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Famous Bertolt Brecht Quotations

Best famous Bertolt Brecht quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Bertolt Brecht. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Bertolt Brecht.

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Quote Left We need a type of theatre which not only releases the feelings, insights and impulses possible within the particular historical field of human relations in which the action takes place, but employs and encourages those thoughts and feelings which help transform the field itself. Quote Right
Quote Left War is like love, it always finds a way. Quote Right
Quote Left The world of knowledge takes a crazy turn when teachers themselves are taught to learn. Quote Right
Quote Left The alienation effect in German epic theater is achieved not only through the actors, but also through music (chorus and song) and sets (trans... Quote Right
Quote Left The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error. Quote Right
Quote Left What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone? Quote Right
Quote Left Righteous people have no sense of humor. Quote Right
Quote Left First the grub, then the morals. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life. Quote Right
Quote Left The theater-goer in conventional dramatic theater says: Yes, I've felt that way, too. That's the way I am. That's life. That's the way it will... Quote Right
Quote Left Something ignoble, loathsome, undignified attends all associations between people and has been transferred to all objects, dwelling, tools, even the landscape itself. Quote Right
Quote Left Grub first, then ethics. Quote Right
Quote Left Don't tell me peace has broken out. Quote Right
Quote Left What they could do with round here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running wild all over the place? You know what the troub... Quote Right
Quote Left Why be a man when you can be a success? Quote Right
Quote Left For the villainy of the world is great, and a man has to run his legs off to keep them from being stolen out fom underneath him. Quote Right
Quote Left What's breaking into a bank compared with founding a bank? Quote Right
Quote Left Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life. Quote Right
Quote Left Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life. Quote Right
Quote Left War is like love it always finds a way. Quote Right
Quote Left What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone Quote Right
Quote Left There are times when you have to choose between being a human and having good taste. Quote Right
Quote Left He who laughs has not yet heard the bad news. Quote Right
Quote Left Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. Quote Right
Quote Left Poverty makes you sad as well as wise. Quote Right
Quote Left War is like love; it always finds a way. Quote Right
Quote Left Why be a man when you can be a success Quote Right
Quote Left On thinking about Hell, I gather My brother Shelley found it was a place Much like the city of London. I Who live in Los Angeles and not in London Find, on thinking about Hell, that it must be Still more like Los Angeles. Quote Right
Quote Left On thinking about Hell, I gather
My brother Shelley found it was a place
Much like the city of London. I
Who live in Los Angeles and not in London
Find, on thinking about Hell, that it must be
Still more like Los Angeles.
Quote Right
Quote Left People remain what they are even if their faces fall apart. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things