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Discuss your favorite poems, poets, and poetry books - analysis, ideas, hidden meanings, random thoughts, etc.
3/10/2011 3:05:16 PM

The Melody Sings
Posts: 1
Hey guys just wondering does anyone in here LOVE Edgar Allan Poe like I do. I mean he was just SO fascinating. I actually wrote a poem about him of course entitled Edgar Allan Poe. So please tell me your thoughts. He was definately an interesting man and a genius of a writer. I mean I LOVE HIM and all is writing. In fact if I could bring one person back from the dead it would be him. well I would really like to hear your opinions. Bye!
~The Fire Rages
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5/26/2011 5:37:58 AM

Zzzzz Zzzzz
Posts: 1
Edgar Allan Poe was certainly a genius. "The Raven" is a great poem. As a youth , I used to enjoy reading some of his short stories too. He lived a very interesting life, but failed to earn a living as a writer. Strange, how genius so often goes unrewarded, whilst lesser talents earn a fortune! Regards, Robert.
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8/16/2014 9:13:09 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
NO MO POE ! Believe Poe has destroyed the integrity of American Poetry. Look at the results of his work. Look at what's being produced today. In my book, it's his fault, he's responsible for this mess.
Bob_Atkinson on 8/16/2014
edited by Bob_Atkinson on 8/16/2014
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8/19/2014 1:48:17 PM

Ettie Christian-Bowling
Posts: 14
Edger Allen Poe was a great poet who did not get enough credit for his work,
His poems were a work of art!

Life is like a flower,
It will bloom every year,
But dies when the cold wind is near-Ettie
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12/13/2014 12:21:20 AM

Kate Ginsberg
Posts: 14
Poe was great of course. But I'm more of a R.L. Stevenson fan, I like children's poetry. Simple and beautiful. What a contrast, eh?
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