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Masculine Quotations

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Quote Left Like a French poem is life; being only perfect in structure when with the masculine rhymes mingled the feminine are. Quote Right
Quote Left No woman is really an insider in the institutions fathered by masculine consciousness. When we allow ourselves to believe we are, we lose touch with parts of ourselves defined as unacceptable by that consciousness; with the vital toughness and visionary strength of the angry grandmothers, the fierce market women of the Ibo's Women's War, the marriage-resisting women silk workers of pre-Revolutionary China, the millions of widows, midwives, and the women healers tortured and burned as witches for three centuries in Europe. Quote Right
Quote Left All education should be directed toward the refinement of the individual's sensibilities in relation not only to one's fellow humans everywhere, but to all things whatsoever. In the societies of the Western world compassionate intelligence is encouraged in girls - in boys it is tabu. The tabu on tenderness in which boys are conditioned, the emphasis on 'manliness,' 'machoism,' plays havoc with the male's capacity for compassionate intelligence. Tenderness is considered to be feminine, and that is sufficient to remove it from the repertoire of masculine behavior. Indeed, things have reached such a pass in the Western world that many men seem to have lost all understanding of its meaning. The masculine world would substitute for it the idea of 'justice.' The difficulty with that is that there is not much compassion in their justice, and justice without compassion is not justice at all. Quote Right
Quote Left In its purest sense, nicknaming is an elitist ritual practiced by those who cherish hierarchy. For preppies it's a smoke signal that allows Bunny to tell Pooky that they belong to the same tribe, while among the good old boys it serves the cause of masculine dominance by identifying Bear and Wrecker as Alpha males. Quote Right
Quote Left Wit is a weapon. Jokes are a masculine way of inflicting superiority. But humor is the pursuit of a gentle grin, usually in solitude. Quote Right
Quote Left Left to itself the masculine imagination has very little appreciation for the here and now; it prefers to dwell on what is absent, on what has been or may be. If men are more punctual than women, it is because they know that, without the external discipline of clock time, they would never get anything done. Quote Right
Quote Left All societies on the verge of death are masculine. A society can survive with only one man; no society will survive a shortage of women. Quote Right
Quote Left Male and female represent the two sides of the great radical dualism. But in fact they are perpetually passing into one another. Fluid hardens to solid, solid rushes to fluid. There is no wholly masculine man, no purely feminine woman. Quote Right
Quote Left Debate is masculine, conversation is feminine. Quote Right
Quote Left Wit is a weapon. Jokes are a masculine way of inflicting superiority. But humour is the pursuit of a gentle grin, usually in solitude. Quote Right
Quote Left It would be futile to attempt to fit women into a masculine pattern of attitudes, skills and abilities and disastrous to force them to suppress their specifically female characteristics and abilities by keeping up the pretense that there are no differences between the sexes. Quote Right
Quote Left The masculine imagination lives in a state of perpetual revolt against the limitations of human life. In theological terms, one might say that all men, left to themselves, become gnostics. They may swagger like peacocks, but in their heart of hearts they all think sex an indignity and wish they could beget themselves on themselves. Hence the aggressive hostility toward women so manifest in most club-car stories. Quote Right
Quote Left What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine. Quote Right
Quote Left For my part I distrust all generalizations about women, favorable and unfavorable, masculine and feminine, ancient and modern; all alike, I should say, result from paucity of experience. Quote Right
Quote Left Know the masculine, keep to the feminine. Quote Right
Quote Left What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine. Quote Right
Quote Left Curiosity, n. An objectionable quality of the female mind. The desire to know whether or not a woman is cursed with curiosity is one of the most active and insatiable passions of the masculine soul. Quote Right
Quote Left Once, power was considered a masculine attribute. In fact, power has no sex. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Masculine

Quote Left Masculine men are scarce in this age of confusion and perversion. Both women and men can change their sex and be what they think they should be. A male is distinguished from a female and when transformation occurs it's is only external, but internally the gender remains unchanged. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things