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Famous Aureoled Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Aureoled poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous aureoled poems. These examples illustrate what a famous aureoled poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Russell, George William
...content within its girth
 And wonder nigh my feet.

To-day a nearer love I choose
 And seek no distant sphere;
For aureoled by faery dews
 The dear brown breasts appear.

With rainbow radiance come and go
 The airy breaths of day;
And eve is all a pearly glow
 With moonlit winds a-play.

The lips of twilight burn my brow,
 The arms of night caress:
Glimmer her white eyes drooping now
 With grave old tenderness.

I close mine eyes from dream to be
 The diam...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
...aisy, that white-feathered shield of gold,
Followed with wistful eyes the wandering sun
Content if once its leaves were aureoled.

But surely it is something to have been
The best beloved for a little while,
To have walked hand in hand with Love, and seen
His purple wings flit once across thy smile.

Ay! though the gorged asp of passion feed
On my boy's heart, yet have I burst the bars,
Stood face to face with Beauty, known indeed
The Love which moves the Sun and all ...Read more of this...

by Belloc, Hilaire


Help of the half-defeated, House of gold,
Shrine of the Sword, and Tower of Ivory;
Splendour apart, supreme and aureoled,
The Battler's vision and the World's reply.
You shall restore me, O my last Ally,
To vengence and the glories of the bold.
This is the faith that I have held and hold,
And this is that in which I mean to die.


Prince of the degradations, bought and sold,
These verses, written in your crumbling sty,
Proclaim the faith that I have ...Read more of this...

by Tessimond, A S J

God kicks our backsides, scatters peel on the smoothest stair;
And towering centaurs steal the tulip lips, the aureoled hair,

While we, craned from the gallery, throw our cardboard flowers
And our feet jerk to tunes not played for ours....Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
You twisted them into a garland
To set me aside from the mart.
Red roses to crown me your lover,
And I walked aureoled and apart.
Enslaved and encircled, I bore it,
Proud token of my gift to you.
The petals waned paler, and shriveled,
And dropped; and the thorns started through.
Bitter thorns to proclaim me your lover,
A diadem woven with rue....Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
Or the sunflower turning to meet the sun
When the gloom of the dark blue night is done,
And the spear of the lily is aureoled.

And her sweet red lips on these lips of mine
Burned like the ruby fire set
In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine,
Or the bleeding wounds of the pomegranate,
Or the heart of the lotus drenched and wet
With the spilt-out blood of the rose-red wine....Read more of this...

by Rossetti, Christina the fold, 
Where the least and last of saints in spotless white is stoled, 
Where the dimmest head beyond a moon is aureoled. 
O saints, my beloved, now mouldering to mould in the mould, 
Shall I see you lift your heads, see your cerements unroll'd, 
See with these very eyes? who now in darkness and cold 
Tremble for the midnight cry, the rapture, the tale untold,-- 
The Bridegroom cometh, cometh, His Bride to enfold! 

Cold it is, my beloved, since your funeral bell ...Read more of this...

by Seeger, Alan of a bright brotherhood, performed the mystic sacrifice, 

At Love's high altar fit to stand, with fire and incense aureoled, 
The celebrant in cloth of gold with Spring and Youth on either hand. 


Choral Song 

Have ye gazed on its grandeur 
Or stood where it stands 
With opal and amber 
Adorning the lands, 
And orcharded domes 
Of the hue of all flowers? 
Sweet melody roams 
Through its blossoming bowers, 
Sweet bells usher in from its belfries the train of ...Read more of this...

by Seeger, Alan
...being young, 
The strife and sweet potential flux of things 
I sought Youth's dream of happiness among! 
It walks here aureoled with the city-light, 
Forever through the myriad-featured mass 
Flaunting not far its fugitive embrace, -- 
Heard sometimes in a song across the night, 
Caught in a perfume from the crowds that pass, 
And when love yields to love seen face to face....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
Sudden the cloud of darkness left my brain;
A velvet bar of sunshine pierced the room,
And in that mellow glory aureoled
She stood, she stood, all golden in its gold.

Sunshine! O miracle! the earth grew glad;
Radiant each blade of grass, each living thing.
What a huge strength, high hope, proud will I had!
All the wide world with rapture seemed to ring.
Would she but wed me? YES: then fared we forth
Into the vast, unvintageable North.


In Muskrat...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William air, laugh with loud Ha! ha! . . .
How my grandchildren will stare at their grandpapa!
Their perfection aureoled I will scandalize:
Won't I be a hoary old sinner in their eyes!

Watch me, how I'll learn to chaff barmaids in a bar;
Scotches daily, gayly quaff, puff a fierce cigar.
I will haunt the Tango teas, at the stage-door stand;
Wait for Dolly Dimpleknees, bouquet in my hand.

Then at seventy I'll take flutters at roulette;
While at eighty hope I'l...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things