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red13 - all messages by user

5/15/2023 10:49:24 AM
This is my first poem, asking for some insight The Whispers of Lonesome Strength

A sentiment of lonesomeness embraces
my soul

As I deeper try to occult the despair
the more it seems to conquer myself

What amplifies the unfortunate plight
originates from my only source of rest

I have come to embrace the bittersweet
yet empowering realization
that I am my own unwavering support
And in the presence of love's possibly, I
can't know with certainty

Yet, the hope shall prevail
5/28/2023 9:54:10 AM
This is my first poem, asking for some insight Thanks for the reply! I am currently 15. I really didn't have any inspiration, I just took a paper and started to write. We were reading the Merchant of Venice in class (great play in my opinion), so that probably has something to do with it
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