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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
6/12/2017 7:54:44 PM

Madeleine Riha
Posts: 3
It was getting harder to recall
Those little things that just occurred
Her mind seemed to have put up a wall
And her thoughts were becoming blurred

It was a challenge to understand
The simplest of directions now
Her dear husband gave a helping hand
His love for her he did avow

Paranoia had soon settled in
She no longer wanted him‘round
It was a battle she could not win
Memory was lost and not found

Her family felt her frustration
They were losing her fast they knew
Due to her lack of concentration
It left everyone feeling blue

Alzheimer’s became a dirty word
Shaking everyone to the core
God seemed to leave their prayers unheard
Wife, mom, grandma was here no more

Her very essence had been drifting
But her body sat there staring
They felt as though they should be grieving
Their confusion seemed unyielding

They all vowed to helpher, day and night
Their love for her would always stay
Through thick and thin, they’d make her life bright
To bring some happiness her way

Dear Mother, now you know all my fears
The extent of how I miss you
You’ve been my best friend through all my years
It’s been hard for you and me too
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6/23/2017 9:52:04 PM

Annette Gagliardi
Posts: 5
Last line of second stanza needs work. Last line of 3rd stanza Maybe -"Memory was lost - no longer found" Last line needs a bit of work as well. Note some spaced you missed and add punctuation. This is a sad, but good write. Keep working on it. Sometimes saying it out loud gives you help in wordsmithing.
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