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Jjr031629 - all messages by user

6/4/2019 4:33:50 AM
Seeing what people really think about my writing Sad But True

I was only two steps away,
Looking down and shakeing my head,
So close to reaching the top,
But I had to slip and fall instead,
All the way back to the ground,
After working so damn hard,
Now I'm debating on getting up,
Maybe I'll just stay here and guard,
Guard this spot in my life,
I seem to want to be here more,
Cause no matter how close I get,
I always find myself back on the floor,
I'd like to be the bigger person,
But I'm so ready to stop trying,
I'm just going to fall again,
Why continue I'd just be lying,
To myself thinking I can make it,
I guess the kids at school were right,
I'll never amount to anything in life,
Why should I even try to fight,
I'll just exept my new place,
And exept the fact that I'm not strong,
A loser I will continue to be,
Cause the bottom is where I belong!!
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