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mradzyner - all messages by user

3/21/2016 11:11:25 AM
Searching for a poem which contains these lines - thelisteners hear, in sympathy, a poem
pronounced inManx or heed a highland lay
in Cumbrian. . .

A thousandmore, erased from earth, live here,
in this glumplace, this encampment, ouside
the streetsand gold, the city built foursquare

. . .songs sung in Ligurian
are rocky, like the hills of Italy.
Before roads crisscrossed fieldsand aqueducts rose up,
the sound of earth, of bristledboars
could be sensed in Etruscan.. .

The tolerant eye of God, whospoke the word
and it was so, sees and is movedand feels. . .

and hear their lament for thelanguages
reduced to dust—and shares it,since he knows
He will not ever hear His praiseagain
sung out in Gothic, Aramaic, or
Biloxi or in Ancient Nubian.
edited by mradzyner on 3/21/2016
pages: 1

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