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Famous Allen Ginsberg Quotations

Best famous Allen Ginsberg quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Allen Ginsberg. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Allen Ginsberg.

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Quote Left Fortunately art is a community effort—a small but select community living in a spiritualized world endeavoring to interpret the wars and the... Quote Right
Quote Left Toward education marriage nervous breakdown, operation, teaching school, and learning to be mad, in a dream—what is this life? Quote Right
Quote Left America when will you be angelic? When will you take off your clothes?... Quote Right
Quote Left All the accumulations of life, that wear us out—clocks, bodies, consciousness, shoe, breasts—begotten sons—your Communism—'Parano... Quote Right
Quote Left Whoever controls the media--the images--controls the culture. Quote Right
Quote Left It isn't enough for your heart to break because everybody's heart is broken now. Quote Right
Quote Left This is the end, the redemption from Wilderness, way for the Wonderer, House sought for All, black handkerchief washed clean by... Quote Right
Quote Left America, why are your libraries full of tears? Quote Right
Quote Left Because systems of mass communication can communicate only officially acceptable levels of reality, no one can know the extent of the secret unconscious life. No one in America can know what will happen. No one is in real control. Quote Right
Quote Left Groan thru breast and neck, a great Oh! to earth heart Quote Right
Quote Left When you notice something clearly and see it vividly, it then becomes sacred. Quote Right
Quote Left America I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel. Quote Right
Quote Left Ai! ai! we do worse! We are in a fix! And you're out, Death let you out, Death had the Mercy, you're done with your century, done with Go... Quote Right
Quote Left what can he do to escape that fatal Mama— Quote Right
Quote Left My own experience is that a certain kind of genius among students is best brought out in bed. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things