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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
3/28/2018 6:33:35 PM

Jeannelyn Vitasolo
Posts: 2
This is me, black hole.
And it is the reason why
I'm pulling you back.

You, poisonous bitch.
Him, a prey who would let you.
But I, would slew you.

This splashing of waves,
it is rocking me to sleep
to dream about you.

Tulips blooms in spring
with delicate scent and grace.
So chin up, show it!

You were not a rose,
but you're a tulip that grows;
delicate and great.

A flower blossomed
and opened its gracefulness
through eternity.

Your mouth is spitting;
words can burn heart that's healin'.
Can't you just mend it?

It's puddle of tears
streaming down your eyes I see.
Can we stop hurting?

If bubbles would puff,
then I'd take photos of it
so that it would last.

Those spring flower buds,
just keeps swinging and swaying
like wind I can't keep.

(ps. Please i want anybody to critique my work so much... I would really do appreciate it.)

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3/28/2018 7:14:44 PM

Jeannelyn Vitasolo
Posts: 2
I had a confussion about haiku and other forms... That's why I badly need an honest criticism about my work. Wether my work is a haiku or not. Does I used proper punctuations or not... Pretty please... I need your guide... Thanks a lot in advance 😍

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4/1/2018 1:17:49 PM

Jack Ton
Posts: 5
These are indeed haikus, they have the right number of syllables in each line (5-7-5). They are pretty cool poems. In "Bate" I would use the word "slay" instead of "slew" because there is a tense mismatch between would and slew. Also, the image conjured by a puddle is one of liquid that is not moving. When you use "streaming" in the next line it suggests moving water, which sort of ruins the picture. In "Bubbles" I don't really know what you mean by the first line. I may just be missing the point, but maybe you can find another image that would better convey your meaning.
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4/16/2018 9:18:36 PM

JW Nugent
Posts: 8
Liked your black hole. You might want to use a comma between "black hole" and "and"
Bate. 2nd line "you,". And slay in stead of slew

I am always fighting with punctuation. Read your work out loud to yourself to see if it flows as you mean it to.
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