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Best Poems Written by Mohamed Adel

Below are the all-time best Mohamed Adel poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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You freed me like a genie out of a jar
I never thought it could go this far
But you are my Aladdin
Who came to rescue me all of a sudden

I was in the dark, you came and….
Took me out to the light
I was a lost child but you wiped my tears….
And vanished away my fright

I owe you so much; I’m in your debt
I could never repay you, whatever on saying I kept
You showed me the way, you are my guiding star 
But please promise that you’ll not….
Put me back into that jar!

You are my princess, you are my jasmine 
You in my heart always have been  
Promise that you will forever stay
Promise that you will never go away

Promise that you will hold me tight…..
On a cold night
Promise that you will never let me….
Get out of your sight
Promise that you will never let go of my hand
Nor leave me in the dark alone, where I used to stand


Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2015

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Saving the King

Wiping the cold sweat off my forehead 
Standing beside the dying king’s bed
Thinking of a remedy while a sword 
Was pointed to my shivering neck 
I was praying not to fail, I begged the lord 
But how can I heal a man this old and sick?

The tension was in the air
Combined with stressing anticipation 
Their eyes angrily at me did stare
Expecting me to bring him salvation!

“If he dies, you die”, said the guard 
“So you better do your best”, he went on 
But what to do for an old dying heart?
A heart of a tyrant that’s black and dun  

A tyrant who ruled us with injustice and suppression 
Who made us live years of starvation and depression
How disgraced I am to be his royal physician!
I’ve been praying to god for forgiveness and remission 

A tyrant who did everything to keep the crown
And killed so many to save his throne and rod
Who made horror in every city and town
So nobody could to him object nor stood 

(He did all that to have authority and wealth
But ironically he didn’t know how to keep heath
He thought that he’d live and enjoy them forever 
Well, on that he doesn’t seem very clever!)

But this Dark Age is finally to end 
The revolution started to rise
I may do what I didn’t tend 
And I’m not sure if it’ll be so wise

But at least it will be fair 
The revolution heat is everywhere
So Apologizes to Hippocrates's oath
(I think he’d forgive me, if he knew the cause!)

He’d think it’s not a deed that’s moral
But these values are merely oral
And didn’t stop poverty nor hunger 
The people became full of hate and anger

That their king ran over them with his horse
And enslaved them with his vicious soldiers 
That he didn’t once hesitate to use force
The people became martyrs by royal orders!

“Come on, be quick” nervously the guard said
I started to search for some death in my bag
Then I spoke: okay, you can call the maid
He went to bring her and they both came back

On my way out I said: give him this three times a day
And his majesty must in his bed lie 
(He won’t suffer much anyway,
Because in two days time 
He shall die!)

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2015

Details | Mohamed Adel Poem

A Girl

There are many girls of every kind
But an accomplished girl is the hardest to find
A girl who is sharp and smart
A girl who makes your life a piece of art
A girl who owns your heart

A girl who encourages you and pushes you forward
A girl who is the white chalk on your black board
Is there any girl of the sort?
If there is, please help me find her my lord!

A girl who is a life partner, not a maid
A girl who is a real companion and soul mate
A girl who would forgive you….
Whatever you did or said
A girl who would give you love….
Even if everybody else gave you hate

A girl who is a good mother
A girl who makes you wish for no other
A girl who makes your life a romantic movie scene
Then who would care for a princess….
If he had a queen?!

A girl who has nice features and looks
A girl who loves to cook and also read books
A girl who blushes and gets shy
A girl who is an angel from the sky
Will I ever find a girl of the kind?
And if I do, will she be too proud and mind?!

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2014

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The Colosseo

Welcome to Rome, my dear friend
I hope you have a wonderful time
For here is the best place to spend 
Vacations and holidays that is so sublime

As it is the first time for you here
I’ll to take you to the most exciting place
I don’t know if you did know about it or hear
But people come to visit it of every race

I’m going to take you to the Colosseo
I’m sure you’ll have a great time, my friend, Leo!
I’m not going to take you to just an another monument 
It’s very unique! And it will give you joy and amusement 

There you can see strong wrestlers and gladiators 
And animals of every kind, from lions to alligators!
There you can witness battles between humans and predators
Which attract from all over the world spectators and visitors  
At the Colosseo, you can watch Christians and slaves….
Are being executed
By axes of gladiators and fangs of lions,
No other punishment would have more suited!

It is also used for punishing criminals 
By throwing them to be fed on by wild animals!
When they’re pushed into the field…..
They beg and cry for help
But instead of crying they should’ve thought…..
About the peace they did disturb!
And who anyway can restrain justice or curb?!
(Plus it is a very exciting show
And gives a lesson about morals, you know!)  

And sometimes attends the emperor of Rome 
That by a turn of his hand gives life or doom 
But also the audience gets to decide 
And the emperor is often on its side 

Do you see how passionate our people are….
And how just our emperor is!
Oh! Leo, are you alright? Why is your face…..
Turning yellow like this?!
Oh, you need to throw up!
It’s okay; it must be that beer cup!!

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2015

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I'M Not Worth Love

I'm not a strong man as you can see
so why says she she's in love with me?
nor handsome nor have i any outward appeals
so why keeps she saying something for me she feels?

I'm an angry, outraged, tempered man
so what makes her do for me all that she can?
though yet a coward, weak in character, and not brave
so why says she that me in her heart will always save?

I'm a socially awkward man, a loner, with no friends
so what makes her say she'll love me till the world ends?
I'm full of flaws, some i know of, but many more there can be
so why keeps she saying that she still loves me?

But I think, as I'm on all accounts, not worth affection
Then what she keeps saying is but a cheap deception!!

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2017

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A Slave

Please sir don’t sell me to that man
I beg you sir, I’ll behave as I can 
I heard that he whips his slaves with lashes 
And burn them with cigarettes and…..
Make them eat their ashes

Please sir please I beg your kind heart
Please sir, please let us leave this mart
I beseech you sir not to sell me to that ogre
My dear lord! He’s starting to look at me and ogle!

Please sir don’t be deceived by his money and pomp
Because he keeps girls whether in his bed or tomb!
Please sir, keep me and I’ll be your obedient slave
Please sir don’t send straight to hell and grave 

I heard that he makes his slaves work till they fall
And when one does, he tortures him till goes out his soul
But if some of them survived on and got old
He shoots them! Indeed sir! That’s what I’ve been told

(After yoking them and exploiting their toil and plod
He drinks sweet wine, and they taste their own blood) 
Then he throws their bodies into the river
He’s the devil himself, I heard like such doings never

Please sir, keep me as your possession 
And save me from his cruelty and aggression 
Please sir don’t be affected by his amount of gold
And whatever happens please don’t say to him: Sold!

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2015

Details | Mohamed Adel Poem

Together We Can

Can the Ameri-can
Love the Afri-can
Can the Afri-can
Love the Ameri-can
Can we all live together as one?
Yes! Together we can

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2015

Details | Mohamed Adel Poem

Teenage Love

Why should we be in love though it’ll end?
And we both know so, so why should we start?
Knowing that our feelings and time in vain spent 
And we gain nothing but the aching of the heart 
It is a matter of time till our parting 
I think we should not better commence 
A journey that has a joyful starting 
But shortly in sadness and tears ends  
Stop using your heart and use your mind
For the heart sometimes be so reckless 
Think of our alleged love and you shall find 
That our exertions will be worthless 

Teenage love shall give us nothing but pain
And we may love each other, but in vain

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2015

Details | Mohamed Adel Poem

It's Not Your Fault

I know how many tears you have shed 
And what kind of life you have led
I know how many disappointments
Have made you sigh
And how many loses have made you cry 
I know how hard it is to be rejected 
And how sad it is to be neglected                                              

I can't tell you not to be sorry
Or that you shouldn't worry 
I can't say that everything will be okay 
Or that tomorrow will be a better day

But all I can say is that: it's not your fault                                           
So that blaming yourself should halt

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2016

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Short Poem

I'm trying to make this poem so short
I want to try a new thing of the sort
I don't know if you guys will like it or not
That's up to you, but for now here's a dot!

Copyright © Mohamed Adel | Year Posted 2014


Book: Reflection on the Important Things