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8/17/2015 1:57:43 AM

Alfonce Choi
Posts: 4
I learnt this over time, after a series of breakups and breakdowns. It hurts certainly to land in the hands of some I don't care childish characters who shatter love dreams- but it is all a process of emotional development.

Anyways came to understand that love is a human nature, no matter how much we may hate, love is the strongest virtue that God put in us - It always wins, it just need to be triggered.

That's why no matter how may breakups I have had or am likely to have, I know by nature - there's always a new start. Something sparkles somewhere in the thickness of the darkness of hate.

Love is who we are, we need it, we give it- and on and on and on.
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9/18/2015 8:25:11 AM

Brittney Tyler
Posts: 1
I agree with you on this. I have had my heart broken to many times to count, and after each heartache I swear I'm never going to put myself through that again. I am going to close myself off to love and just forget about it all, but I never do. At the end of the day, I absolutely love love. I love falling in love and the feeling you get when you realize for the first time you love someone. I love being in love and the emotional roller coaster it takes you on. Love is everything, and it is nothing. It gives and it takes away. A real love can change you, to the core, your very nature. I may hate the heartbreak of a love ending, but I wouldn't change everything before that for the world. No matter how much we try to shut off that part of ourselves, closing ourselves off from the pain and heartache, we, as humans, keep going back for more.
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1/29/2016 10:44:37 AM

Wilbert Dela Cruz
Posts: 3
Love is the core of our human nature but it is also infinitely more and beyond anything else. For me, love is the word of creation, the language of the soul. And I believe there is only two ways why love in a relationship do not exactly work the way it should... 1.) The person who you are in love with is just not the right person for you 2,) or maybe it is you who is not the right person to the person you love and in both cases, no one is a fault, and nothing in the world can ever make it right, it is just the way it is. It is simply a matter of faith, i guess and in believing that miracle do happen. We are like treasure hunters thirsting to find a specific treasure and even though the world is filled with an infinite amount of them, none of them can ever suffice our thirst or content our hunger inside because of the special connection that it requires and the sentimental elements of it. It is all relative to the cliche, it take the right space/place and the right moment in time, to find the right person. I mean i am not trying to say that i know something the world doesn't know, we all do, I think, deep inside, it is just that is is also in our human nature not to believe in the truth if the truth doesn't serve our personal purpose. The good news is, true love does exist not because a stranger like me said so but because of the signs out there...for one, why else does the sun shines every morning to give us, a clean slate, of a new day. There are more than a few billions of people in the world and within the fabric of life itself, we are all interconnected and if we take in consideration that we live in a ERA where our craving for love has become even more commercialized in a sense that we mistake one form of love to another and so design of how destiny suppose to function just got even complicated and so forth, and now finding the right place and the right moment is rebooting for a reconstruction. It is like trying to find your way using SIRI, it just takes awhile to re calibration but eventually with just enough patient, you'll get to where you need to be. It is inevitable and besides, finding the right person is only the beginning of a much longer journey, with all the defining and re-defining love again and again and again to its truest nature. Well, at least, that just an opinion of a, still, treasure hunter.
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10/25/2016 3:36:21 AM

Keith Logan
Posts: 27
To me, love is something inherent in human nature. Where two people are thrown together (often by culture) love grows over time as they face the world as a team. This love is deep and enduring.
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