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Poems by Daniel Stafford

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Daniel Stafford. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Daniel Stafford.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/14/2023 Mind From a Day Of 125 ABC
09/15/2023 From My Own Enlightenment 103 ABC
09/08/2023 Dust To Death To a Mind of Many 166 ABC
08/18/2023 To the Past Rats 112 ABC
05/27/2023 My Opinion of Gods 355 ABC
05/27/2023 My View To a Life That Corrupts Our Minds 271 ABC
05/03/2023 My View In Like 2323 Years Away 448 ABC
05/03/2023 I Laugh Towards Your Own View Towards I 349 ABC
05/03/2023 Leave From Within the Shallow Minds 357 ABC
04/26/2023 As I Pass Away the Day 248 ABC
04/14/2023 In the Reverse of the Fake 227 ABC
04/06/2023 This Corrupt Society 381 ABC
04/03/2023 Are Open Or Closed 419 ABC
03/17/2023 Time To Review Within 320 ABC
03/15/2023 Reply Towards Your Own View 369 ABC
03/10/2023 Enter Towards the Dark Side 281 ABC
03/04/2023 From Within I 372 ABC
02/26/2023 As I 424 ABC
02/23/2023 Me Towards a Shallow Opinion 408 ABC
02/22/2023 Thought Towards Yourself 347 ABC
02/19/2023 My Evil Mind Towards Your Mind 376 ABC
02/17/2023 Now Conspire and Judge Yourself 444 ABC
02/04/2023 Just Another Thoughts To Rize Above 373 ABC
02/04/2023 Is This Just Me Right 316 ABC
02/01/2023 Towords the Corrupt Social Medias 345 ABC
01/26/2023 Within My View 230 ABC
01/20/2023 Trust Your Own Mind 222 ABC
01/07/2023 No Clue 151 ABC
12/27/2022 Focus Within Yourself 247 ABC
12/23/2022 Control Your Own Mind With 254 ABC
12/16/2022 From Drifting Thoughts 173 ABC
12/02/2022 Within My Own Context 224 ABC
11/25/2022 Towords Truth From the Corrupt Side of Life 270 ABC
11/13/2022 For My Own Grip 156 ABC
11/11/2022 My View Today 173 ABC
11/04/2022 Thoughts of What I Think Towords Myself 186 ABC
11/01/2022 Towards Yourself Once Again 188 ABC
10/30/2022 How About This 145 ABC
10/28/2022 Thought In Life 174 ABC
10/28/2022 Not Them Who 139 ABC
10/22/2022 Towards Your Own Mind 167 ABC
10/18/2022 Mind Towards 87 ABC
10/10/2022 Inside I Today 127 ABC
10/09/2022 Showed I Didn'T Need 126 ABC
10/04/2022 Loving Yourself 101 ABC
08/31/2022 Find More While Alone 331 ABC
08/12/2022 You See Mine But Unseen 342 ABC
07/30/2022 Rise Above It All of My Mind 325 ABC
07/23/2022 To Rise Your Own Mind 248 ABC
07/21/2022 Living With Life 309 ABC
07/09/2022 Strength of Mind In Yourself 240 ABC
06/15/2022 Outside Nowhere 364 ABC
06/11/2022 With I'M From 342 ABC
06/11/2022 Only Towords Yourself 282 ABC
06/02/2022 Only In Your Own Mind 361 ABC
05/27/2022 Thoughts 281 ABC
05/27/2022 Open Your Own Mind 207 ABC
05/27/2022 Inside My Silence 285 ABC
05/21/2022 Towords My Expressions 324 ABC
05/18/2022 Found Within I 405 ABC
05/18/2022 Found In Myself 255 ABC
05/12/2022 No Ego 372 ABC
05/12/2022 Heard Unsaid 334 ABC
05/07/2022 For Life For Myself 429 ABC
05/04/2022 Without Other Thoughts Of 265 ABC
04/28/2022 Above the Struggles 298 ABC
04/19/2022 Talking To Myself 366 ABC
04/19/2022 Above the Struggles 317 ABC
04/16/2022 Will You Understand 387 ABC
04/06/2022 To Show Within Reality 398 ABC
03/31/2022 Ignore Within Regret 106 ABC
03/23/2022 Within I Once Again 113 ABC
03/23/2022 Think 155 ABC
03/23/2022 Mind Within Yourself 250 ABC
03/17/2022 To My Own Mind 206 Rhyme
03/09/2022 Within Relieving I 124 ABC
02/18/2022 You Don'T Know 237 Rhyme
02/12/2022 Tell Yourself 158 ABC
02/11/2022 Within Me 160 ABC
02/07/2022 Think Within Yourself 163 Rhyme
02/07/2022 Love Within Myself 215 ABC
12/31/2021 In Your Own Mind 170 Rhyme
12/11/2021 Hope Within I 266 Rhyme
10/24/2021 Don'T Loose To Loose the True Love Within Yourself 196 ABC
09/17/2021 Hope Within Yourself 152 ABC
09/02/2021 Alone Within the Night 248 ABC
08/30/2021 Survive By Yourself 119 ABC
08/30/2021 Within Yourself No Matter What 134 ABC
08/20/2021 My Mind Lately 141 ABC
08/13/2021 Have No Ego 120 ABC
08/05/2021 Within Your Mind 120 ABC
07/30/2021 Towards Tweets 123 Rhyme
07/30/2021 Try 143 Rhyme
07/30/2021 Within My Mind 175 ABC
07/15/2021 Don'T You Pretend To Love Me 193 ABC
07/10/2021 Mind 189 ABC
07/10/2021 Showimg From I 295 ABC
07/10/2021 People Dont Hear From How I Say 162 ABC
07/10/2021 After All I'Ve Been Through In War 152 ABC
07/06/2021 Alone No Matter What 139 ABC


Quote Left "Focus on the beauty you know..." -Ds- Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Daniel Stafford

Quote Left "Open your eyes people, try please to be positive to yourself and others..." -Ds- Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Daniel Stafford

Quote Left In the script of your wrongs, you push away those you hold dear. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Daniel Stafford

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry