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3/9/2022 4:45:02 PM
Please help critique my poem It's kinda a Pantoum but I added an extra line

Love is confusing.
Let me explain
The experience is lacking and
It only brings pain

Let me explain
The idea sounds amazing but really
It only brings pain and

The idea sounds amazing but really
It's hard, the
Leaves everybody on their guard

It's hard
The experience is lacking and
Leaves everybody on their guard
So in conclusion,
Love is confusing.
3/11/2022 7:31:18 PM
Please help critique my poem While I appreciate the feedback and understand that this is a high-critique forum, perhaps the best way prodive helpful, constructive criticism is to not insult people and actually provide advice. I also understand that this is not exactly a Pantoum. I simply find the format of Pantoums an interesting challenge, even if I don't follow all the rules.
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