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Famous Admitting Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Admitting poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous admitting poems. These examples illustrate what a famous admitting poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Dickinson, Emily
...The mind was built for mighty Freight
For dread occasion planned
How often foundering at Sea
Ostensibly, on Land

A not admitting of the wound
Until it grew so wide
That all my Life had entered it
And there were troughs beside

A closing of the simple lid
That opened to the sun
Until the tender Carpenter
Perpetual nail it down --...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...O drummers, bearing my warlike drums. 

But aside from these, and the marts of wealth, and the crowded promenade, 
Admitting around me comrades close, unseen by the rest, and voiceless,
The slain elate and alive again—the dust and debris alive, 
I chant this chant of my silent soul, in the name of all dead soldiers. 

Faces so pale, with wondrous eyes, very dear, gather closer yet; 
Draw close, but speak not. 

Phantoms of countless lost!
Invisible to the rest, h...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...owing stone and spear;
And is he not the first to wear
Around his waist with bully leer
The pelt of wolf and baby bear!
Admitting that he made the kill
Why should he so exploit his skill?

"Comrades, grave counsel we must take,
And as he struts with jest and jibe,
Let us act swiftly lest he make
Himself Dictator of our Tribe:
The Gods have built him on their plan:
Let us reduce him to a man."

And so they seized him in the night,
And on the sacrificial stone
The axe-men o...Read more of this...

by Larkin, Philip to solve, and satisfy, 
And set unchangeably in order. So 
 To pile them back, to cry, 
Was hard, without lamely admitting how 
It had not done so then, and could not now....Read more of this...

by Moore, Marianne
...the egg --
a triumph of simplicity --
that charitive Euroclydon
of frightening disinterestedness
which the world hates,

"I am such a cow,
if I had a sorrow,
I should feel it a long time;
I am not one of those
who have a great sorrow
in the morning
and a great joy at noon;"
which says: "I have encountered it
among those unpretentious
proteg?s of wisdom,
where seeming to parade
as the debater and the Roman,
the statesmanship
of an archaic Daniel Webster
persists to ...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...God resides, and ere mid-day arrived 
In Eden; distance inexpressible 
By numbers that have name. But this I urge, 
Admitting motion in the Heavens, to show 
Invalid that which thee to doubt it moved; 
Not that I so affirm, though so it seem 
To thee who hast thy dwelling here on Earth. 
God, to remove his ways from human sense, 
Placed Heaven from Earth so far, that earthly sight, 
If it presume, might err in things too high, 
And no advantage gain. What if the s...Read more of this...

by Levertov, Denise
...ertainly, by our actions. A world
parallel to our own though overlapping.
We call it "Nature"; only reluctantly
admitting ourselves to be "Nature" too.
Whenever we lose track of our own obsessions,
our self-concerns, because we drift for a minute,
an hour even, of pure (almost pure)
response to that insouciant life:
cloud, bird, fox, the flow of light, the dancing
pilgrimage of water, vast stillness
of spellbound ephemerae on a lit windowpane,
animal voices, miner...Read more of this...

by Khayyam, Omar your desires; ah, well! after that? Think to
yourself that the end of your days has arrived; ah, well!
after that? Admitting that you have lived for a hundred
years surrounded by all that your heart could desire,
imagine in your turn, that you have another hundred
years to live; ah, well! after that?
372...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
...rom her fair beginnings, woundings where she 
 Into her would-be perfect motions, modes, effects, and features 
Admitting cramps, black humours, wan decay, and baleful blights, 
 Distress into delights?" 


- "Ah! know'st thou not her secret yet, her vainly veiled deficience, 
 Whence it comes that all unwittingly she wounds the lives she 
 That sightless are those orbs of hers?--which bar to her 
Brings those fearful unfulfilments, that red r...Read more of this...

by Graham, Jorie by admitting 
or opening away. 
This is the simplest form 
of current: Blue 
moving through blue; 
blue through purple; 
the objects of desire 
opening upon themselves 
without us; the objects of faith. 
The way things work 
is by solution, 
resistance lessened or 
increased and taken 
advantage of. 
The way things work 
is that we finally believe 
...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Admitting poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs