three.
Delancy’s teeth broke o off quickly; From th Billings took his t, And then the h, albeit prickly, Was shortly swallowed by McGee.
This done, the six lay back in plenty, Well fed, they picked their teeth and smiled, And lazy Nit, about 10:20, Strolled in, as careless as a child.
“Well, boys,” he said, “where’s the collation? I’m hungry, let us eat some though.
” “All gone!” they said, and then Starvation, (Who is not lazy) laid Nit low.
Nit trembled, gasped, and, as the phrase is, Cashed in his checks, gave up his breath, And turned his toes up to the daisies— His laziness had caused his death! Warning Spelling reformers should make haste.
If each reformer wants a taste.

Book: Shattered Sighs