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W... Truth - all messages by user

4/24/2017 7:50:14 PM
A letter to all Women from all Men Letter to All Women From All Men

Now this is very tricky and difficult because I'm also going
to speak for those males that don't know nor will they
ever know that they also represent men as a whole,
and for that we men are sorry and their actions do effect
"Manhood" in its entirety every man and just like our
inheritance from Adam we as men must pay an obvious
everlasting and ever rising toll.

While so not true right ? So it seems,
just bear with me as I explain a day
in the life of the man of your dreams,

Your attracted to him and he's handsome but a man's man
non the less, he works hard for what he wants and for his
other half in search of or in finding he knows would be
Love and Life at its best.

First it's a challenge to even be kind to you without being deemed
and while showing no sign of insincerity insincere,
and yes we are human so it's extremely hard sometimes to
understand what exactly you are thinking or doing
so please be clear.
But after much thought could it , might it, may it really be true ?,
that this day alone maybe 50 men already graced your ear and
at this point you could care less what I say or do ?

So erase your pain and ease your mind for this man please because
he's wondering if there's intellect accompanying what he see's immense
beauty and if so try and keep you near and if you do leave him your number,
was their even time to see him for him and sense the connection and not
assume another blunder, defined as a stupid mistake, because in my mind
at that point walk away with the sincere remnant of seeing something
hollow or fake.

That is if I'm sincere and not superficial and go off looks,
but require depth not necessarily that of books, but you express from
something deep down inside not the cranny's or nook's but the real not topical
you now let's take my description deeper for something better and realer and
not social media or dating site view.

But keep in mind I'm representing man and so will try and keep this short,
and through so many things like Love, happiness, pain, loneliness,
relationships, and age to choose the right words and keep
it simple I must sort.

If the beauty and intellect match and before we later declare Love and
together the world we will finally catch, we will tell each other our secrets
in getting to know each other and hopefully earn the elusive sentiment or
quality trust and hopefully match.

We think it's not visible but yet it's so clear, while we all wear the hurt and pain
from past relationships like in the eyes you can see despair and in the actions
and mind from the heart comes forth fear.

Are we supposed to just not try because trying too hard makes us look weak,
or is it a matter of us not thinking but knowing your wrong and that this man you've
hoped for ,for so long and now he's hereto never be scared or hide and no longer
wants to seek.

A real man wants a real woman and we will both come with flaw's and all,
the saying's it will never be easy no one said it would be and never run, depart
or sleep angry, but make it clear who you are ,where you stand and what you want
then don't flee but stand tall and you will succeed with no maybe.

Here's the difference as a man he will accept or coward and not being a real man
say something forgetful and just walk away, so women you know about the real man
and what he goes through regarding a woman he's into on any given day,
and let it be clear that the number one destroyer "communication" or lack their of does not
have to rule anymore but be upfront and open and may it begin for both parties finally
how about next month no rain it's perfect May.

Now I hope this makes sense for it's simply original thought to Women from the depths of
a Man's heart and mind it's now been written and not in the sand, for it has already been
written that no matter what hurt or faults we carry between us our faults can not stop
Gods plan.
edited by W... Truth on 4/24/2017
edited by W... Truth on 4/24/2017
edited by W... Truth on 4/24/2017
4/24/2017 7:57:48 PM
A Letter to Time A letter to Time

Time, this letter is to you, an area of contention
but first there are some things I need to mention
and I also need your standpoint on a specific question
before I hear anymore tick's and tock's,
Like did you begin when the Aztec's carved dials into the rocks,
Or when the Navy long ago created intricate yet extraordinary clocks?

You've outlasted the multitudes and have
what I've heard a power to heal,
If what I hear is to be true then that same power
for all of our sakes wouldn't it command
or direct you to stay completely still.

I just don't know I think that just like us you posses the power to kill,
but unlike us and the fact that who
I'm writing to will never read this letter
I've come to reality and say sorry for I forgot you are not real.

But I could be wrong and if I am then you must have a favorite tune,
and is it a sound or maybe a song sung by Eve ?
or in this time here and now this I really ponder " Isn't she lovely"
maybe a song by Stevie Wonder?

I Have to tell you only for clarity this next part I did dread,
I asked a random woman and a random man if they had a
question for time what would it be the woman would ask for
more of you and moreover the man turned to me and said,

More patience for it and time walk hand and hand,
sort of like both parts of an hour glass fused together
so as I lay my head in my hand,
and realize the real question of this endeavor,
My question to you is if so
do we represent the Dust or Sand and
like you
really last forever?

5/1/2017 9:14:33 AM
Tesla - by Bob Atkinson Not bad Brother at all " I like a lot "
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