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Read Poems by Paghunda Zahid

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Below are poems written by poet Paghunda Zahid. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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The poem(s) are below...


A Food For Thought She Is

She is a Pacific ocean 
Tranquil from outside
tumultuous from with in
         Shallow it seems from the  surface
         But deep, very deep it descends... 

And what things it carry inside
Lively Coral reefs
And Volcanoes
Ready to errupt... 

         A world that can never be uncovered...

She is a cloud
Floating on air waves
Struggling to find a place
Where she shall shower all her gems
And those won't go wasted
But will reborn the dead soil
And the sleepy seeds

       So precious, so full of potentials...!

And yet she is a butterfly
But with the heart of an Eagle
Standing like a mountain 
Against the Tsunamis 
That rise even with pebbles, when thrown in the sea

         Fragile yet very strong... 
         Emotional but Taciturn... 

She is a Moon
With different phases 
That come out to roam every night
To enlight the valleys
To listen to the untold stories
And go back in the morning to burry them.... 

        She is light, she is beauty 
        A food for thought, a key to imaginations

And there she is, a flower
Scared of taking hands of her face
For she will be cut, put in vase and eventually thrown away

          Does fate has this in store for roses?

She exists but she does not
Like stars on a full moon night
She is there... Yet invisible..! 

          She lives, but mostly in silence...!!


Like the Pacific ocean she may look cool
But her heart and mind are like a bomb

Loaded with wild imaginations and deep emotions 
Her heart finds solace in the stories of teleportation

Fragile and delicate like a butterfly
Yet strong like the mountains that stand high

She stays silent like the shy Moon in june
Though a 'Stream of consciousness' follows every tune 

Afraid of people and the touch of time
But yearns to be worthy and bloom in her prime

She is beauty, only for the seeing eyes
And a food for thought but only if one realize 

Copyright © Paghunda Zahid | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 7/3/2024 2:03:00 PM

For "Same Poem, Different Form Poetry Contest" by: Crystol Woods.
Date: 7/3/2024 2:01:00 PM

What form is your second poem? Great free verse choice in the first one... A lot of deep descriptions in this one..


Book: Shattered Sighs