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Famous Awakens Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Awakens poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous awakens poems. These examples illustrate what a famous awakens poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Gibran, Kahlil
...purify me by its fire and sear inhumanity from my heart. 

Substantial things deaden a man without suffering; love awakens him with enlivening pains. 

Humans are divided into different clans and tribes, and belong to countries and towns. But I find myself a stranger to all communities and belong to no settlement. The universe is my country and the human family is my tribe. 

Men are weak, and it is sad that they divide amongst themselves. The world i...Read more of this...

by Bukowski, Charles
...the famous are worried about
their fame –– not the beautiful young girl in bed
with them, who gives them that, and then awakens
in the morning to write upper case poems about
ANGELS AND GOD. we know God is dead, they’ told
us, but listening to you I wasn’ sure. maybe
it was the upper case. you were one of the
best female poets and I told the publishers, 
editors, “ her, print her, she’ mad but she’
magic. there’ no lie in her fire.” I loved you
like a man ...Read more of this...

by Verhaeren, Emile
...wind and the rain and the lamp shining with its friendly light.
In the darkness at the fall of evening, when the fire awakens and the clock in which time swings is hushed, doubtless, as much as we, they love the silence, to feel themselves thinking through their eyes.
Nothing disturbs for them or for us those hours of deep and quiet and tender intimacy wherein the moment that was is blessed for having been, and of which the coming hour is always the best.
Indeed, how they...Read more of this...

by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
...he bed;
Puts on her silken vestments white,
And tricks her hair in lovely plight,
And nothing doubting of her spell
Awakens the lady Christabel.
'Sleep you, sweet lady Christabel?
I trust that you have rested well.'

And Christabel awoke and spied
The same who lay down by her side-
O rather say, the same whom she
Raised up beneath the old oak tree!
Nay, fairer yet! and yet more fair!
For she belike hath drunken deep
Of all the blessedness of sleep!
And ...Read more of this...

by Pope, Alexander
Nor tears, for ages, taught to flow in vain.

Soon as thy letters trembling I unclose,
That well-known name awakens all my woes.
Oh name for ever sad! for ever dear!
Still breath'd in sighs, still usher'd with a tear.
I tremble too, where'er my own I find,
Some dire misfortune follows close behind.
Line after line my gushing eyes o'erflow,
Led through a sad variety of woe:
Now warm in love, now with'ring in thy bloom,
Lost in a convent's solitary gloom...Read more of this...

by Moore, Thomas
...Farewell! but whenever you welcome the hour 
That awakens the night-song of mirth in your bower, 
Then think of the friend who once welcomed it too, 
And forgot his own griefs to be happy with you. 
His griefs may return, not a hope may remain 
Of the few that have brighten'd his pathway of pain, 
But he ne'er will forget the short vision, that threw 
Its enchantment around him, while lingering with you...Read more of this...

by Verhaeren, Emile
And the more I say it, the more ravished is my voice, so much so that from my lips it descends into my heart and awakens in me a more glowing happiness than the sweetest words I have spoken in my life.
And before the new dawn or the evening falling to sleep, I repeat it with my voice that is ever the same, but oh! with what strength and supreme ardour shall I pronounce it at the hour of death!...Read more of this...

by Tagore, Rabindranath
...He it is, the innermost one, 
who awakens my being with his deep hidden touches. 

He it is who puts his enchantment upon these eyes 
and joyfully plays on the chords of my heart 
in varied cadence of pleasure and pain. 

He it is who weaves the web of this maya 
in evanescent hues of gold and silver, blue and green, 
and lets peep out through the folds his feet, 
at whose touch I fo...Read more of this...

by Yeats, William Butler
...O thought, fly to her when the end of day
Awakens an old memory, and say,
'Your strength, that is so lofty and fierce and kind,
It might call up a new age, calling to mind
The queens that were imagined long ago,
Is but half yours: he kneaded in the dough
Through the long years of youth, and who would have thought
It all, and more than it all, would come to naught,
And that dear words meant nothing?'...Read more of this...

by Cavafy, Constantine P
...Return often and take me,
beloved sensation, return and take me --
when the memory of the body awakens,
and an old desire runs again through the blood;
when the lips and the skin remember,
and the hands feel as if they touch again.

