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Best Poems Written by Lacey Vann

Below are the all-time best Lacey Vann poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I'M No Fool

I met a man today
Who said he's trying to help me
He wanted things to go my way
       Time he had not for me
       Things I needed to say
       If he had heard my story
Now I know, he wouldn't care anyway

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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Too Much Time

September 10, 2007 - Monday 

 Too Much Time 

Broken in my mind is trust, and love is a pile of dust; feel the gold of your 
wedding band as it turns cold on a stranger's hand; all the years spent wasted, 
lost on a sweetness you once tasted; Is this how it is always going to be, 'coz a 
future here i don't see; you're holding onto what is already gone, keep reaching 
out to me with your hands full, and you just might end up alone; Tired is a mind 
with no rest, still innocent i will confess; this burden should have never become 
mine, but boundaries can't be laid if there is no line, break the branch and still 
the tree won't sway, building a kingdom where children don't play, Is this how it 
always going to be, 'coz a future here, i don't see; drowning in your own creations, 
if this is the bigger plan then you have made some major miscalculations; life 
among the dead is unheard amongst the living, life is not about taking or giving, 
what matters is how you gave and what you took

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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Seeds That Don'T Grow

a dory caught off guard in the billow of a wild frontier,
 the south paw always an adverse of nature, 
tranquil can be the fire, 
but the the sparrow will mature, 
a dormant trammel becomes earsplitting when broken, 
now freedom promised as a perpetual token,
 in the splendor of the petal the truth does not appear,
 cripple the word and clarity becomes obscure,
 deception weaved from inner fear, 
not even gone and the cinerarium is in the picture,
 oh! look at the view,  raw are their souls preaching such an unholy scripture

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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A Soldier Woithout a Cause

A man of war is only complete when fulfilling a mission, he is born a leader but 
he requires in his youth much guidance and direction, his duty of truth is not to 
murder but to offer protection

A master of survival and of weaponry but he is deficient in the arts of  betrayal and 
confession, 21 shots and 6 feet down is almost always his only submission, 
stare deep into his eyes still you will find no expression, but do not be fooled  
within is heart is a raging flood of emotion 

In a catastrophe he acts without question while most are caught at an 
intersection, but take away his purpose and watch the empire swiftly transform 
into recession, Angels with dirty faces the punisher persuades, the wicked can 
not be saved in a world of ghosts, 

Foxes with tongues that spit words of fire reign with senseless trails of blood, oh, 
how quickly in battle does the fabricated legion lose its morale, and a soldier 
without cause knows that what he's been fighting for is not what he thought at all, 
and the one he's been following is soon to fall

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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let the rays of time erase all that ails you from your mind, close your eyes and you 
will see you still are not blind, feel the warmth across your skin, and know you 
can never feel this way again, wrapped in love is not forbidden, so why must you 
always keep yourself hidden

entwined as we are, can one really see clear, a fading light or rising star, is it as 
far as it is near

watching you slip away, i know i don't get a say. but i think you should know, 
sometimes the ones who hold you closest are the ones who hate you the most, 
some conquer to succeed while others win to boast

entwined as we are, can one really see clear, a fading light or a rising star, is it 
as far as it is near

frightening is the picture when we find ourselves unsure,if you dont want to be 
the bait then dont take the lure

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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Blank Spaces

Ages have passed in a matter of moments, imputable spells cast by one-eyed 
wizards and inapt sages, a garden of thorns has blossomed in a field of stone; 
broken is the plow by which the farmer lay, uncultivated are the best of the crop, 
but treacherous are the ones effortlessly manipulated; Comatose is the white 
light which arrives too late, always choosing to  ride a wind that never blows, 
Around the picture can be flipped, but even right side up it still might be upside 
down; Learning can never be bad but believing you know it all will set you afire 
and leave you unaware you are burning

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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The Devil's Den

The depravities in his bitter hollowed heart would shake the soul of a many 
valiant men,
 The masked horrors and hidden pleasures entice the rawness that youth brings,
 Beware children can't you see your playing in the devil's den,
 the appearance of a jolly fellow as he dances and he sings, 
then when he has got you trapped like the prey of a vulture 
then that's when you know
 that your new acquaintance is the man below,
 not a moment before he strikes will it be clear he is the villain, 
for in his veins flows blood of ice which cannot compare to the coldest reptilian, 
hands of fire and a breath of brimstone, 
his touch so severe it will remain after you are old and grown,
 Beware children you could playing in the devil's den,
 and for you that could very well mean the end

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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Never intended on any of this, sold my soul to the devil for the pleasure of a 
dead man's kiss

    Fire sizzlin'' out of control, sizzle down for i feel the burn, and the lesson i did 
learn, must i bear all my soul, before i can see another rising sun that doesn't 
shun my eyes from the light

      Darkness in the day/ will it ever go away/ stay for the night if you must/ i don't 
really trust, anyway/ no, i don't really trust, anyway

     Your company will do me no harm and mine won't do you any good, so why 
don't we get past this superficial charm and let's get down to business like we 
should, no point worrying about what is already over and done, for the night is 
long with so much unfinished

     Darkness in the day/ will it ever go away/ stay for the night if you must/ i don't 
really trust, anyway/ no, i don't really trust, anyway

     Never intended on any of this, sold my soul to the devil for the pleasure of a 
dead man's kiss

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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I Have Forgiven You and This Is Why

May 8, 2006 - Monday 

 i have forgiven you and this is why 

Tearing at my flesh you hesitate none, at the taste of my blood you dig deeper into 
my skin, the bitterness feeds your corruptness, the terror renders me to a 
stagnate state, the darkening haze which you enticed to surround me will clear, I 
will battle and struggle until this pollution around me is nothing but a distant 
memory behind me, I no longer wish to hate you, I  only want to find you and tell 
you even though my life misses a beat every day I wake, I still exist, and when I do 
locate you do not fear  I will embrace you kindly and let you know something 
bigger than the story of  how I came to despise you in the first place has offered 
me peace, the scheme of life has revealed to me an impossible dream as a 
tangible reality, the sacrifice, the compassion, the traits of humanity which play 
the role of outcast in this modern society, though they go unnoticed they are still 
there, we idolize the violence we put destruction on pedestal, we claim to be self-
righteous when indeed we are more self-indulgent nation, we accept despair as 
a curse but if we had no pain we would have no appreciation for life and the 
pleasures it brings to each beholder, as the seasons change in our journey to 
the end we either grow older and realize there is no coincidence coz  we all play 
a role which affects anothers pathway or we turn colder with age and still without 
knowing it we are serving our fate not because of destiny but because our own 
choices we are completing  a plan that has been designed by human nature, and the 
path i haven chosen to follow is forgiveness, though i may not be able to forget i 
can let go

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007

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September 23, 2005 - Friday 


Thoughts of you crawling around inside my head, they just will not go away. Did it 
make you feel better to imagine you were in full control of me,  you came as a 
thief in the night, before you had instilled the belief you were a shelter from the 
storm but within the calm was nothing more than rage with no end, violation of 
the trust which never came easy to begin with, complete anahilationof the person 
i knew to be me, because i thought as my friend you could never do me any 
harm, but the skies darkened, in a different light the truth behind your charm was 
revealed, the mind of a disturbed individual no longer concealed.

Copyright © Lacey Vann | Year Posted 2007


Book: Shattered Sighs