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Best Poems Written by Alexander Plevka

Below are the all-time best Alexander Plevka poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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There is a man with a gun.
His finger taut,
tensed and still,
the intention obvious,
no reason instilled.

Because guns kill people.
Or do people kill people?
I can never remember.
Let's take a look at entropy.
A molecule hits a molecule
hits a molecule and
BOOM - a bomb.
Thousands dead.
More on the way.
But of course that's a bit clumsy,
seeing that entropy's remorse
only marginally taps the
frayed edges of something,
So what stops it?
Science might tell us
That’s a bit broad though.

Come back to the man with the gun.
Naturally he's drunk,
and not a man,
an adolescent.
Waving the gun -
the weapon in your face.
He points it at you.
So what do you do?
What can you do?

One might pray
and hope his hand is stayed,
for in the land of entropy learned helplessness breeds
And the masses will pray and cower.
Some might fight,
or fly,
in instinctual flurry.
But these options are
few and far
too crude for more, sophisticated tastes.
So this sophistication leads us...
Ah, but sophistication sounds so posh.
Let's instead call this

And so you order,
or speak,
yelling is so harsh.
You speak,
maybe even

You don't want to antagonize this
willing to put a hole in you
- you in a hole -
covered by the thoughtlessly certain curtain of
uneasy infinity.

So you,
oh so subdued,

But a simple please
has never gotten
anyone anywhere
worth being,
so you follow up with
a more firm


And in his inebriation,
the most powerful
being in your world stumbles
upon a moment
of lucidity.
His finger slips,
sending a .45 caliber
bullet - lead some might call it,
but this is grossly anachronistic -
into your frontal lobe
and out your cerebral cortex.


An open system.
Because in an entropic world,
Language languishes in its ephemeral rags
and is wasted away by greater things.

Copyright © Alexander Plevka | Year Posted 2015

Details | Alexander Plevka Poem




Aren’t you a little guy,
always working so hard.
Audacious? No. But strong
and loyal to your queen.
Although, think about this:
Are you ever hungry,
appeasing Antoinette?

Copyright © Alexander Plevka | Year Posted 2015

Details | Alexander Plevka Poem

Valentine's Ellip

Today I
take the time
to remind.

Remind stones
that they are
not alone.

Remind them
of their names
and their homes.

Remind grass,
soft on the
somber hill.

Remind me
of what is
past and still.

Remind you
of life's short
but sweet thrills.

Today was
and always
will be love.

Flowers to
you, below
and above.


Copyright © Alexander Plevka | Year Posted 2016

Details | Alexander Plevka Poem

Cold Flight

(Anacreontic Verse)

Cold Flight

Cold flight! What ice
finds fierce fire
between paws
of mine crunching
through rough snow
and slush slip 
mush mist up 
from face and 
tail underfoot. 
Careful pines 
step aside of our
hunt tonight 
sky lighted
by lightning
finding prey very 
frightened of Life’s
cycle, like the eye
of a rifle 
eying my demise 
behind traitor pines.

Copyright © Alexander Plevka | Year Posted 2015

Book: Reflection on the Important Things