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Best Poems Written by Sindy Vorderstrasse

Below are the all-time best Sindy Vorderstrasse poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Garden of Friendship

Friends are like a garden of flowers,
Lovingly tended with care,
Cherished by friends so dear
Blooming with beauty so rare.
Each flower, each friend,
Planted in hearts of rich like soil. 
Designed by the Masters touch
Full of grace
Gentle and strong,
Supporting one another
That we may stand tall;
Never to be forgotten,
Always to be shared
In the beautiful Garden of Friendship

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2006

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I Imagine Heaven

I imagine what heaven will be like.
I imagine skies so blue,
Glistening like diamonds set in the sky.
The sun shining so brightly,
Offering its warmth to me.
I imagine lush green meadows,
Whispering to me:
“Come, lay down, and rest awhile”
The trees, so large and so full of color,
Some offering luscious fruits,
I can see the flowers with all their hues,
Like precious jewels scattered everywhere.
Bursting with colors like an artistic canvas.
And their fragrance, overwhelms my senses,
Fills the air with their heavenly aroma.
Oh, I cannot leave out those beautiful animals.
They are so gentle, so marvelous.
I can lay with them and feed them.
I call to them and they come to play.
I imagine the waters,
Clear as crystals, fresh and sweet.
I imagine the streets will be of gold,
For my Father only gives the best.
What about the people?
I imagine Adam and Eve,
Noah and Jonah, and so many more,
Along with loved ones and dear ones,
At my home designed by my Father,
Sharing food, fun, love and laughter.
Most of all;
I imagine my Father and I,
Walking together in the garden.
His gentle face looks at me,
He holds my hand,
He gently speaks to me.
We sing songs together and laugh together.
My family comes to join us.
Wow, how very blessed I am.
Oh, how I imagine what heaven will be like.
He’s at the gate,
His angels surround Him,
His arms open wide,
He tells me,
Welcome home my Child.

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2007

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The Time Is Now

Living in a fast paced world,
Vehicles jam the roads, hurriedly passing by.
People rushing to and fro,
They seem in such a hurry,
Taking no time to enjoy, no time to say hello,
Missing out on the important things of life.
So many diseases, pain and suffering,
So many tears, so much misery,
Death seems to be everywhere.
Look on the streets, look in the shelters,
People lost, alone, nowhere to go.
Crimes continue to scare many,
All we read and hear about day to day.
People scared to leave their homes,
Safety is no longer secure.
Teenagers with nothing to do,
Lost in life, lost in love.
For pleasures they turn to crime and drugs,
They talk of suicide and some follow through.
Children scared and alone,
Abuse and neglect fills their home.
Parents so involved with their own lives,
Striving to make a buck,
Striving to reach the top,
No longer take time to care.
People afraid to go to school
For fear a student will lose control.
Disasters both natural and man created,
Wars upon wars both near and far,
Destroying numerous lives, never ending.
People fearing the name of God,
Has now made it the golden rule:
Thou shalt not speak His name,
Thou shalt not kneel and pray,
Now we fear the consequence.
You ask why and He tells us so:
“My time is near, 
All these and much more will happen before I come.
Look to Me, come to Me.
I gave My life for thee that you may live.
Accept My gift of salvation.
Please believe in Me.
The time is now!”

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2007

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Rest In Peace My Son

God saw how very tired he was,
He felt his aching heart,
He knew his troubled mind;
So God wrapped His arms around him
and whispered, “I will give you rest”.
With tearful eyes, I watched him,
With hands folded, I prayed for him.
My heart ached as I felt his pain,
My mind weary as I shared his sorrows.
I tried to calm his anxious heart,
I tried to ease his troubled mind.
All I could do was pray for him,
To love him completely,
To hold him close.
A precious heart stopped beating,
A weary mind laid to rest,
A troubled soul now at peace.
Although I may never understand how,
I do understand why!
My son you are at rest now,
Soon we shall meet again,
God promised us so!
I love you my son!

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2006

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Why Lord, Why Me?

Lord, so many times, “I ask You why?”
Why have You chosen me?
What am I to do Lord?
Why can I not be like someone else?
Like the woman in the church,
Strong in faith, full of character,
Glows with the light of Your love,
Always smiling, always giving.
Why can I not be like the rich man?
Having a home of my own,
Wealth enough as not to worry,
To provide for my children the things they deserve.
Why can I not be like the lady at the shop?
Physically beautiful, energetic and graceful,
No worries about weight issues,
No health issues due to weight.
Why can I not have that dream family?
A family filled with love, always sharing,
Spiritually bound with one another,
Well educated and trouble free.
Lord, these things I continually wish for,
I’ve failed You Lord; 
I do not want to seem selfish,
Nor do I want to feel ungrateful.
But Lord, I ask you why?
Why have you chosen me?
To live the life you’ve presented to me,
This life I feel I cannot live any more.
Day by day, every moment,
My life filled with constant struggles,
The pain and suffering never ending,
A constant battle, never winning,
Climbing to reach You, always falling,
Why Lord, why me?
I am weak and bruised Lord,
My heart is weary,
My body grows more tired each day.
I cry with silent tears as to hide my sorrows.
If this is what I must go through,
Then please help me to understand why.
Please guide me, Lord, show me Your light,
Help me find my way.
Build my character and give me faith.
Help me Lord, to live this life,
This life You have chosen for me.

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2007

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I Will Survive

Why do I feel sad?
At times I’m filled with anger,
Depression fills my heart,
Fear fills my mind,
Worry surrounds me.
I search for joy,
I long for peace,
I look for comfort,
I need to feel love.
Seems when I move forward
Something happens,
Something changes
Sends me backwards.
I try to trust my Father,
His plan for me,
I try to believe.
But then things happen
I do not understand.
Then I fall and fear overcomes me.
I run, afraid, angry.
I cannot find my way,
His path for me I am lost on.
I call out, “Help me Lord!”
Then He comes to me
His hands, they reach down to me.
He picks me up, carries me back,
Back to the path I belong.
Look to Him
Keep my eyes on Him,
Hold His hand.
With Him I shall stand,
What ever shall befall me,
Will not harm me.
I will survive!

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2007

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Its a Brand New Day

Its a brand new day,
A brand new week,
I am filled with joy
For today is a new start.
I have made the choice
to do what pleases me
not what pleases my friends
but what pleases me 
but most important what pleases my God!
I have chosen to make changes
to love my family more,
to bring one another closer,
to do my best in all that I do,
to hold my head high,
to strengthen my faith,
and to praise my Lord for all He has given me.
What ever trials come my way.
what ever pain I feel today,
I will make the choice to move forward
and to use each situation as a life lesson
for this is the only way I know I can have
Peace, Joy, Love, and Understanding.
Follow me and you too will find joy!

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2007

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My Son, Never Forgotten

Times drift by,
Yesterdays are passed,
Memories never forgotten.
Memorable things now stored away,
Favorite things you so enjoyed,
Now safely treasured in a box.
Your first baby blanket neatly folded,
Years of artwork carefully packed,
Heartfelt poems written by you,
Now treasured and protected.
Your favorite chair,
Still sits on the porch.
At times as I sit outside reflecting with God,
I look into the empty chair
And wish you were there.
Photographs of you of years gone by,
Now lay safely in a box,
Always to be looked at,
To share and reflect upon.
The last words you spoke to me,
Still replay in my heart
Never to be forgotten,
Praying to hear you speak again,
“I love you too, mama!”
The last moments spent with you
Are treasured memories created,
Filed away safe in my heart,
Always to be cherished with love.
I miss you coming home late,
Always wondering while I wait.
I miss the way you pleaded for me
To warm a meal, to get a drink,
And though I was tired or though it was late,
Out of love I gave in to your hearts desire;
Then excitedly in a child like voice, you'd say,
“Thank you mommy, I love you!”
A part of me is lost,
An empty space fills my heart,
An empty room where you once laid your head.
So many things you left behind,
So many lives you've touched,
Never to be forgotten, but always remembered.
I do not know why,
For it is not for me to understand.
The time will soon come
For me to know the truth
As to why you had to go.
Some day very soon,
When Gods perfect plan is revealed
And when in paradise eternal,
Is when I shall see your smile,
Look into your eyes,
And hear you say, once again,
“I love you too, mama!”

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2006

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In a Panic

Father, it’s me again,
Coming to plead for your mercy,
So much going on,
So much clouding my mind.
I need your help!
My stomach is tied up in knots,
My chest aches with panic
And my head is unable to think.
I worry and I am scared.
What will happen Lord?
What am I to do?
Hear my cry,
And please stand by my side.
I wish to hear good things,
I wish for joy for my family.
Comfort them Father,
Ease their suffering
And give them hope.
We need you Father!
I need you for I am in a panic.
Please Father!

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2007

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Christmas Blessings For Thee

I do not have riches,
Nor do I live in luxury,
For this I cannot give lovely gifts,
Such as trinkets and toys,
Treasures and jewels.
But I do have one gift,
A gift I share with thee;
This gift money cannot buy,
For only our Heavenly Father provides.
A gift of blessings for thee,
Such as love and joy,
Peace and goodwill,
For these gifts are free.
This is my Christmas wish for thee!

Copyright © Sindy Vorderstrasse | Year Posted 2005


Book: Shattered Sighs