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Best Poems Written by Hunter Marks

Below are the all-time best Hunter Marks poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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True Love

Seeing you for the first time
Brought a new light to my eyes.
It brought storms of color,
And cleansed my heart, full of lies.

It left me breathless.
It left me thinking about you.
The way you smile at me,
And your eyes, gleaming blue.

Perhaps this wasn't a mistake.
You're as pure as the color white.
Taking away my insecurities. 
Is this what true love feels like?

You're known very well
For being the true sweetheart.
It never seemed real, until now,
And you shine like beautiful art.

It seems risky to start an affair.
Everyone is always all over you,
And getting involved in your life.
They stick to you like glue.

I thought this wouldn't happen.
But, you came with your appeals,
And told me how you felt.
This is how true love feels.

Copyright © Hunter Marks | Year Posted 2017

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There's always been a problem with me.
One that I could never seem to fix,
And one that never seemed to go away.
People looked down on me because of this,
And always scoffed as if I wasn't there.

I tried as hard as I could to fix it.
No matter how hard I tried, it stayed.
I felt nervous.
I felt awkward and scared, too.
I was losing my mind.

Anxiety is something I couldn't help.
I always thought it was temporary,
But it's been here my entire life.
Enduring this has been a painful experience.
I couldn't ever fit in.

Then, they came to me.
A true friend.
The understood me, and understood my problems.
They were willing to put up with it, no matter how awkward.
Maybe there is a cure to anxiety after all.

Copyright © Hunter Marks | Year Posted 2017

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The Jungle

I stood at the edge of the jungle.
I pondered the scenery.
I looked back at home.
I turned away eagerly.
It was time to roam.

I took a step into the jungle.
The air felt moist.
I needed time to reconsider
And time to go unvoiced.
I had to consider.

I wasn't wanted.
I knew that pretty well.
It was time for me to go.
Before the morning came with the bell,
And my parents would angrily blow.

The walking turned into running.
There was no turning back.
I went as far as I could.
Prepared with a big sack.
I kept telling myself "I should."

After settling, I relaxed.
I ended up getting too comfortable.
People were worried sick,
And feeling the opposite, uncomfortable.
I rose, my legs feeling like brick.

I didn't want to go.
But, there was a feeling inside of me.
One that wouldn't let me stay.
Abandoning home isn't where I want to be.
After a day, I finally found my way.

Although life retained back to normal,
I remembered it well.
The peace, the tranquility.
I had the urge to dwell,
And remembered my agility.

I may have enjoyed my time in the jungle,
But it left people worried.
Feeling unimportant has more than one solution.
One without me being hurried.
At least I can say it ended with a positive resolution.

Copyright © Hunter Marks | Year Posted 2017

Details | Hunter Marks Poem


Do you remember that day last year?
The one where we grew closer?
The one we decided to mark our calendars for?
Yes, the day that hit us like a bulldozer.

We took our time to meet each other.
I waited for hours, pondering the night.
Then you showed up,
And introduced me to the wonders of starlight.

The way it glowed in the midnight sky.
The way it reflected on our troubled past.
This eased us to a peaceful time.
And eased away from the horrible blast.

Perhaps, it was most definitely a good idea.
Even after everything had been on edge.
We accepted our problems.
And sat together on that high-up ledge.

Sometimes, recovery is just a myth.
Other times, it's a fantasy in sight.
This time, the fantasy repaired everything.
While we gazed into the beautiful starlight.

Copyright © Hunter Marks | Year Posted 2017

Book: Shattered Sighs