Return often and take me at night,
when the lips and the skin remember.......Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...t took the Lady dear,Who him that sends us, feather'd captives, hereAwakens often from his tearful rest—Lived we in freedom and in quiet, blestWith everything which life below might cheer,No foe suspecting, harass'd by no fearThat aught our wanderings ever could molest;But snatch'd from that seren...Read more of this...

by Field, Edward
...ome poontang, baby?"
All the evil in him is focused on this one thing now
as he is led into her very presence.

She awakens slowly,
she bats her eyes,
she gets up out of the equipment,
and finally she stands in all her seamed glory,
a monster princess with a hairdo like a fright wig,
lightning flashing in the background
like a halo and a wedding veil,
like a photographer snapping pictures of great moments.

She stands and stares with her electric eyes,
beginning to un...Read more of this...

by Pushkin, Alexander
...A flower - shrivelled, bare of fragrance,
Forgotten on a page - I see,
And instantly my soul awakens,
Filled with an aimless reverie:

When did it bloom? the last spring? earlier?
How long? Where was it plucked? By whom?
By foreign hands? or by familiar?
And why put here, as in a tomb?

To mark a tender meeting by it?
A parting with a precious one?
Or just a walk, alone and quiet,
In forests' shade? in meadows' sun?

Is she alive? Is he still with h...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
With uplifting of cross and of keys,
Priest, though thou hallow us these,
Yet even as they cling to thy knees
Nation awakens by nation,
King by king disappears.

How shall the spirit be loyal
To the shell of a spiritless thing?
Erred once, in only a word,
The sweet great song that we heard
Poured upon Tuscany, erred,
Calling a crowned man royal
That was no more than a king.

Sea-eagle of English feather,
A song-bird beautiful-souled,
She knew not them that she sang...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter

     The shades of eve come slowly down,
     The woods are wrapt in deeper brown,
     The owl awakens from her dell,
     The fox is heard upon the fell;
     Enough remains of glimmering light
     To guide the wanderer's steps aright,
     Yet not enough from far to show
     His figure to the watchful foe.
     With cautious step and ear awake,
     He climbs the crag and threads the brake;
     And not the summer solstice there
     Temp...Read more of this...

by Edson, Russell

 A rock is a longtime waiting for a longtime to be 
over so that it may turn and go the other way.

 A rock awakens into a man. A man looks. A man sleeps 
back into a rock as it is better for a rock in a 
garden than a man inside himself trembling in red 
darkness....Read more of this...

by Pope, Alexander
Now awful Beauty puts on all its Arms;
The Fair each moment rises in her Charms, 
Repairs her Smiles, awakens ev'ry Grace,
And calls forth all the Wonders of her Face;
Sees by Degrees a purer Blush arise,
And keener Lightnings quicken in her Eyes.
The busy Sylphs surround their darling Care;
These set the Head, and those divide the Hair,
Some fold the Sleeve, while others plait the Gown;
And Betty's prais'd for Labours not her own.

Part 2

NOT with...Read more of this...

by Pope, Alexander
Now awful beauty puts on all its arms;
The fair each moment rises in her charms,
Repairs her smiles, awakens ev'ry grace,
And calls forth all the wonders of her face;
Sees by degrees a purer blush arise,
And keener lightnings quicken in her eyes.
The busy Sylphs surround their darling care;
These set the head, and those divide the hair,
Some fold the sleeve, whilst others plait the gown;
And Betty's prais'd for labours not her own....Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
...the glass still is. 
And, as said, if I thrust my arm below 
Cold water in a basin or bowl, a throe 
From the past awakens a sense of that time, 
And the glass we used, and the cascade's rhyme. 
The basin seems the pool, and its edge 
The hard smooth face of the brook-side ledge, 
And the leafy pattern of china-ware 
The hanging plants that were bathing there.

'By night, by day, when it shines or lours, 
There lies intact that chalice of ours, 
And its presence ...Read more of this...

by Gibran, Kahlil
...reation I died neglected because I was kept from enjoying the freedom of God's bounty. 

"Everything of beauty that awakens my love and desire is a disgrace, according to man's conceptions; everything of goodness that I crave is but naught, according to his judgment. 

"I am the lost human heart, imprisoned in the foul dungeon of man's dictates, tied with chains of earthly authority, dead and forgotten by laughing humanity whose tongue is tied and whose eyes are empty...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Awakens poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things