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Cancer / Illness and Poetry - Jeremy Proehl's Blog

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My poems have appeared in Kent State’s Wick Poetry Center’s Edith Chase Symposium Lake Effect (2018),  Resurrection River Poems (2019) and Under the Blossom that Hangs on the Bough (2020), multiple Hessler Street Fair Anthologies, #ThisIsCle Poetry Anthology and Bread Loaf Writers Conference, VT newspaper. I participate in the poetry scene in Cleveland and elsewhere; I read often at open mics, and travel to the biennial Dodge Poetry Festival. In August of 2018, I was in Monica Youn’s workshop at the Vermont Bread Loaf Writers Conference, Patrick Phillip’s 2019 workshop at the Sicily Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and the Lost Lake Writers Retreat. I was recently mention in the August 2019 issue of The New Yorker. 

Cancer / Illness and Poetry

Blog Posted:7/20/2016 9:58:00 AM

I have been writing poetry for many years.  This year my wife was diagnosed wirh breast cancer.  I have posted many poems about cancer.  Many have posted comments about cancer, poetry and their lives.  I thought a blog for people to share their comments would be in order.

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Date: 7/23/2016 2:10:00 PM
Dear Poetry Soup Poets, You'll notice that I revised the title of the blog. I originally titled it Cancer and Poetry because that was what is going on in my life right now. So many have responded to the blog and my related poems. But this was narrow and not considerate of others with other health issues. Poetry seems to be cathartic for many, dare I say most? I know it is for me so I have altered the title so that all with health concerns might feel free to post. I hope that our community will continue to share not only their work but their situations. I hope others will share how poetry had helped them. All the best and love, JP
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Date: 7/21/2016 6:31:00 AM
JP, my journey is now 18 months long,some here are aware of the detail,(much too long for this comment box I'm afraid).Apart from three months last year I have continued with my creative poetic urge.Four particular bio poems may be of interest(see my reply box below.)
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Strand Avatar
Brian Strand
Date: 7/21/2016 1:04:00 PM
Thank you JP ,will do ,as & when.By the by I look forward to reading more of your narrative free verse poetry.
Proehl Avatar
Jeremy Proehl
Date: 7/21/2016 8:57:00 AM
Hi Brian, Thank you for your post and sharing. I am sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you find comfort in your writing. Please continue to visit the blog and post comments. I send best wishes and healing love to you. JP
Strand Avatar
Brian Strand
Date: 7/21/2016 6:34:00 AM
The last poem should read DIARY OF DELIVERY a haibun
Strand Avatar
Brian Strand
Date: 7/21/2016 6:33:00 AM
Date: 7/21/2016 4:49:00 AM
My wife has "incurable" lung cancer. I will care for her until the end because I love her and then I will move on because that will be my only choice.
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Grasso Avatar
Francis J Grasso
Date: 7/22/2016 7:06:00 PM
Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and concern.... Very happy to be a small part of your poetry community. Poetry has not only been a way for me to express past memories and emotions, but also a way to face the future. A way to capture and reflect back my moods and feelings. And too, to find another side of myself that I long wished existed.
Proehl Avatar
Jeremy Proehl
Date: 7/21/2016 9:02:00 AM
Hi Francis, I am so sorry about your wife. My heart goes out to you and your wife. I send love to you and your wife. I hope that you find support with your friends at Poetry Soup. JP
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/21/2016 8:09:00 AM
I am sad for you, Francis. This is a horrible plight for both of you. You are a good husband with a good attitude.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/21/2016 7:53:00 AM
Am so sorry to learn your sad news Francis - having lost my father to cancer last year I know how difficult it is caring for someone with terminal cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Hugs Jan xx
Date: 7/20/2016 8:07:00 PM
I'm so glad to hear that your wife is cancer free, JP..... That is wonderful to hear. So many are touched by cancer, and it does change one's world so drastically. My prayers and wishes to everyone who shares your story.
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Date: 7/20/2016 5:42:00 PM
Dear Poetry Soup, I figure I would post where I have a bit more room to write. Fortunately my wife is considered cancer free. She has one week of radiation left. This is the second person in my family to have breast cancer in the past year. My niece in her 30's had stage two nreast cancer last year. It creates such an odd dynamic in a person's life. I urge all to use poetry as a release. It has helped me. My wife has also started writing a bit. JP
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Merryman Avatar
Kim Merryman
Date: 7/20/2016 7:55:00 PM
I am glad to hear your wife is doing well. I'm going to check out your poetry. Blessings!
Date: 7/20/2016 4:03:00 PM
It's ironic you posted this. I just had my breast cancer surgery last week. I actually wrote a tanka, if I can find where I put it. it's a very weird thing to be diagnosed with such an unexpected thing! I am going to get my radiation treatments soon. I was only stage 2A and have been very healthy through the whole thing. Did your wife do the radiation? It's like standard procedure. I learned a lot this past month that I never knew before! Wish I could even put my thoughts about it in words. A most interesting blog to me.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/21/2016 8:11:00 AM
Keith and Francis thanks for your messages . And Keith I hope you will be fine. I have never had colonoscopy and now realize I need to do that one as well in my future!!
Grasso Avatar
Francis J Grasso
Date: 7/20/2016 9:32:00 PM
Hi Andrea, so sorry to hear this. My sister had surgery and some radiation for breast cancer 14 years ago. She has been cancer free ever since. ...Fran
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/20/2016 8:01:00 PM
thanks, you guys. It is so weird to have something like this and feel healthier than ever in your life. For example, I had begun eating better and had lost 15 pounds when I discovered the lump myself in May!! JP, I don't know where I put the tanka. Will keep searching for it!! That is nice your wife is nearly finished up. I'll be starting as she finishes. As far as we know, I will need no chemo.
Merryman Avatar
Kim Merryman
Date: 7/20/2016 7:52:00 PM
Andrea, I am so sorry to hear about your cancer. I'm glad they caught it early. I will keep you in my prayers. Love, Kim
Richards Avatar
Carrie Richards
Date: 7/20/2016 7:33:00 PM
This is the first I have heard of your cancer, Andrea, and I am so sorry to hear it has had to become a part of your world. I am just happy to hear you've caught it early, and confident that everything will be okay. I know of no family that is untouched by cancer in some way. My brother is in treatment as I speak, and I know it has changed his world and all who love him. Best wishes:)
Proehl Avatar
Jeremy Proehl
Date: 7/20/2016 5:52:00 PM
Hi Andrea, Have you posted your tanka? I looked for it. JP
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/20/2016 5:31:00 PM
Great advice JP I have had to have mamograms in the past for lumps - far better to get them checked out as soon as they are detected and go for regular screening when it is offered:-) hugs Jan xx
Proehl Avatar
Jeremy Proehl
Date: 7/20/2016 5:24:00 PM
Hi Andrea, I am so sorry to hear about your cancer. I am glad your surgery is past you. My wife did not have to have chemo but she did have to have radiation. She is her last week starting tomorrow. I urge all to have to have screening especially mammograms for women. Early detection is ao helpful.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/20/2016 4:43:00 PM
So glad it's out in the open now Andrea - you are so lucky you caught it early and have had your surgery - the more we spread the message about early intervention the more lives that can be saved:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 7/20/2016 10:32:00 AM
I think many people on soup have been touched by cancer either directly or with friends and family. I only started writing when my hubby was undergoing cancer surgery and its been my lifeline ever since especially when my father was diagnosed with terminal. I'm sorry to hear of your wife's cancer My thoughts are with you both:-) hugs Jan xx
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/20/2016 4:05:00 PM
I hope your father remains cancer free, JAn. That is the thing a cancer patient probably does not want to think about, its coming back!
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/20/2016 11:25:00 AM
Since his surgery my hubby has 6 monthly tests but so far so good - I never wrote a poem before he had cancer surgery now its like a tap that has been turned on and I never want it to stop flowing:-) hugs jan xx
Proehl Avatar
Jeremy Proehl
Date: 7/20/2016 10:43:00 AM
Hi Jan, Thank you for being the first post to this blog. You are an example of how valuable poetry is for those with or related to cancer. So many have shared their stories with their posts. I thought a formal venue might be nice. My wife is now cancer free and has one week left in her treatment. I will continue to write about cancer because no one goes without its touch either having it our knowing someone who has it.

My Past Blog Posts

Haiku / Senryu Titles
Date Posted: 7/28/2016 8:52:00 PM
Cancer / Illness and Poetry
Date Posted: 7/20/2016 9:58:00 AM
Dodge Poetry Festival
Date Posted: 7/16/2016 5:55:00 PM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
10/17/2020 Frost Smoke Free verseanimal,cool,nature,season
10/17/2020 The Gutting Free verseboy,childhood,family,fath
10/17/2020 The Candlemaker's Office Free verseboy,childhood,family,fath

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Book: Shattered Sighs