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Vali Quotations

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Quote Left Independence Day is not just a date on the calendar; it is a flame that ignites the spirit of every individual, reminding us that freedom is our birthright and courage is our strength. This day reminds us that true independence is not merely the absence of external control, but the resolute presence of self-determination. As we commemorate the valor of our fathers who valiantly fought for our freedom, let us honor their sacrifices by cultivating a society that........By Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left For a very long time I thought my joy depends on people For a very long time I thought I needed validation for my own decisions For a very long time I thought my peace is in the hands of others For a very long time I thought I have to make efforts to be loved and accepted For a very long time My inner me was patiently waiting for me To choose me Quote Right
Quote Left Permit yourself to feel your feelings. Instead of trying to avoid difficult emotions, permit yourself to handle them. These feelings are accurate, valid, and meaningful. They can provide information and help you see things about a situation you need to change. Quote Right
Quote Left Trate as pessoas com cortesia e você verá como isso realmente é valioso. Custa pouco, mas paga um bom dividendo e constrói a sua honra. A polidez e o senso de honra têm esta vantagem: nós os concedemos aos outros sem perder nada. Quote Right
Quote Left Hoje e sempre diga a si mesmo de manhã cedo: encontrarei hoje pessoas ingratas e pouco caridosas. Você sempre tem a opção de nunca se preocupar ou perturbar sua alma com coisas que você não pode controlar. Nem mesmo a menor ocorrência pede para ser avaliada por você. Portanto deixe as ocorrências chegarem e saírem em paz. Exija de você que tudo que lhe chegue nunca pode te prejudicar. Quote Right
Quote Left Se conhece três maneiras de alcançar o êxito na vida e nos negócios. A primeira maneira é ser gentil. A segunda maneira é ser gentil. A terceira maneira é ser gentil. Você, eu e toda a gente você é gentil quando mostra as pessoas o quão raro e valiosa ela realmente é. Cada pessoa no universo tem algo que ninguém mais tem - ou jamais terá - algo interior que é exclusivo para todos os tempos. O trabalho gentil é despertar nas pessoas as suas qualidades. É empoderar. Quote Right
Quote Left Excessive quest for validation is a sure sign of emptiness, like a lewd woman with a thousand edited pictures on social media hiding putridity with fading form. Quote Right
Quote Left Sexta-feira simples: as pessoas que vendem, pois isso é aquilo que faz, então você é uma vendedora seja lá outro nome que dêem. Entretanto, se você vende por que faz isso, deixa de importar o nome que deem: você é uma marca valiosa. Simples assim. Quote Right
Quote Left O mais valioso na vida ou nos negócios é a confiança e empatia junto com misericórdia o amor e a fé. Por mais estranho que pareça, as pessoas alcançam os melhores resultados nos negócios e na carreira se retirar a palavra "desconfie ou negócio é negócio, amigos a parte” do seu vocabulário e substituí-la por "confiança e misericórdia com amor e fé”. Quote Right
Quote Left if you need validation from others, you are not being true to yourself, at the end of the day the only person whose oppinion matters is your own. The only person capable of changing someone is yourself. Others oppinions can only affect you if you let them. Quote Right
Quote Left In The Classroom of analysis, students who are too quick to debunk written evidence must also be armed with opposing "truth" to the evidence which they defy. never be too quick to say "I don't believe this or that"when you have no opposing tested grounds of evidence. Be careful to oppose with valid proof and consider that no one comes to the stage of argument without a superior argument except a simpleton Quote Right
Quote Left I'm too open minded for gossip, it doesn't fill enough space to be valid, it'll block a narrow mind though Quote Right
Quote Left When someone asks you your reasons for career ambitions and then invalidates your answer, stand strong and say, “ Well, my reasons may not be the bookish answers you’re looking for but they are my reasons and valid for me” Quote Right
Quote Left "meeting a new friend online from India may open a whole new perspective to your soul which has been looking for validation all along." Quote Right
Quote Left Our dreams are as valid as our belief in ourselves. Quote Right
Quote Left Our dreams are always valid . It doesn't matter how we slept Quote Right
Quote Left O progresso humano depende dos seres humanos estarem abertos a novas propostas e novas possibilidades. E exige que nunca estereotipem ou assumam o pior sobre outras pessoas. Ajude a trazer mais da NOVA ECONOMIA E fazer 2018 melhor: deixe o emprego para depois. Empreenda enquanto procura. Depois de trinta dias reavalie e me conte. Quote Right
Quote Left When your faith is blinded by logic, you doubt the validity of the truth because what can we do when only half of ourselves are at the doorsteps to His love? Quote Right
Quote Left Often we spend our life waiting to be validated by others. Is it really needed? Quote Right
Quote Left You don't have to dress up in rags to make yourself seem like a friend to the proletariat but you can emphasize depth and validity rather than froth.... Quote Right
Quote Left could you support the underdog, could you take the poor man's part, Knight Errant could you fight Magog, Rip out his Demon heart, and when the wrong of Evil done, you see the Devil' part, To give your life to overcome, be Valiant cleave the path. Quote Right
Quote Left Your feelings are valid, but is what you want really valid for them? Quote Right
Quote Left The Psychic Social Encapsulation imprisons the look of the individual within the perspectives that are validated by the group of thinkers of this civilization. The direct result is a damming of - possible realities - that can serve as a parameter for what is known as latent reality. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things