Book: Shattered Sighs

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lbertygirl79 - all messages by user

11/29/2012 6:12:23 PM
Hi! I am new to the site and really like what I have seen so far! Writing has been a passion of mine and I feel it really has been theraputic and saved me in alot of ways! I recently got my first book (well it is an e-book) and is available for download on Amazon. I am truly excited about that. I hope to become a part of this community and share my work as well as explore others and hope to make some lasting friendships along the way. I am 33 currently living in CA and I am married to a wonderful man who is disabled I love him very much I have a degree in Social Work but have struggled with finding a job for the last few years. I am currently doing IHSS which is helping me to pay my bills but is rewarding. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!
Hugs oh and happy Holidays!

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