Book: Reflection on the Important Things

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DragonEmperor - all messages by user

8/17/2020 9:49:23 PM
This Is How We'll Meet I hold you in my arms.

Feel your skin so fair.

But I can only see

That you aren't there.

But we can be together

At last without another

Thing to separate

Our gaze from the starring gate.

There is a way to travel there.

Not a road or through the air.

Its in my chest within my heart.

Where we will never be apart.

To open this passage

Costs irreversible damage.

The pain is well worth

The pleasure to leave this earth.

Let me use this blade.

And pierce it through.

Because it is the only way

For me to be with you.

I know this is true-

Because as I cry

I run my fingers

Through your hair.

As I open my eyes

I sadly realize

That you aren't there.
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