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madisonparker - all messages by user

9/19/2017 12:54:06 AM
opinions? This is one of my new free verse poems. It is just a baby, but I could use some feedback. xoxo


Knowing you was scribbling circles with

a pen that never had ink to begin with.

Tell me why you run barefoot from

something that's not even chasing you.

My God, your eyelashes are so black that

the sun refuses to play hopscotch off of them.

Maybe that's why you smile through your eyes;

your mouth is too busy choking up excuses.

A stranger asked me how I was and she meant it.

I wish that I could be like that again.

"Oh, I'm fine."

I wonder if that's how you felt

when I still cared about you.
edited by madisonparker on 9/19/2017
edited by madisonparker on 9/19/2017
pages: 1

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