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Diu Quotations

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Quote Left Sports aren't fun anymore: there's too much competition which leads to injury, even the violence in the stadiums has gotten worse. Watch a soccer game and hear the roar of crowds for their favorite team, and should they lose the game: a battle will unfold, not admitting fair competition. Quote Right
Quote Left Numbers, Numerical Organizations, ... Contain A Medium Of Voice, Sound. _____________________ Voice, = Voix, ... Soixante=60! Quote Right
Quote Left All of us lie within a circle of influence, yet how broad is the radius that encompasses our view ? Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry allows poets to convey complex feelings in a concise and artistic manner, making it an effective medium for self-expression and catharsis. Quote Right
Quote Left statistics- is A Medium A Science, That Brings Past, To Present, And Future Considerations. Quote Right
Quote Left I have learned more from Silence than anything I have ever read nor heard preached. Quieting myself from the chatter of the world, from egoistic, pompous platforms, the many scientific podiums raucously orating -- God is always speaking to us positively within the Silence, while the Devil, a voluminous orchestra of brassy-pride, doubts and fears rattling our physical senses, negatively affecting our thought processing. Silence is our larger ear, wax free:) Quote Right
Quote Left Much of the bible is poetry...a reason why God chose such medium for His Truth expressed.... I write flash...a lot of ego...but I try not to entirely trash this precious, divine gift~Poetry!! Once in awhile writing something I am not totally ashamed of.... Quote Right
Quote Left #Personal Poetical Quotes# {By Rita Solis Radius} Poesy is like A permanent Breathe... An ever-lasting breathe Which brings Bliss And freshness sensations! Poesy is Floating In the airs Poetry is Present Everywhere ©Rita Solis Radius. July 21 st 2020. Personal Poetical Quotes. All rights reserved. Quote Right
Quote Left Ser feliz significa que tudo é como é. Significa que a pessoa decidiu olhar além das imperfeições. Desde sempre, hoje mais do que nunca, a felicidade depende de como nos sentimos em relação ao que temos. Inclusive, podemos ser felizes com pouco e infelizes com muito. Quote Right
Quote Left Men who have the genuine baptism of the spirit carries about a power that beggars description, They are connected to the source of all Power, You cannot be around them and not be inflamed, They don't shout on podium, but when they do, It stems from the source. every expression and emotions is stamped with divinity, You cannot fake it. every Preacher is merely a dramatist without the Power of the Holy ghost Quote Right
Quote Left Irony is the monosodium glutamate (MSG) of writing. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is like a game of chess. Hardships come like the opponents move, sudden unpredictable blows. But remember each time, you hold a more powerful medium to hit him back and that's your move. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs