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Morta Quotations

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Quote Left “Death conveys the timeless truth: the impermanence of all things in the mortal realm.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left “In the realm of mortality, death is the ultimate equalizer, rendering all earthly distinctions meaningless.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Life echo's immortality throughout our very being each divine moment one who loves us without refrain, without judgement and with true sincerity whispers our name and finds a home in the rhythm of our beating heart. Quote Right
Quote Left I am grateful for the Dark. I am grateful for the Light. Each has its place in every mortal's life. Quote Right
Quote Left We are spirit-extensions of one another, also never to doubt the loving support of that great tether linking us eternally with our creator and His inextinguishable Heaven...wherever we are, or travel to, beyond mortal mist, from seeming dark corridor is yet another chance for an even brighter dawn and wondrous journey. Quote Right
Quote Left Continue fighting with the sword of conviction until they realize your threat. It's conceivable that everyone will keep away for the fear of being wounded mortally. Quote Right
Quote Left Virtue is the Supreme good, the Supreme beauty, the Divinest of Gods Gifts, the Health and Harmonious unfolding of the Soul, and the germ of Immortality. It is worth every Sacrifice, and has power to transmute sacrifices and sufferings into Crowns of Glory and Rejoicing - W.E Channing Quote Right
Quote Left We don't have to see, to know that we are loved. Nor feel nor hear, for love transcends mortal senses. Quote Right
Quote Left Evaluation of life-worth is coloured by the legacy for which your existence is immortalized or bastardized. Quote Right
Quote Left Dante believed he was the Eternal God and condemned whoever despised him to Purgatory. Perhaps he was a bit too cruel in exercising divine power never given to a mortal man. Quote Right
Quote Left Easter is triumph of immortality over mortality. Quote Right
Quote Left - Immortality is indefinable - Quote Right
Quote Left "Writing is the real Romanticism. Feelings garnered by Passion immortalized in a written Form" - Isaiah Akantere Asangalisah Quote Right
Quote Left Who, if I objected, would hear me among the angelic orders? For if the least One pressed me intimately against its breast, I would be lost in its infinite Immensity! Because beauty, which we mortals can barely endure, is the beginning of terror; we stand awed when it benignly declines to annihilate us. Every Angel is terrifying! ('Rilke’s First Elegy' by Rainer Maria Rilke, loose translation by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left Blinding ignorance misleads us. Myopic mortals, open your eyes!—Leonardo da Vinci on the need for men and women to open their eyes and use their senses to achieve wisdom, loose translation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left The sky descended to us and opened its windows to immortality Quote Right
Quote Left Love is a solid form of death to be immortal Quote Right
Quote Left Lema da modernidade. Sinta o medo e faça assim mesmo mais e mais sempre. Faça mais e mais para imortalizar o amar ao próximo. O Amar a terra, à natureza. Faça muito mais para Enriquecer vidas e Fazer o bem. Esse é o lema Da modernidade. Eu acredito... E você? Pois vá contar prá mais! Vá, não fique! Quote Right
Quote Left life is a menu, if you don’t like what you are eating, order something else becoming the thing we most admire. Some call it Love unlike thoughts of frosted grapes, the cold we knew was mortal Quote Right
Quote Left Siga e se solte. Nunca se permita sentir-se preso às suas escolhas. Dê uma olhada em si mesma. Cada pessoa é sempre única e veio com uma missão. Escute a voz do seu silêncio, brilhe com a sua luz interior; é a luz que vai te guiara. Ouça a paz interior; é a paz que vai te alimentar. Abrace o Amor interior; Isso vai transformar você, vai te divinizar, vai te imortalizar Quote Right
Quote Left Paradise is always as near as you allow it. You are mortal after all.., though born from the stuff of distant stars. Believe. Quote Right
Quote Left Humanity is whispering its immortal inspirational hope to resurrect our triumph as future shall kindle and rebound our spirit. Quote Right
Quote Left I want the kind of love that would cause Death itself to shed a tear before attempting to bring mortality to something immortal. Quote Right
Quote Left Mortal... Do not measure, love by, time. Real feelings have no gauge in the scales of common men. Quote Right
Quote Left "When you worship a deity that calls on it's followers to hate and cause harm to others, this is sure sign that it was contrived by mere mortals." Quote Right
Quote Left By the time that our mortal lives come to an end, I believe that each and every one of us would like to be able to say, "I have lived. I have loved. And, I have prevailed over every obstacle." Quote Right
Quote Left As mortals destined for the grave; what greater splendor and beauty can the doomed eye behold than that of the creation in which we dwell so briefly. Quote Right
Quote Left "Confined behind iron bars and mortar, lonesome thoughts are understood in every language." Quote Right
Quote Left I hate memories because they are constant reminders that things were once real. You were once there. You had witnessed everything and you could've had the ability to alter the situation, if given any luck or power to undo things, to exit the other door, and to look back for safety measures.But we're mortals and we just got to live with all these haunting memories. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs