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Simple Quotations

Simple quotations. Find, read, and share Simple quotations. These are the best examples of Simple quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Where the voice of the wind calls our wandering feet, Through echoing forest and echoing street, With lutes in our hands ever-singing we roam, All men are our kindred, the world is our home. Our lays are of cities whose lustre is shed, The laughter and beauty of women long dead; The sword of old battles, the crown of old kings, And happy and simple and sorrowful things. What hope shall we gather, what dreams shall we sow? Where the wind calls our wandering footsteps we go. No love bids us tarry, no joy bids us wait: The voice of the wind is the voice of our fate. Quote Right
Quote Left As with most fine things, chocolate has its season. There is a simple memory aid that you can use to determine whether it is the correct time to order chocolate dishes any month whose name contains the letter A, E, or U is the proper time for chocolate. Quote Right
Quote Left Simple, sincere people seldom speak much of their piety. It shows itself in acts rather than in words, and has more influence than homilies or protestations. Beth could not reason upon or explain the faith that gave her courage and patience to give up life, and cheerfully wait for death. Like a confiding child, she asked no questions, but left everything to God and nature, Father and Mother of us all, feeling sure that they, and they only, could teach and strengthen heart and spirit for this life and the life to come. She did not rebuke Jo with saintly speeches, only loved her better for her passionate affection, and clung more closely to the dear human love, from which our Father never means us to be weaned, but through which He draws us closer to Himself. She could not say, I'm glad to go, for life was very sweet for her. She could only sob out, I try to be willing, while she held fast to Jo, as the first bitter wave of this great sorrow broke over them together. Quote Right
Quote Left He who knows not and knows not he knows not, He is a fool - Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not, He is simple- Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows, He is asleep - Awaken him. He who knows and knows that he knows, He is wise- follow him. Quote Right
Quote Left Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I Quote Right
Quote Left I think it frets the saints in heaven to see How many desolate creatures on the earth Have learnt the simple dues of fellowship And social comfort, in a hospital. Quote Right
Quote Left I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex. Quote Right
Quote Left How simple a thing it seems to me that to know ourselves as we are, we must know our mothers' names. Quote Right
Quote Left In the world's audience hall, the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeams, and the stars of midnight. Quote Right
Quote Left Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Against his better judgment, the big game hunter is talked into taking both his wife AND her mother along on one of his expeditions. It does not go well. The mother-in-law is, if anything, harder to get along with in the wilds than she was in the city. And to make matters worse, she won't even abide by the simple camp rules designed to keep the safari safe. One night after dinner, the hunter's wife realizes her mother is missing. Panicked, she rushes to her husband and begs him to institute a search. He sighs, and together they set out. But before they've gone far, they hear throaty growling. Soon they come upon a small clearing in which the mother-in-law stands, backed up against thick, seemingly impenetrable jungle brush, and facing a huge male lion. The wife whispers urgently, 'What are we going to do?' 'Nothing,' responds her husband. 'The lion got himself into this mess, now let him get himself out of it.'' Quote Right
Quote Left My defenses were so great. The cocky rock and roll hero who knows all the answers was actually a terrified guy who didn't know how to cry. Simple. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Against his better judgment, the big game hunter is talked into taking both his wife AND her mother along on one of his expeditions. It does not go well. The mother-in-law is, if anything, harder to get along with in the wilds than she was in the city. And to make matters worse, she won't even abide by the simple camp rules designed to keep the safari safe. One night after dinner, the hunter's wife realizes her mother is missing. Panicked, she rushes to her husband and begs him to institute a search. He sighs, and together they set out. But before they've gone far, they hear throaty growling. Soon they come upon a small clearing in which the mother-in-law stands, backed up against thick, seemingly impenetrable jungle brush, and facing a huge male lion. The wife whispers urgently, 'What are we going to do?' 'Nothing,' responds her husband. 'The lion got himself into this mess, now let him get himself out of it.'' Quote Right
Quote Left An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Quote Right
Quote Left Historians desiring to write the actions of men, ought to set down the simple truth, and not say anything for love or hatred; also to choose such an opportunity for writing as it may be lawful to think what they will, and write what they think, which is a rare happiness of the time. Quote Right
Quote Left Your apple face, the simple crèche Of your arms, the August smells... Quote Right
Quote Left But when I said that nothing had been done I erred in one important matter. We had definitely committed ourselves and were halfway out of our ruts. We had put down our passage money--booked a sailing to Bombay. This may sound too simple, but is great in consequence. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, the providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets: Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! Quote Right
Quote Left This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple the philosophy is kindness. Quote Right
Quote Left For banks, their number one is protecting the impression of trust. If they lose that impression of trust, that bank goes out of business. It's that simple. Quote Right
Quote Left The birth of the new constitutes a crisis, and its mastery calls for a crude and simple cast of mind -- the mind of a fighter -- in which the virtues of tribal cohesion and fierceness and infantile credulity and malleability are paramount. Thus every new beginning recapitulates in some degree man's first beginning. Quote Right
Quote Left This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. Quote Right
Quote Left I think we're just trying to keep it simple. At this point of the season, we have to just trust our system and go out and play. Quote Right
Quote Left Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler. Quote Right
