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Famous Drew Barrymore Quotations

Best famous Drew Barrymore quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Drew Barrymore. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Drew Barrymore.

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Quote Left She's like an apple turnover that got crushed in a grocery bag on a hot day. Quote Right
Quote Left The thing that has been weighing on my mind this week is that I wanted to go and save all the little live lobsters in restaurants and throw them back in the ocean. Imagine me being arrested for that. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not insecure. I've been through way too much f**king sh*t to be insecure. I've got huge balls. But I've been humbled. That makes you grateful for every day you have. Quote Right
Quote Left It's just my luck, I finally find the perfect guy but he already has the perfect girl. Quote Right

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry