Famous All In A Day's Work Poems by Famous Poets
These are examples of famous All In A Day's Work poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous all in a day's work poems. These examples illustrate what a famous all in a day's work poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).
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...Bix to Buxtehude to Boulez,
The little white dog on the Victor label
Listens long and hard as he is able.
It's all in a day's work, whatever plays.
From judgment, it would seem, he has refrained.
He even listens earnestly to Bloch,
Then builds a church upon our acid rock.
He's man's--no--he's the Leiermann's best friend,
Or would be if hearing and listening were the same.
Does he hear?I fancy he rather smells
Those lemon-gold arpeggios in Ravel's
"L...Read more of this...
Merrill, James
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