Quote Left It is a commonplace that the history of civilisation is largely the history of weapons. In particular, the connection between the discovery of gunpowder and the overthrow of feudalism by the bourgeoisie has been pointed out over and over again. And though I have no doubt exceptions can be brought forward, I think the following rule would be found to be generally true that ages in which the dominant weapon is expensive or difficult to make will be ages of despotism, whereas when the dominant weapon is cheap and simple, the common people have a chance. Thus, for example, tanks, battleships and bombing planes are inherently tyrannical weapons, while rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon --so long as there is no answer to it-- gives claws to the weak. Quote Right
Quote Left A bizarre sensation pervades a relationship of pretense. No truth seems true. A simple morning's greeting and response appear loaded with innuendo and fraught with implications. Each nicety becomes more sterile and each withdrawal more permanent. Quote Right
Quote Left I stick to simple themes. Love. Hate. No nuances. I stay away from psychoanalyst's couch scenes. Couches are good for one thing. Quote Right
Quote Left For a long time I found the celebrities of modern painting and poetry ridiculous. I loved absurd pictures, fanlights, stage scenery, mountebanks backcloths, inn-signs, cheap colored prints; unfashionable literature, church Latin, pornographic books badly spelt, grandmothers novels, fairy stories, little books for children, old operas, empty refrains, simple rhythms. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love, and like that colossal adventure it is an experience of great social import. Even as the tranced swain, the booklover yearns to tell others of his bliss. He writes letters about it, adds it to the postscript of all manner of communications, intrudes it into telephone messages, and insists on his friends writing down the title of the find. Like the simple-hearted betrothed, once certain of his conquest, Quote Right
Quote Left The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry Quote Right
Quote Left What is a country without rabbits and partridges? They are among the most simple and indigenous animal products; ancient and venerable families known to antiquity as to modern times; of the very hue and substance of Nature, nearest allied to leaves and to the ground. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Simple

Quote Left Animals say it with simpler needs defer from God. Quote Right
Quote Left "What if the universe is the simplest possible explanation of love?" 2024-05-31 Quote Right
Quote Left I wish I were built for stereotypical, it would be simple; But I’m not and I’ll take hard as hell. Quote Right
Quote Left Some times hold thyself to see how simple this life is! Some times give your touch to the leaves n petals around! Some times breathe in the fog and levitate! Some times admire simple things in people around! Some times give accountability to your own self n get thru with complete responsibility! Some times be the courage to support others! Some times....... Just be what the Lord wants you to be! Quote Right
Quote Left “Triple, triple superstition whispers, simple destiny.” from the poem “Triad of Troubles” by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Let's reciprocate with similar understanding n affection... Let gift be the definition of expression! For where love exists, even a simple hug or a hearty smile becomes a treasure worth wrapping inside heart forever. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry often distills complex ideas and emotions into simple yet powerful language. Quote Right
Quote Left "When I need a break I run away from the computer/phone. The two things that have people in prison. Wish we could turn back time to a simpler time. I know time marches on with good/bad." Quote Right
Quote Left Just a simple little ditty, not too long and not so witty, but a feel-good sweet refrain that I’m proud of all the same. Quote Right
Quote Left Accept when you're wrong because it's just not necessary to be right all the time. Learn from your mistakes and choose to correct them. Choose wisely. Your decisions not only change your fate, but they influence others' destinies as well. Life isn't all that hard when you keep things simple. It can be your reality when you make choices to obtain your dreams. Quote Right
Quote Left Biochemistry is the alchemy of nature, transforming simple elements into the majestic tapestry of life.~ Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left The Kingdom of God is both complex and simple. Most people stumble over either one or the other. Quote Right
Quote Left Understanding reality and our existence rests upon physics and what is observed. Now while quantum theory and general relativity don't seem to play well together, it's hoped that the material and the ethereal can eventually be joined into a common-law marriage, with a lasting union simple enough to predict. Quote Right
Quote Left To die, in simple terms, is to be unable to preform any more actions. But this does not mean you never did any. Quote Right
Quote Left sometime the simplest things can hold the greatest promise Quote Right
Quote Left If a fire catches the jungle each animal should have to follow the root of lion and lion announce We have two ways one is simple and short Another will be long and difficult ? Quote Right
Quote Left A journey of life, Starts with a simple step! By Chipepo Lwele Quote Right
Quote Left A poet is a person who boasts unique skills to play around with simple words to create a rhythm. Quote Right
Quote Left The easiest beneficence is a smile. The simplest release is to have a vegetarian meal. - Buddhism quotes Quote Right
Quote Left Reality is based on one’s perception and comprehension of the universe. The universe is as simple or as complex as one perceives and comprehends it to be. Quote Right
Quote Left My question, though simple,gives rise to ridicule and frequent scorn . . . but since God is omnipotent and eternal, when was God born? Quote Right
Quote Left It's Simple ,Yet Too Complex! Quote Right
Quote Left Future is no matter of time, it is something determined by a simple decision. November 2017. Quote Right
Quote Left The human being is unhappy for two simple reasons, not getting what you want and not knowing what you want. March 2016. Quote Right
Quote Left Riches does not equals wisdom, simpletons can build a tesla, for fools also flaunts wealth Quote Right
Quote Left Every angel is terrifying. And yet, alas, I invoke you, one of the soul's lethal raptors, well aware of your nature. As in the days of Tobias, when one of you, obscuring his radiance, stood at the simple threshold, appearing ordinary rather than appalling while the curious youth peered through the window. ('Rilke's Second Elegy' by Rainer Maria Rilke, loose translation by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Perseverance and strong will make every tough path look simple. Quote Right
Quote Left Mouth ?? can make a mistake simple.. But is very difficult for that same mouth to rectify it own mistake. Quote Right
Quote Left Mouth ?? can make a mistake simple.. But is very difficult for that same mouth to rectify it own mistake. Quote Right
Quote Left The world is gradually slipping away and, as it does, complexities become simpler again. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs