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Read Poems by Kevin Madu

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Below are poems written by poet Kevin Madu. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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How Did It Get This Bad

How did it get this bad!
Siblings quarreling and squabbling over inheritance 
Bickering over who is better and more successful;
Killing each other

How did it get this bad!
Senior citizens treated with disdain, loathe and contempt
By younger folks
Empathy and sense of affection gone with the advent of civility

How did it get this bad!
Motorists would rather run over pedestrians 
Than waste a minute in traffic
Hit and run drivers a plenty 

How did it get this bad!
Widows ostracized, castigated, chastised, 
Ripped off, molested and left high and dry
In-laws wanting a taste of the honey pie

How did it get this bad!
Young girls abort with reckless abandon
Ridding themselves of unwanted products
Of promiscuous expedition 
Licentiousness on the prowl 

How did it get this bad!
Electorates intimidated and coerced     
Their votes bought for stipends and
Their futures jeopardized 
Anarchy overruling good sense of judgment 

How did it get this bad!
Political leaders spending more on guns 
Than on food and citizen’s welfare 
Taking lives; making orphans, multiplying widows
Altering the magnificent course of creation and 
Ascribing it to‘unpreventable collateral damage’

How did it get this bad!
We annihilate migrants and call it xenophobia 
We murder people of one ethnic group and call it cleansing 
We set ablaze worship centres and call their ‘gods’ false 
We kill members of other religions and call them infidels 


Copyright © Kevin Madu | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 11/11/2020 2:12:00 AM

Its really sad how things have turned out to be this bad in our days. This poem almost brought tears to my eyes.
Date: 11/2/2020 7:32:00 AM

SAd how the world is at the moment... Powerful poem.


Book: Shattered Sighs