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Preta Quotations

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Quote Left Love opens the door to and for Sorrow. The choice is Sorrow’s direction. Of course, interpretation is also poetically open, dear Poet. From observation, like Love, Sorrow adores company, like Love, Sorrow is not averse to sharing its cage with numbers of other Sorrows, all requiring to be fed, they eventually have their fill and leave, spreading their wings for Lighter realms.(Leanne Lovejoy-Burton as LadyLabyrinth) Quote Right
Quote Left Love opens the door to and for Sorrow. The choice is Sorrow’s direction. Of course, interpretation is also poetically open, dear Poet. From observation, like Love, Sorrow adores company, like Love, Sorrow is not averse to sharing its cage with numbers of other Sorrows, all requiring to be fed, they eventually have their fill and leave, spreading their wings for Lighter realms. Quote Right
Quote Left Intentional misinterpretation is hobby of incurable criminal minds Quote Right
Quote Left How long will you live by eating someone else’s leftovers? Find your own way, don’t live on regurgitated words! —Kabir Das, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch (keywords/tags: life, words, Hindi) Quote Right
Quote Left When you were born, you wept while the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world weeps while you rejoice. —Kabir Das, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch (keywords/tags: birth, death, world, laughter, rejoice, weep, weeping, cry, crying) Quote Right
Quote Left Keep the slanderer near you, build him a hut near your house. For, when you lack soap and water, he will scour you clean. —Kabir Das, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch (keywords/tags: home, water, Hindi) Quote Right
Quote Left Without looking into our hearts, how can we find Paradise? —Kabir Das, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch (keywords/tags: heart, hearts, paradise, sight, seeing, senses, vision) Quote Right
Quote Left Certainly, saints, the world’s insane: If I tell the truth they attack me, if I lie they believe me. —Kabir Das, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch (keywords/tags: truth, trust, lies, faith, belief, world) Quote Right
Quote Left Water reforms, although we slice it with our swords; Sorrow returns, although we drown it with our wine. ('A Toast to Uncle Yun' by Li Bai, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch) Keywords/Tags: water, wine, sorrow, swords, Li Bai, Uncle Yun Quote Right
Quote Left The spring breeze knows partings are bitter; The willow twig knows it will never be green again. ('Lines from Laolao Ting Pavilion' by Li Bai, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch) Keywords/Tags: spring, green, part, parting, partings, tree, twig Quote Right
Quote Left Brief autumn breeze ... she always wanted to pluck the reddest roses —Issa, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch This is a haiku Issa wrote after the death of his daughter Sato with the note: “Sato, girl, 35th day, at the grave.” Quote Right
Quote Left Mother: the tenderest word on the world's lips. —Khalil Gibran, loose translation/interpretation/paraphrase by Michael R. Burch for Mother's Day 2022 Quote Right
Quote Left God's ultimate masterpiece is a mother's heart. —St. Therese of Lisieux, loose translation/interpretation/paraphrase by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? —Albert Einstein, poetic interpretation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Ah butterfly, what dreams do you ply with your beautiful wings? —Chiyo-ni, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch (keywords: nature, dream, dreams, flying) Quote Right
Quote Left Love requires patience while passion races; must my heart bleed constantly before it expires? —Mirza Ghalib, Urdu couplet, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Necessity is the mistress of mother nature's inventions.—Leonardo da Vinci, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Small minds continue to shrink, but those whose hearts are firm and whose consciences endorse their conduct, will persevere until death.—Leonardo da Vinci, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left Once we have flown, we will forever walk the earth with our eyes turned heavenward, for there we were and there we will always long to return.—Leonardo da Vinci, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left "In a world where everything's open to interpretation... God forbid you be the interpreter." Quote Right
Quote Left Para argumentar você deve interpretar aquilo que tem significado para a audiência. No momento de argumentar e falar com êxito você vai lidar com ação, você pode usar diferentes idiomas para interpretar e esclarecer algo que está obscurecido. É sempre bom, lembrar que existem diferentes tipos de peças, existem peças mitológicas e histórias dramáticas. Importante é lembrar que você pode usar a argumentação como um veículo social, você sabe e nunca custa lembrar. Quote Right
Quote Left OPEN VERSE imagery,assonance,rhythm,sound symbolism of an intuitive of the self conscious in a crystallised convergence of the moment ,with punctuation implied by the form, interpretation by the reader changing according to mood, thus essentially fluid and inherently variable. Quote Right
Quote Left O sucesso feminino é um fato. A questão crítica é como isso é interpretado. De acordo com a evolução social algumas pessoas vão tecer palavras de empoderamento e elogio. Outras podem dizer que é uma prova da masculinidade e que de agora em diante a mulher deve ser trada pelos homens como outro. Eis aí o momento da maior prova daquilo que vai constituir a dignidade humana. Quote Right
Quote Left O resultado do trabalho de uma pessoa depende daquelas com as quais trabalha ou se relaciona. Sempre conviva com as melhores pessoas, apoie-as tanto quanto todas as outras. Quando ocorrerem falhas de interpretação ou erros, forneça orientações mais precisas para que possam criar seus métodos. Se os erros persistirem ou se o ajuste parecer errado, mostre outros caminhos. Jamais abandone alguém, nunca se sabe “quão perto ela estar de fazer algo inigualável”. Quote Right
Quote Left "If a professional job has any purpose in life then before making a profit the idea that writing fiction to make a statement without hurting anyone using the interpretative concept should be as respected as money earned," said Austin Macauley, UK Author Marc O'Brien. Quote Right
Quote Left Every spiritual thing has a physical background and every dream has an interpretation. Quote Right
Quote Left The misinterpretation of Scripture by so called religious leaders is one of the greatest atrocities ever committed in the name of religion Quote Right
Quote Left "The joy of reading is in discovery; a good writer creates, "gaps, spaces, and absences," in a richly layered text. He/she creates a desire in the reader to strive for meaning. Paradoxically, the writer guides the reader, but allows them some flexibility to recreate the text, thereby putting their own unique interpretation on what they have read" Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs