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Captain America's Friends or Foes

Contest Judged:  7/5/2022 9:11:00 AM
Sponsored by: Robert James Liguori | Send Soup Mail
See Contest Description

Contest Description

Write a poem about one of Captain America's friends or foes.

Friends (Allies)

  1. Sam Wilson, the Falcon
  2. Nick Fury
  3. Peggy Carter
  4. Sharon Carter, Agent 13
  5. Bucky Barnes 
  6. Rachel Leighton, Diamondback
  7. Namor
  8. Thor
  9. Ironman
  10. Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow
  11. Captain Marvel
  12. Wasp
  13. Hawkeye
  14. Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk
  15. Maria Hill
  16. Captain Britain
  17. Human Torch
  18. Dominic Fortune
  19. Union Jack
  20. Spitfire
  21. Toro
  22. Spider-man
  23. Paladin
  24. Bernadette Rosenthal
  25. Arnie Roth
  26. Bobby Shaw
  27. General Chester Phillips
  28. Dave Cox
  29. Sergeant Mike Duffy
  30. Dr. Abraham Erskine
  31. Ian Zola
  32. Battlestar
  33. Demolition Man
  34. John Jameson
  35. Rick Jones
  36. John Walker, U.S.Agent
  37. Avengers
  38. Shield
  39. Howling Commandos
  40. All-winners Squad
  41. Illuminati

Foes (Enemies)

  1. Red Skull
  2. Crossbones
  3. M.O.D.O.K
  4. Baron Heinrich Zemo
  5. Baron Helmut Zemo
  6. Doctro Faustus (Johann Fennhoff) 
  7. Batroc the leaper
  8. King Pin
  9. Taskmaster
  10. Sin, Red Skull's daughter
  11. Arnim Zola
  12. Baron Strucker
  13. Adolf Hitler
  14. The Viper, #157, #158, #163
  15. Viper (female)
  16. Solarr, #160
  17. Ameridroid
  18. Anti-cap
  19. Aleksander Lukin
  20. Baron Blood
  21. Master Man
  22. Flag-smasher
  23. Superia
  24. Machinesmith
  25. Turtle-man, #23
  26. Scourge of the Underworld
  27. Hydra
  28. Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.)
  29. The Serpent Society
  30. Maggia
  31. Super-Axis
  32. Sons of the Serpent
  33. The Secret Empire

Any title and any form is acceptable.

This is a trophy contest.  Good luck!

Book: Shattered Sighs