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Best Poems Written by Fierce Malilangwe

Below are the all-time best Fierce Malilangwe poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Africa Heart

Bloody skies
New beginnings
Glorious scent
From heaven it was sent

Long before
We walked this land
It was moulded
By the Maker

Legends tell of
The dark spirit
Turning trees
Trying to take the land

The Maker
Made the tree strong
Made it proud
Made it unbreakable
Just like the people
That believe in Him

The Maker perfected this land
More than before
Filling with
Mighty roars
Soft rumbles
Silent wings
Bouldering calls
Gentle purrs
Manic laughs

So with this
Wild heart I call mine
I will delight myself in
The Makers 

Running soon
Running far

To set wild hearts free
Like a flaming master
Taking its fiery hold
Over all things
Dry and old
Only to uncover
What has been bleeding 
To be seen

Our wild hearts
Beat with
Gentle giants footfall
Beating slow steady 
Ready to be set free
Ready to breathe
What was mine to be

With blazing sun
Firing down
Onto cracked
Down ground

Between thick brush
Under the mighty baobab
With the creations all around
My wild
African heart
Soon to be found

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem


At night 
When she lays down
Body to jaded
Spirit long since faded
But, Her restless mind

Telling her 
Who she is
What she will be
The nights that
Will soon follow
How it will end
With a gun in hand

She sees a woman
To scared to stand
To timid to speak
In her mind always
A lioness ready to fight
But in actual fact
A cub weary 

She sees a scared
Little girl
Burning in the eyes
Of the beholder
The seducer
The personal foe

Where will it end
This laying bare
This bleeding trend
Where will it end

In a glint of stainless
She sees
A sudden timelapse
Of a future of use
Of many men Served 
At night
As her body is shook
In rhythm
To perpetrators 
Scornful looks
One by one
They finish
One by one
They leave her
Staring up into oblivion
Hoping the pain will end 
Praying for amends
Screams in her eyes
Begging for forgiveness
Her face stays blank
Waiting for the next
To ruin her rank

A snap back to reality
What now?
What next?
She hugs her knees
Afraid of what will be

She is set back quick
She is standing above
What seems to be
Her not much younger self
Sitting on her feet
Angrily crying
Hands manically clawing 
At the sides of her head
She suddenly rises
RedVelvet seeping 
Through her pale skin
The frenzied search begins

A timelapse again
She sees herself
Ferociously scratching with a pen
The anger in a book
Soon to be hidden again

A creak of a door
Sends her spiralling back
Into the now
Into the black

Will her prediction
Be her end?
The only thing left
A gun in shaking hand

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2014

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem

Africa Iii

Heart pounding
Nervous feeling
Deep breath to shake it
Cold chill slivers down fast

Beating against cage of heart
Cage of body
Cage of soul
Legs begging to run
Heart aching to be free
Truth to self 
aching to be seen

Sweet scent of dry savannah plains
Sharp smell of thorny veins
The aroma of Africa surrounds
Scents sights sounds 
In these home is found

Frustration mounts 
Captured leopard

Snarling at every motion made
Scared but defiant
Blinded by fear and rage

Paws long for endless journeys
On paths walked centuries ago
For elegance in element
A space all her own
Where earth still bleeds red on horizon
Morning and night
Continuing the endless fight

Fight for borderless freedom
Everlasting sight
The pale yellow green eyes
Dismays the truth inside
But tell the story
Of wild soul
Story to unfold

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem


In short black dress
Standing infront
Of un wanting crowds 
Staring through
Her soul

They look with judgement
Seeping through
Dark eyes
Jeering at her misguided mind

Ha! she'll never be
Far to different
This one is

They surround her
Like predator with its prey
Looking closely
At the imperfection 
That leaks
From misformed body
Twisted soul

Prodding at scars on skin
"What is this we have?...
Pain inside got to much?
Had to show for all to see?
Attention seeker we have here"

They turn to dark whirlwind
Surrounding her fragile being
Keeled over on judgement
So harsh
Even her utmost strength
Is ripped aghast

It echoes in her head

Falling to her knees 
The dark whirlwind
Encloses with ease
Obscuring sane thoughts
Hate within spawns

She tries to rise
Knocked down again
Second time
Knocked down
After hundreds of tries
The will to give up

But again once more
She rises
Up on shaking legs
The whirlwind disappears

Far off they still stand
Her being
But Far to different
This one is

Conformed by the norm
She'll never be
To free to be caged
To wild to be kept
Freedom from the mould
She truly is
Turning her back
Valiantly on societies
Critical cliques

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem

Run Little Girl Run

Listen to the sounds of night
Close your eyes
Beware the fright

Thoughts cascade
Through brim-filled mind
Help her
Help her
She is blind

Starts to seep
The frustration
Hid so deep
The untrusting of any soul
The always suspicious toll

One took and broke
Perfect ideals
Thoughts evoked

Cascade down
Until still life played
In front of seamless eyes

Brutal attacks
Heinous crime
Run run run
And hide

Heart seems not to beat
Only quiet little leaks
That no one sees beneath
Body aches to be fee
But soul it seems

Slow uneasy feet
Carry her too unwilling defeat
To talk
To not
To hide away initial thoughts

Not to be caught
Around devils door
Around a hellward bound
Simple sound

The screeching sound
Of metal scrounge
Across cast iron
Over soft white
Pillow like 

Late at night
Thoughts collide
Cascading down 
Her intricate mind
A frown it seems
The only mask 
That seem her fiend

Run little girl
Run they scream

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem


Clutches closing
Bleeding broken
Bruised battered
For salvation

Cold claws
Taking hold

Soul starving

Tattered body
Broken skin

Dark black eyes
Staring back

Taken close
Left to fall

For Rescuer
Not to fall
For freedom
From his evil hold



Holding onto pieces
Of a broken whole?
Burnt bridges
Cold glows

From a past

Running towards
Hope for salvation
Help to save?
Love to show?
Hand to hold?

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem

Africa Ii

Little girl standing tall
High above
What told of mighty fall
The world is lost
No hope no trust
But in dark country
In to solid stone
Home is cast

Bright fiery sunsets
Vivid starlit nights
Jackal calls
Lion roar
Little girl 
At peace with world

Sun dried earth
Mighty beasts
No defeat
Just voiceless rumbles
Mighty and strong
Little girl no longer stumbles

Running wild along with beasts
Feet barely touching worldly deceit
Scorching African sun
Beating down
Freedom finally found

Little girl stares into made flames
Seeing old life old thoughts
Smiling at her untamability

Little girl standing tall
Arms outstretched
Face lifted to heaven
Drenched in new life
Sacredly touched
Finally safe
Thanking The Creator
For His amazing grace

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem

Fight With Me

To leave 
Or to stay
To fight
Or destroy

Never meant 
Never intend
Never wanted
It all to fall

So it starts
So it ends
so its racing to defend

Angry words left unsaid
Lonely hearts still searching on
Fight fought with all might
Seemingly lost beyond all trust

Halo keeping all safe
Fading into mirky skies

Stood and fought
For hours
Hurt and pain it brought

But promise made
Promise kept
Never to be left alone
Always taught 
Not to let it fade

It was strong
Feeling weak
It was whole
Feeling broken

What happend
What fell
What made it all
Turn and run
What sounded 
The end of round bell?

When did it dwindle
Where did time go
When did we turn
To what we never were
Never wanted to be

A bitter sight?
A deadly sound?
A problem child?

Forever loyal I will fight
Forever true I will stay
Forever at ur back I will be
Come hell high water 
And the 7 seas

It now is your call
Or run
What ever it may be
This is my promise 
This is my plea
Hold on
And fight WITH me

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem

Dark Side

Hide it before they see
Put up that smile 
That everyone believes
Hide it away
Hide it quick
Hide it and draw that shield

Its alright
I won't tell
Of the silent screams
That lurk within you
hiding them so well

Just promise not to tell
Of the screams I harbor 
In the deadly hallows swell
Come inside
Come and see
The maze of thought
That left me to bleed

One in the same
We truly are
The ones that hide the Evil
Hide it so well
Nobody sees the tears behind
That made beautiful eyes die

At night they lie and wait
For our minds to drift away
As they see we let down guards
They leap from the shadows
Leaping so quick
And silently they slip through windows
Left unclipped

Burning claws
Clasping tight around
Our fatigues souls
Taking what makes us whole 
They make us believe
We are not worthy
Not worthy at all

Bound by the Evil
Bound so tight
Afraid of the light
In darkness we start to dwell

Bind getting tighter
To fill
To kill

Here's my confession 
Here it is presented to thee
The one Evil caught
Along with me

You are strong
You are brave
To take a walk inside
To fight against 
The Evil
That kept us from the light
But little did they know
To each other we gave sight
Our hands clasped so tight
Together we fight

The Evil it shrieks
In anger of what it’s done
His own mistake taking him down
Never put two brave souls
Together in a hole
They will get up
And raise all hell
And keep on fighting
Till they hear the finishing bell

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2013

Details | Fierce Malilangwe Poem

Personal Sin

The thousandth time rerun
The crying
The apologies
The unspoken regret
Yet you stood
Like a statue of marble
Your eyes quiet
So shut down from emotion
So ruined by what you felt
Just an empty shell

She stood screaming at your face
The one that never left
The one that had your back
No matter what was ahead
The one, no matter how many times
You broke her into unfixable pieces,
Came back, trying to be sure
That you would make it
Taking no regard for herself

How many times did she quietly
Begged for you to come back
Not the emotionless monster you've become
But the rugged angel 
That saved her from her own hell

She stood
Her body convusing from tears
You just turned and walked away
She tried to explain
You didn't listen, 
She spoke in vain

She never wanted more
Than just the person you were
She just wanted someone
To love and miss her unconditionally
Of how badly she had fallen
How scared and broken she was

She stood speaking fact to you
She told you exactly
You didn't listen
You turned your head and shut down
She was trying to protect you
Didn't you see?
That's all she wanted
Was someone to protect
To be protected

To clouded to say no
You tore her once more
A I love you note
Before heinous deed
Didn't you feel guilty? 
Not even a bit?

She gave everything she possibly could
Just to not be put on the shelf again
But pride clouded your mind
And she was placed right at the back
The person who never left
The person who chose to not see what you lack

She got tired
And decided it was time to stand
Time to shy her face away
From the evil heart breaking anger within her
So with some words said
And Some words left
To fester within

She ended it
She ended her personal sin

Copyright © Fierce Malilangwe | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs