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Best Poems Written by Anna Greene

Below are the all-time best Anna Greene poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Moving On

I'm not selling a house, i'm leaving my home.
Happy times together, months spent alone.
Morning sickness, baby loss, labour and birth
Planting my seeds in good strong earth.
Mess in the kitchen, prams in the hall
Mud on the carpet, pen on the wall;

First we were two, then 3, 4 and 5
Not forgetting the pets, no longer alive.
Babies then toddlers, starting to talk,
Rolling, crawling then learning to walk.
Feeding my firstborn at 5 in the morning,
Here comes the milkfloat, a new day is dawning.

The scent of lavendar in warm summer air 
Makes me think of that first one, big eyes and brown hair.
Planting some snowdrops in a place cool and shady
Done just in time for that quick second baby.
Yellow peony in May for the one that was lost
Daffodils and hyacinths for the boy who came last.

Tantrums and tears, sometimes theirs, often mine
Sleepsuits and socks on the long washing line.
Apples and raspberries, potatoes and herbs
Hunting for woodlice, new homes for worms.
Deep winter snow piling up at the door
Morning sun in the garden, it's spring once more.

So now we are going, new adventures to come
But i'm not selling a house, i'm leaving my home.

7th april 2018

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2018

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Wrong Time, Wrong Place

I saw the saddest place today,
One grave,
Two babies
Lost the same day.

Ancient tree above them,
Not yet in leaf,
Covered with snowdrops,
Surrounded by grief.

Weathered stones around them
Tell of long lives, well lived.
Hard working farmers
Nothing left to give.

But these babies,
One six months, the other two years,
Shouldn't be here
In this place full of tears.

Instead, think of them growing,
First toddlers, then boys
Running through fields, 
Playing with toys.

Next comes the man;
Then husbands and dads.
After long years of hard work
They're at peace, at last.

And then they return to this place
Cool and shady.
Well-loved, long-lived,
Not toddler, not baby.

13 April 2018

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2018

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Hoping For Love

When I was young
I used to dream
Of a Valentine's message
In the school magazine.

Every year I lived in hope
But did i ever get one?
Nope :( 

Declarations of love
For the pretty girls,
But none for Miss Freckle
With the mad ginger curls.

I didn't like the way I looked,
I didn't like my height.
I tried to hide myself away
I tried to dim my light.

But love can change the way you think,
The way you see yourself.
No more sitting in the corner,
No more left upon the shelf.

Love will make you stand up tall,
Look the world straight in the eye.
You can take on all life's challenges
With that person by your side.

So here's to all young dreamers
Who received no cards today
Don't worry, it will happen,
And I love you, anyway.

February 14th 2020

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2020

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Blue and Gold

Blue and Gold.

I'll keep the blue flag flying,
With its stars of gold.
A symbol of true friendship
Between enemies of old.

I'll keep the blue flag flying
As we hurtle into night,
My country burns with shameful hate
As we slide down to the Right.

This isn't what I wanted,
I voted to remain.
Ich bin Europäer
Je suis européene.

So as this day comes to an end,
And Big Ben doesn't bong,
I hope that in some years from now
We realise we were wrong.

We'll pull ourselves together
And ask to join again.
Porque soy europea
Et nous sommes tous européens.'

31st January 2020, Brexit Day

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2020

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Follow Your Feet

Friday night is salsa night,
It's when i come alive,
It could be something else for you,
Tango, waltz or jive.

Find the fire that stirs your heart
And then your feet will follow,
Forget about the mess at home,
You can sort it out tomorrow.

If your day's been long and boring,
Or maybe full of stress
Then it's time to find those sparkly shoes,
dig out a smart new dress.

You feel that bass line pumping,
Spanish fills the air,
Smiling faces, spinning, turning
Friends are everywhere.

Just listen to that rhythm,
1, 2, 3 ( )
5, 6, 7 ( ),
Then head onto the dance floor
and you'll be in salsa heaven :)

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2020

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When Old and New Collide

A gentle breeze on a scorching day,
We wake up early to bring in the May.
Bluebell skies frame cherry blossom showers,
Excited young girls hold garlands of flowers.

Morris men and mummers,
St George and the Dragon,
The roasting of meat,
And ale by the flagon.

And then,
Bouncy castles, welly wanging
Gem jars and races.
Ancient names with modern faces.

At May time 
old and new worlds collide
She rests on the stones
With a large glass of wine.

The flags remain
But the people are gone.
Sunburnt daytrippers
Return to their homes.

The sheltering tree
That stands on the street
Guards the old and the new
Until next time they meet.

8th May 2018

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2018

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No More Tears

I've heard you swear,
I've seen you weep,
I've held you when you had no sleep.

I've shouted, i've cursed,
I've sent rude texts
To this one-time friend
Who's now your ex.

He should have been better,
He should have been kind,
But now it's time
To put him out of your mind.

You're beautiful and funny,
You're feisty and true,
So find yourself someone
Who's worthy of you!

Now look to the future,
Let your new life begin,
Go grab your passport and
Shed no more tears for him.

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2020

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How Can I Say Goodbye

How can I say goodbye?
My pride and joy
You were but a small seed in my heart
But I watched you grow and blossom
Stretching your strong limbs to the sky
And pushing roots firmly down into your natal soil.
You were colour for me when everything else turned black
And the heavy cloud that dulled my mind and broke my heart was lifted when I saw you, when i touched your gentle warmth.
I cared for you but you have given back more than i could ever have hoped for.
You have fed us, sheltered us, watched us grow
You have given me peace.
So how can i say goodbye to my garden?
Truth is, i can't.

5th june 2018

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2018

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A Solstice Prayer

As the standing sun sets over sorrowful skies,
I open my heart and hear the cries
Of children, broken by one man's lies.
I pray to gods both new and old,
Please find them all, let their stories be told.
Give them peace, give them hope and a clear end in sight,
But most of all, give them their mothers tonight.

21 june 2018

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2018

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Dancefloors of Derbyshire

This was the year that I Iost all my flab,
Met so many people
Ì'm really quite glad
That i put on my shoes
And took to the floor,
Watch out 2020,
I'll be back for more!

This time last year you were strangers to me,
And now i see some of you four times a week!
I watch you all dancing, growing and changing
Ladies (and gents) you're really amazing.
Cares and worries are left at the door
As we all move together upon the dance floor.

This one loves dance from the Emerald Isle
This one is quiet with a beautiful smile.
This one plays piano, this one the flute,
The short one from Brizzle is really a hoot!

This one's cakes are incredibly tasty
This one runs like the wind, so hasty!
This one loves moving to her favourite songs,
This one laughs loudly when she gets a move 'wrong'.

 This one loves gardening, her fingers so green,
This one the most beautiful dancer I've seen.
This one our matriarch, forgives all our gaffs, loves her days out and snorts when she laughs.

And him at the front,
Who brought us together,
Who's built a life here, despite all our weather.
Who believed I could fly
When I struggled to walk
If dance were a language,
You've taught me to talk.

So as this amazing year comes to an end,
Gracias para todo to all my new friends :)

December 2019

Copyright © Anna Greene | Year Posted 2019


Book: Reflection on the Important Things