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Best Poems Written by Christina Wadeley

Below are the all-time best Christina Wadeley poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I spied a stranger when I went to town,
Sipping champagne whilst in his dressing gown.
He looked at me, gave a smile,
I gave one back it's true.
Thank you for the drink he said,
I've just charged this one to you.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2018

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Modern Day World

Technology is rushing forward, mobile phones and such,
Even radios and toasters now turn on without a touch.
Robotic voices on phones will be here very soon,
Replacing NHS as the population booms.
Cars with Bluetooth and sensor controls,
Are better at driving but replace human souls.
We're being sucked in by robotic tornados,
Left vulnerable and dependant as technology grows.
No need for thinking as our minds are now void,
Being replaced by the government's toys.
Everyone's tagged so no place to hide,
You have no business in this modern day tribe.
The government's eye sees all without doubt,
Via the technical gadgets that we cant live without.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2018

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I feel the thunder growing in my heart. I hear the low rumbling growl which brings the promise of turbulent times and I see only blackness. A blanket of darkness devours me, consumes me, my heart, my soul, my body and my mind. I am but an empty shell, a carcass of nothingness. 

I remember a time where a smile was natural not a mask to hide the true me. It's so far away in my memory it's just a faint shimmer now, barely alive in the chaos of life. I try to recall happiness that was real without the chains of guilt or fear but the memory is too far away and I cannot reach it. I once believed I had found it but it was only the dwindling light of hope which perished and became engulfed in the blackness that surrounds me.

I exist but I am no longer living. My world belongs to the nothingness and my eyes are blind. I feel only fear, pain and heartache, I feel isolated and alone. No one is there to guide me through the dark and take me back to the light, no one can help me escape this chasm of doom. I am locked in a nightmare that is infinite and relentless.
I want to wake up again. I want to be free. I want to be me again. Then perhaps this has always been me and my distant memories are but sweet dreams. Perhaps they were never real just lies made up by a troubled mind.

So I go on, a rotting carcass barely existing in the nothingness and darkness of life.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2017

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Rabbits Sad Tale

Once upon a time in a land far far away,
A family of rabbits happily did play.
The sun shone down o'er fields so green,
The mountains towered up high.
Until the hunter caught them all,
And turned them into pie.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2018

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Binman's Strike

Rats and other vermin abound through the waste of mankind's making,
No one working to keep streets safe, such an important undertaking.
The jobs of such are perilous, dirty and disgusting,
Yet these humble jobs in the ditch are cruelly teetering.
The binmen and women to save their jobs are striving,
But to make a point the neighbourhood is suffering.
Garbage mountains are stacked and stinking,
Unwatched youths are kicking and throwing.
Hungry animals snacks are seeking,
Space is limiting,
Overwhelming, disappearing,
For the binmen's return we all are waiting, hoping, praying.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2018

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Stage Fright

I lie awake, head crammed with doubts and fear,
Will I be ok or will people laugh and jeer.
I struggle to rest but sleep evades me,
The phantoms of my mind control me,
Leading me onwards to darkness and despondency.
Will my words flow like soft waves upon the sea,
Or will the words I utter reek of insanity.
Will I be doomed and be remembered,
For the vehement words that I dismembered,
That beggared belief from those attended.
I try and quell my turbulent thoughts,
By soothing my dread with this shrewd recourse.
That whatever happens it's just meant to be,
As long as I perform my part valiantly,
And to the best of my ability,
People can say what they want about me.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2007

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Terminal Emotions

Desperation, desolation, all hope dies and withers in fate's blackened embers.
Destiny's fire once glowed red with heat but now lies in the dust and dissipates in the breeze.

Fallen, discarded fast losing faith in the dark abyss of life. 
Lonely, bleak, shards of trust that dip and spiral forever downward

Hell is waiting with open arms to hold and caress as a mother caring for her child, the great pretender providing falsehood and lies that all will be well.

Pain and suffering, worn out, fatigued and expleted, heart not pumping, kidneys failing, body  giving up and not responding to a broken brain's requests. Eyes blurring not fully seeing, pancreas not producing, life slowly but surely depleting.

Sleeping sleeping sleeping, eyes clamped shut, be still the world and let me sleep, I don't want this, I'm too tired, let me be, let my eyes stay shut to stay shut for all time, please let me go, please let me leave.

Hands shaking, knees swollen and cramped, skin sweating. Cannot swallow, drool runs down chin, voice slurring, Cannot walk and stay upright balance gone, departed, forsaken. 

Food is an enemy and I don't want it, stop feeding me, I'm too tired to eat, it's too much for me, just let me be.
Give me dignity, let me be me
Let me be free

Dont cry for me, don't weep, shed tears, be sad, don't grieve

No guilt is yours, you could not change what fate proclaimed, bore fruit, made true, don't anger, don't blame, it's no-ones fault. Be glad for me that I can rest, have peace, be still, be calm, be free. 

I will be with you as I've always been, though you won't see me I will be beside you and watch with proud heart. You are my blood, and I will live on in you as I will through the generations after you. Do not be sorry when I've gone, be happy for the time we shared. You will always feel my love as it is in your heart to feel and reassure you always.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2019

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Worst Memory

I once was asked, "What is my worst memory?"
The memory that haunts me,
Making the darkness suffocate me,
Until i can no longer tell if i am breathing,
Or being caressed by death's embrace. 

But, how can you pinpoint a single blade of grass,
From an overgrown lawn?
Or select a unique snowflake,
From a winter's furious blizzard and say,
"This is the one!"

So many horrors lurk in my past,
Threatening to escape the cage that contains them. 
Do I want to risk opening Pandora' s box? 
Do I want to expose the tumours that torment my soul?

My thoughts lead to alternate paths of what could be,
If the mind monsters roam free from inside of me,
For even a second. 

Madness lingers, 
Eagerly waiting, cloaked,
Ready to pounce and tear away my frail and fragile sanity,
By cruelly thrusting suppressed nightmares once more into reality.  

The fear is too intense,
These catastrophes will remain where they are, 
Locked away in a cage,
And pushed back into the dark.
Praying that one day they will be forgotten, 
Unable to harm or hurt, 
Just bad memories that were left alone to die and disappear.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2018

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Nonsense and Lies

The clouds howled silently, 
In vivid layers of orange, green and blue,
The sun rose during the evening and the moon bid the night adieu.
The blue grass swept across the sky,
Whilst the birds burrowed into the ground,
The rabbits and foxes skipped off together,
And flew into their nests and drowned.
Across the earth the waves did soar,
And crashed into the seas above,
This world is just a little place,
Filled with nothing but kindness and love.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2018

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You never see the eyes that are watching you from hidden crooks and crannies,
Peeping out from cracks in poorly plastered walls,
You never hear the sound of miniscule legs scurrying hither and thither,
Or notice the wars fought over crumbs dropped on bare kitchen floors.
The insects that live in hiding keeping you under close observation,
Whilst you go about your day under secret investigation.
Oblivious to the spies that note your every action,
Lurking in the depths of their welcomed isolation.
The many secret places that you can never know,
Are where many creatures spend their time allowing them to grow,
And though you cannot see them you know they will survive,
In their secret hidden places where only they can thrive.

Copyright © Christina Wadeley | Year Posted 2018


Book: Shattered Sighs