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Best Poems Written by Alfonso Ii Warally Chris

Below are the all-time best Alfonso Ii Warally Chris poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Wish - Potd

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.
Sanctify them by the truth , your word is the truth.
                             _John 17:17
"People of different wishes , same prayers to God
          And  living in the same cruel world.
                            _Quote by poet 

My best wish is to see peace in the world
Love all , it is  my daily prayer, poem and song.
I hear the voice of someone saying ,
"Now,  let us forget the wongdeeds 
Of some forefathers  towards other nations." 
Yes , yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,yes, yes! 
It is a good wish , well received and approved.

Why do you still following 
Their wong footsteps?  
They died and left injust
World Operating systems,
You still bringing them to life
As  you continue using 
The same inhuman systems. 

Who is the fault brothers and 
Sisters of the world? 
Do you find  hard 
To change those  evil systems
To be equal with others? 
Imagine,  two qualified workers
Doing same job in the same Company,
One getting paid 
Five times than the other one...
Is that fair? 
Many issues still veiled, 
Well known by disadvantaged 
Societies of the World.

I can seem nobody 
In the eyes of some millions of people 
But I am a volunteer advocate 
Who reminds billions of people 
About few neglected things
Which continue killing millions 
Of people silently. 
Injust world operating systems are tools 
Of the devil to capture more souls.

My wish to you , 
Young people, it is the time 
To take some holy water
And clean the demoniac systems.
Use nice heavenly fragrance ,
Truth to remove the bad smells
All over the World. 
Yes, yes,yes, yes, yes,yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
I am sharing my wise wish widely  as other
Young poets, pastors, professors, prophets, 
Doctors, and  advocates who care for others.

 My wish can be your daily 
Wishes or prayer requests.  
I see some usual things, 
Some groups of victims 
And of those playing victims 
To the called"International Criminal Courts."
Magistrates and juges 
Supporting  the majority
Of those playing victims 
And rejecting  the cries 
Of victims. 
    Like my wish as the truth was
             Shared world wide,  
       Work together to change 
            The wrong systems 
     For the benefits of All people. 
            Continue to love me
            As my love to you is 

               April 23/2023
  Written for poetry contest sponsored 
        by Constance la France

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem


when you reach 
two bavila rivers 
"Mugela and Mugadja "which 
were joined together 
to become Kalimabenge.
You witness how bavila 
people always wish
to live in peace with other
nations on their 

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem

Oh Dear Lord

I see you as  you are  here  , oh! Lord
             I need to be with you , dear Jehovah God! 
                       Today ,tomorrow and forever ! 
                         Forever , forever and forever! 

                            You are my happiness, 
                                You are my Joyce,
                                You are my peace ,
                              You are my daily juice ,
                             You are my spicy foods,
                             You are the wise words.

                      I can say loud, loudly " I love you!"
                          Love you , love you , love you ! 
                 You are the only soap to wipe my heart! 
                My heart, my heart , my heart , my heart!.

                                  May 07/ 2023
                     By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe 
                                 Mussabwa Chris

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem

Military Coup Erupts In Gabon After the Re-Election of Ali Bongo

Some senior military seized power in Gabon today,
Ali Bongo 's family led the country 
in fifty five years under umbrella 
of French  government as there were protected
The so called French interests to be on power. 
Today  President Ali Bongo is informing
the world about his arrestation by the military.
He does not know where could be his son 
and family as  they are in different places.
The senior  military accused him of stealing votes
for third time so that he could  continue 
to rule like a puppet of some westerners 
While the people continue to suffer here and there. 
Many young African leaders are tired of fake promises 
of some  selfish politicians who care for themselves 
and continue allowing African natural resources 
to cross the seas due to some agreement
 with some western countries
 which could not reach  fifty years 
after so called independence and democracy 
in west and central Africa. 
It is eighth coup d' états in Africa from 2020 to today 
 as many Africans wish some  regimes change. 
It will be wise for French government officials to say
loudly " good bye Africa  as they are no longer welcomed." 

August 30/2023

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem

Forced Retirement of Some African Military Generals After the Coup of Gabon Yesterday

some African presidents  forced  the retirement
of  some military generals and others removed them
 from some key posts  yesterday 
After  the coup d'état of Gabon. 
Some African presidents
who think to own their countries 
and stayed on power for decades 
now they have much fear to lose powers
 like Ali Bongo and others. 
This strategy  won't help them as the young leaders
 who are majority in the army many  African counties 
 need change of some regimes. 
It is difficult to stop those coup d'états 
As the African youths 
understand what  they are doing. 
It is  called "no retreat, no surrender operation." 

August 31/2023

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem

Ultimatum of French Ambassador To Leave Niger In 48 Hours From Last Friday

When someone is told to go back in his country
 in peace, it is very wise to go early 
to avoid public shame. 
When the Ultimatum of French ambassador 
of 48 hours to leave Niger's territory passed, 
Some nigerien officials cut water and power 
at French embassy in Niamey so that the ambassador could go to france. 
(Ambassador Sylvain Itte had been ordered
 to go amid rapidly deteriorating bilateral ties.)
French government and EU continue encouraging him
 to stay in Niger thinking to reverse the coup d'état 
as there are many sanctions  which affect innocent 
people" women , children" 
French government supporting  the ex-rebels 
of northern Niger to start violences as Ecowas troupes delay to take final decision to fight Niger for their interests. 
France and EU are not for the  good of people of Niger
 but their mineral resources. 
Ecowas and AU sanctions affecting innocent  people 
and increasing their strength to continue
 standing for their rights as they can't lose 
this opportunity to cut ties with France
 for their true freedom. 

When NATO demonised Muhammad Khadafi to be hated by his people to achieve their goals
which were  to collect more natural resources
 and plant instability in Libya. 
Some libyans thought that NATO was to help them 
Nevertheless they are crying till today. 
Ghanaian military refused to destroy the victory
 of people of Niger and they won't be part of military 
who want to kill innocent nigeriens
for the benefits of some westerners 
who ill-treating even them. 
In life , supporting some oppressors 
to hit some victims like you, 
the payment will be your own cries.

August 31/2023

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem

Young African Military Presidents Opposed Ecowas'sanctions In Niger

As Ecowas  sanctioned Niger, 
some neighbour countries members 
of Ecowas opposed those sanctions
on their African brothers and sisters 
which are useless.
current president of Burkinafaso "
the very young president on the planet " 
sent three hundred trucks of foods 
and other things,  escorted by his military
to Niger's capital city 
 "Niamey" for the needy. 
many African young leaders appreciated
his major contributions according to his capacity , 
showing good heart and patriotic spirit. 
Many young African leaders know that 
power does not mean to control people
but the happiness of helping  them
Which is " Ubuntu Philosophy"  
Many Africans are so happy  to see  how  courageous people of Niger continue standing for their rights. 
President of Mali warned Ecowas not to enter Niger ,
 if they declare to fight the new government of Niger,  
he will attack Nigeria and put to power
the rightful candidate who won the election. 
All the members of Ecowas
who rejected the decisions to sanction Niger
are  deciding to fight Nigeria whenever
 president Bola Ahmed Tinubu will declare 
 war against Niger.  

It seems as young African military presidents 
are standing to finish neo - colonisation 
and majority selfish old presidents
continue allying with the colonists

August 27/2023

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem

Do You Think That South Africa Supplied Russia Munitions

When I keep hearing this song so called "
South Africa supplied  Russia munitions," 
I just laugh loudly ," Huh?Hahaaah! Hahaaah!

Hahaaah! Hahaaah! Hahaaah!
Hahaaah! Hahaaah! Hahaaah!
Hahaaah! Hahaaah! Hahaaah!
Hahaaah! Hahaaah! Hahaaah!"

Political language is hard to understand 
Than mathematics and physics 
Reason why some universities 
Turned puppets  
Of some  politicians. 

Don't ever underestimate 
Some politicians in politic games 
Because they can drible you and
You turn to be  
their body guards
With your universities qualifications. 
There is no African country 
Which has capacity 
To supply munitions
to Russia even Ukrain.  

If it was about 
some foods, 
cocoas and 
other fruits 
I could accept because many  
African countries always
 supplied those stuffs 
To so many European countries. 
I know that Usa , France, Germany, China, England and Russia are the biggest supply 
of munitions In Africa. 

By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe
 Mussabwa Chris

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem

My House

My house,
I am living in a tradition house.
When people see me on the street,
They laugh at me.

The grasses cover my house.
Rich people are happy to see me struggle.
When it is very cold,
I use ten blankets to be warm.

When it is raining,
I am going to sleep in the Cave.
When it is very hot, my house is a shadow

Why is Africa so rich but so poor?
Why these people in a hut and the others in a flat?
Why Africa is so rich
But millions of people are poor?

Why is poverty still prominent in Africa?
Is our bad mindset reason for our regress?
No! And no again,
What is then?

We are locking up in the huts.
My house is on top of the diamonds
And gold, but I am so poor.
Have I not right to enjoy the products from my land?

I am the owner of the petrol dam
Nevertheless, I do not have right to use it.
Am I free man or a prisoner?
I am clever like others but I am voiceless.

Therefore, disgrace and heartless operate.
A hut is not the house of my choice.

By Alfonso II Warally. Chris

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2017

Details | Alfonso Ii Warally Chris Poem


No one is hated more
than he who speaks the truth
- Pluto

as Belgian officers
cut off legs and hands
Of innocent Congolese
from 1885, king Leopold II smiled,
the victims of atrocities cried,
many Belgians applauded
to encourage murderers.
The world was so silent
seeing the murders
Of Millions of Congolese.
The International Criminal Court still silent
As if the animals were killed...
Not millions of human beings.
The truth must continue to be told
for repairs in D.R.Congo.

When I think of certain kings and patriotic leaders
Who were killed like animals
because they did not want to bow to the invaders.
My great great grandfather king Mussabwa Kamango
was also killed in Uvila during the colonial regime.
If the ICC was a fair international criminal court
I wished to speak publicly about the problem
of the assassination of the king of Bavila
by the Belgian government.
Yeah ! speechless
because there is no where to start.
Difficult to trust the court which
was created to protect 
certain nations.
many people are afraid to tell the truth
thinking to be killed by some folks
who hate to hear the truth
about their atrocities.
I think of the family of the late 
king Mussabwa Kamango
to be heard internationally.
After losing the head of their family
and nation
many things have gone wrong
due to perturbation of 
Leopold II and other
westerners in the 
colonial regime.

Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs