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Scavenger Quotations

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Quote Left The sea speaks a language polite people never repeat. It is a colossal scavenger slang and has no respect. Quote Right
Quote Left In an age of unscrupulous and shameless book-making, it is a duty to give notice of the rubbish that cumbers the ground. There is no credit, no real power required for this task. It is the work of an intellectual scavenger, and far from being specially honorable. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Scavenger

Quote Left Scavengers may have our bodies...but, when in Christ, souls remain Off Limits! Quote Right
Quote Left the bitter people will pile on in numbers when you're down, they're unskilled, their vultures, your fail is their victory feast, they dont pull themselves up, they'll wait until you're down, then they will milk it, try to surround yourself with 2 or 3 who will pull you up, if all around you are bitter you will never get up, it's better to walk alone than crawl as the ego feed of the scavenger, their victory is your fail, they have no other means of victory and will always seek to pull you down Quote Right
Quote Left This is Africa, a post independent Continent. A continent that is liberated. However, the people are yet to be liberated...let us join hands to disentangle ourselves from the siege bestowed to us poor Africans by a few post-colonial scavengers called Afro-pessimists Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs