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Best Poems Written by Heather Lemen

Below are the all-time best Heather Lemen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Mother's Regrets

When I lay down at night and put my weary eyes to rest,
that's when my mind begins to put me to the very test.
Thinking about the life I've led,  how could I let it go?
missing my children to the point the pain remains to show.
Recalling the memories of taking them to the park to play,
Now I have them questioning, "Why did she run away?"
I wish they knew how hard it was for me to keep trying,
When ever I've called, I've caught your grandma lying.
All I wanted was to do the right thing and get them back,
When denied that chance, I sadly turned to smoking crack.
 Moments of escaping the pain which is bound to always return,
Why did it seem to take so long  what God wanted me to learn.
What I would not give to hold my children in my arms again,
Never to part, but together a new life we could make begin.
I've learned alot of things from my  life's many mistakes,
To make everything better, trust  I'll do whatever it takes.
In the future I will take the time to listen to what they say,
going outside to watch them when they feel the need to play,
Now everytime the call my name I will never again ignore,
I promise to always pay attention more than I've done before.
Never would I have thought not to have them by my side,
ever since I've lost them, a part of me has gone and died.

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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Little Sister

Little sister let me tell you a story I know to well, the path you are on will become a 
living hell. Please fear don't tell me it's too late, I don't believe this drug-crazed life 
is meant to be our fate. Little sister, Little sister listen to what I am saying, all I am 
trying to do is spare you from the pain. We only get one life, lets not waste it away, 
everyday, in every way.  Little sister do you remember we had everything to call our 
own, now addiction has left us all alone. I have been clean for over year, but it took 
prison to open my eyes. Little sister please I don't want death to take me by 
surprise. Little sister we have choices, tell me which one will you make. My hope is 
you won't choose to relive my mistakes. My life set a bad example for you to see, I 
am so very sorry, why did you have to follow me?

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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We'Ll Never Part

When it comes to loving you there is so much I need to say
Never in my life has somone truly touched my heart this way.
It's hard to find beauty within myself after the pain I went through,
However despite the facts you comforted me with a love found true.
My children mean the world to me, for them I am always there,
And you knowing that, yet staying, shows me how much you care.
It's nice to have someone who can sing, enjoying it as much as me,
With you my everyday is an adventure, a truth given absolutely free.
I truly believe your the one who helps me to feel like I'm complete,
There is so much gratitude to fate for giving us our chance to meet.
God only knows the depths of love which lives deep within my heart,
I pray daily with a constant hope and trust nothing will tear us apart.

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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Everytime I Cry

Everytime I move ahead it does not take long to fall behind,
Just when I think I see cleary, I find I am actually pretty blind.
Then guilt comes along with sorrow pinning me to the ground,
Needing to hear encourgement, please tell me can it be found?
I feel left alone blaming myself always questioning why,
How do I get to the point in life I no longer have to cry?

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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My Best Friend

There is a place inside my dreams, I see you standing there. Your beauty captivates 
me, the sun shining in your hair. Another day of fishing, the pole becomes your 
hand. All I can do is smile cause I am the one who understands. In front of us a 
running river, behind us a forest of trees. We can hear the birds singing, feel the 
warm gentle breeze. Sitting on the beach digging sand between our toes. Today we 
may catch some fish, but then again who knows. Soom night will fall and the stars 
come out shining bright. We are lying next to the campfire holding each other tight. 
Talk the night away, I never want it to end, It's so amazing to be in love with my 
best friend...

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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God's Object

From the beginning of time God had a plan,
out of clay and dust He breathed soul into man.
Adam was his name, not wanting to be all alone,
with part of his rib a woman named Eve was sown.
Made for God's glory, not expecting their fall,
nothing could keep them from hearing His call.
He gave them everything except one special tree,
If they ate from it, they would no longer be free.
One day in the tree a serpent  came by surprise,
questioned God's authority by telling Eve lies.
Curiousity took control thinking maybe he was right,
Eve took a bite of something that now gave her sight.
Tempted by fruit which now made them very aware,
Adam cried out to God, "How can this be fair?"
If it was not for this woman You gave to me,
I could have listened, I would still be free.
God cursed the land sending them away,
due to disobedience, they now have to pay.
Fellowship got broken, God was betrayed,
year after year sacrafices had to be made.
Then one night an angel visited a young girl,
announcing her baby is coming to save the world.
Surprised by the news, for she knew not a man,
the angel said, "Fear not, for God has a plan!"
Conceived by the Holy Spirit you'll deliver a boy,
behold, to hear and see the great tidings of joy.
Unto the people a Saviour is born, lying in a manager,
God in the flesh entering this world now as a stranger.
Now wanting to buy back for centuries those who were lost,
determined to pay the price no matter how much it will cost.
So to earth God sent His Son to save everyone who believes,
Awaiting the love He wants from His creation He daily sees.
His Son's Name is Jesus, He came to save the world,
every man and every woman, every boy and every girl.
All WE have to do is believe this much is true,
the object of His love is to spend eternity with....

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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It's Time To Come Home

I dreamt last night you were coming home, feeling extremely excited for I am tired of 
always being alone. I couldn't wait what a great surprise for I hoped it would not be 
too late. It's been a long time since I saw you last do you remember when? I 
watched you walk away with the hope I would one day see you again. I couldn't 
believe you were going overseas to fight a war with the unknown to a place of 
uncertainty where nothing but hurt and sadness is sown. As I would daily worry 
about hearing news you might be gone, I prayed God would somehow keep you 
strong. Oh I am so happy you are finally coming home, hopefully to stay. I don't 
want to live another minute with the distance that keeps us away. Oh God please 
don't tell me I've awoken and this is nothing but a dream, but I guess the reality is 
my son is in the war waging his life sitting front line on his team. Why, oh why did 
this have to be a dream?

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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God's Plan

Love is what I want, no more pain or gain to front.
It gets hard when wearing the silent, yet visible masks,
Daily walking around performing my meaningless tasks.
If tomorrow is going to come, I know it never, ever fails,
To remind you of the many different, yet invetable trails.
But after continiously going the wrong way why even try,
The nights become routine, I lie there in my bed and cry.
I must go through the motions trusting in what is real,
Stand on God's truth, it don't really matter how I feel.
At first I seen then realized the process can be slow,
There will be those times when doubt can still grow.
However it's during those times when we must stand,
To live our life---the way God, Our Father has planned.

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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Are You Still There

Can you hear me Lord , I feel alone wondering where you are,
Maybe if I'd just take the time I bet I don't have to look very far.
However my days are wrapped within myself doing whatever I feel,
with the many distractions around me I lose contact with what is real.
It's really hard for me to always remember what I find is invisible to see,
it's tough to sort out the million things buried deep somewhere inside me.
All hope remains in my Spirit I am guided to discern everything  true,
holding onto a belief the universe is only a tiny part of knowing You.
The problem for me is this undeniable feeling that we are not very close.
In truth Your the One and only thing in my life I will always need the most.
There was a time I would spend alot of time searching for Your care,
wanting to know the Only One who will always forever be there.
When I believe I found You, I fell madly in love with Your heart, 
but now I am lost, Are You Still There, I don't want us to be apart.

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011

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Without Him

Without him I would die, and only I know why. Because no matter whatever, it's 
usually now or never. Come on, no time to waste, here is some criticism, how does 
it taste? Or maybe the silence gets too hard to bare, you won't acknowledge me, 
that's not fair. Do you think I feel that way too? Every where I go, there goes you. 
Walking around lost, I sit here alone, however thankful to God for how much I've 
grown. Just by leaning on Him, not what I feel, guiding me through everything 
unreal. Including this love for a man who will not see, a time of right now not one 
minute with me. Someone who loves with her entire being, living beyong merely 
words or nice things. Because nothing compares with him in my life, always 
dreaming of the day I become his wife. To cherish now until death dues us apart, 
forever in eternity we share the same heart...

Copyright © Heather Lemen | Year Posted 2011


Book: Reflection on the Important Things