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Best Poems Written by Tavarus M. Moreland

Below are the all-time best Tavarus M. Moreland poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Her Perfect Harmony

Sonnet for an angel 
Her perfect harmony cannot fit within the confines
Of the syllabic iambic pentameter
Breaking through the chambers 
Racing to the top floor
Let me be the first to meet 
her, rays of love and purity 
Queen of hearts 
Heart pace accelerate
Hand placed on my chest
Heart stamped approved
Her spirit is infinite
Shining brighter, brighter
Then to a blaze, for a minute
And gone 
It once was winter 
Now summer has set 
And now I follow her 
Like the magi on Christimas Day
 Take this mask off and reveal vulnerabilities 
Never exposed
Her perfect harmony makes it okay
Apple flavored reveries
Deep peach fusion
Tongue trance
A sunset air unfurling
Seep into my sin
Taste my secret Eden
Desire sweet
As bee-stings and honey 
You pierce my heart
And drip off my bones
Into my marrow
To capture my essence
On your effervescence 
Somewhere, out there
On a distant Cosmic shore
Where the lonely know the score
I swear…
I knew your love before 
We planted over a hundred seeds in this wild orchid of romance 
As the tidal wave of pleasure comes crashing down around us
And we reap of harvest 
Where we are at the sun is always shining brightly 
Even though the dark rules outside,
Outside our window pane 
The stars represent all the past lovers that came before
Us smiling down upon us
Her perfect harmony 
Allows me to see love in everything
Her invisible angel wings cover me softly 
The feeling of sailing to the other the side 
Of the earth, compass in hand pointing true north
Actively seeking the power within 
She blesses our journey as her prayers ascend
Her love cannot be comprehended as if a foreign language
Wisp by in the speed of light, 
You know something happened
But hasn’t reached the recess of my natural mind
Like each woman I briefly loved; 
It lead up to the moment where our destiny would materialize 
And our hand in hand create a remarkable abstract painting
A handsome, twilight dream 
A dimple in her cheek can be explored for a decade 
Portrait ready, picture perfect
A billion words to describe it 
This is the start of our love story
Going around in this circle, smaller and then bigger world
Her perfect harmony has created an alternate universe
Just like the chronicles of Narnia, 
We are Kings and Queens of our very own kingdom 
The tears once cried are now used to water our garden 
Pain to beauty

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Is She the One? Inspired By the #1 Bestseller From Tavarus M. Moreland

Is she the one my heart belongs to
Is she one I can sing this song to
Is she the one that makes it worth it again.
To love again
How scary the thought of losing
Control again.
Is she the one that you can cry to when the world kills another dream.
Please don't be a dream.
Please be the one I need
I have to believe I won't grow old and lonely
Don't want the grays to fill my head before you spill in my bed. 
Damn you're so beautiful. Say it again. Baby what's my name. 
Say it again. 
I really need to know are we still just friends? 
Because we just made love over and over again. 
Until the the moon turns yellow let's  
repeat steps A-Z; I hope you can Handle Z-A.
Let's go back to basics
Making sounds barely making sense
Why would you want to turn the faucet off?
Creating a spectrum of lights
As your butterfly cocoons
I see mt. everest in our future
Reaching peaks unknown
The story is untold.
As we click our heels together
I am home
caught up in the tornado of love
up and away
look around, this room is a mess
Disarray, will this ringing leave my ears
Disoriented, my eyes are low like an oriental
call the press let them know my heart has been written on
she is hiding a heart press
tell the story!
impressive the way she exceeds all spectators expectations
don't crash your automobile
even Howard Hughes would agree she is flawless
maybelline and cosmos not needed
she was born that way
she reordered the structure of the universe
scuplture artisty based on you
blessed the two artists that came together
and created you.
Is she the one? 
Is yet to be seen

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Pain As a Hobby I

Pain as a Hobby Parts I-IX
Written by Tavarus M. Moreland
Copyright 2010. All rights reserved

Sorry Yulli, it was little unfair to suggest the title
You’re only 23 but I promise to leave room
Heck by that time, I was on my 4th heartbreak
Walking on one of the girl of my dreams fulfilling
Other guys dreams!
I can do this in my sleep
Pain as a hobby
I don’t even feel it no more
My tear ducts have ran out of their supply
Instead it drips on my heart
 And leaks through my finger tips 
Too much water the ink smudges against the pad
When my first major commitment
Accuses me of physical abuse but she forgot
She was the one hitting me in the face in a car while
We are driving on an expressway going sixty miles per hour
I’m not snitching but I would have needed stitches if I didn’t block
the blows, or worse we could be dead.
What time is it?
Set your alarm
To Tavarus’oclock
I own your time now
Because I’m about to go off
O, mama how we forget
O, now I’m the vindictive liar 
Because I wrote a book exposing the truth
Truth, amazing how people run from it.
Somehow they remember themselves being completely innocent.
Anything you attempt to use against me I can just turn it around
Call it alchemy but words are my metal
I can turn and bend them with my mind or use them however I feel
But, “Tavarus aren’t you a Christian”
Sorry again, it’s not as easy as you want it to be.
But Tavarus is Tavarus and Christ is Christ and
There is a big difference in between
Why don’t you give it a try since you have an opinion
Instead of trying to criticize
So before you think I have some screws loose
Just imagine yourself going through what I went through
I’m a pain expert, I can teach you want not to do
My word processor can’t handle all my colloquial but it really can’t keep up with 
My soul and my mind and my heart.
But I’m winning this race

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Pain As a Hobby Ix

I need a page break
If you keep reading you’re about to catch bird flu
It’s changing seasons all around you
Sit back the words are causing your body to react
You feel like a woman going through menopause
Cold to hot
Pause for a moment
Did I ask for your opinion?
Wait! Rewind!
Did I ask for your opinion?
Relax I got this homs [short for homies] for the next ten minutes or so
Scientists just figured out the missing day that was described in the bible
This is a rare event
I should sell tickets
Go tell everybody you know
Tavarus is in rare form
I have reached my zenith
Come see my mount of transfiguration
This is a great time to grab 
Your woman’s arm before she gets moist
And leave the show
Because when she gets home
She may jump your bone
But it comes with a price.
She’s been thinking about me all night!
Once I’m done with this verbal karate
You’re going to feel like you got your ass kicked
If pressure bust pipes then you better call the ambulance 
I hope yours are not rusted
What’s the prognosis
“Well, sir it seems your girlfriend died from a massive heart attack.
What were you two doing?”
But, meanwhile, she is kneeling before the King confessing her sins,
“yes, Lord that’s the best orgasm I ever had!”
I’m feeling enlightened and it is not the end of the Mayan’s calendar yet.
2012 let me illuminate something for you
You could dabble in secret societies for money and power
But I have connections with the most High that has all power
And disperses to whom He wills
Lord’s willing I’m making my point
Tired of playing nice with you folks
Giving me bulls*** all my life and telling me it is peanut butter
Sorry I don’t like the taste and I take my apology back
You can hardly stand up so covered up in the s*** business
I can smell you years away
“Damn, who is he talking to and why is he so angry? He needs to be censored.”
You mean other than growing up on a block called Rutland Street in Opa Locka
Well, you really don’t read between the lines and dumber than I thought
The words have radar and heat sensors and they find their rightful owners
This is “operation repo”
Give back all your doctorates
I’m trading them all in for thinking caps
Man up, learn how to think for yourself
And not believe everything they tell you
Pain as a hobby
I’ll let you know when I’m through.
You can finally call me TavarustheGreat!

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Pain As a Hobby Ii

I shouldn’t live in the past but I’m not just expressing myself
I’m over myself
I promise not to stay there too long but the pain makes everything high definition
Never in the back always a leader, I was the first swimmer in the pack that made it to be a 
My dad could vouch, “son you’re real nut”
I own your body but not your mind
It’s my turn to own your eardrum for my own pleasure to do as I will
You will finally listen and take notice because the takeover has begun
She tells me “you didn’t have to write it down. . . you could have just told me
Yeah but you had a listening malfunction
It only seemed to work when you were in pain and wanted to be heard.
I told you everything you needed to know but it was not important at the time.
Pain as a hobby, I do this for fun.
Finding common ground with Ciara just to find out is she more interested in girls.
It would have been cool but I wasn’t on that at the time.
Or the dude that follows popular advice and his girl screws his best friend.
Isn’t it ironic!
When mom and dad can’t get along and dad is forced to leave his home
While growing up son and daughter wondering why Dad wasn’t there and therefore
They go out and force others to feel the pain that they bear.
Now, she is running outside making a scene with a knife in her hand threatening to flat my 
Granddad, Granddad you died too soon.
Granddad, Granddad maybe if you were the way you were back when it would 
Have mattered, my dad would have been different
Even though I don’t believe in excuses
Unless you are excusing yourself from life lessons
It is never too late to turn to Jesus but why wait until death shows its face
Now I may be destined to follow in your footsteps
Mama Mama you’re killing me 
I’m apart of you and you don’t want me.
I hear you talking about that guy you met at club Sobe
And a one night stand and plan B. 
Maybe it is better I’m going to meet Jesus
I’ll see you there
I would have told you I love you if I had the chance.
O, I aint  through with you yet
Pain as a hobby
I’m painting you a vivid map 
Leading all the way until they call
The center for disease and control
What about the baby daddy who thinks it’s cool to 
Come to her job and shoot her dead in front of co-workers once 
She turns her back and then shoots himself and goes straight to hell.
So, at 21 she leaves behind her three children and her life cut off - all 
Because of jealousy.

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Don't give it up yet,
no not tonight
double negatives
there will be plenty of time
to put it on him and make his afro grow
and create foggy windows
Just not now
I don't care he is a football star
and may go pro
You are my sisters, 
I love you
Don't give it up now
You control this mating game
it is up to you to slow it down
like a vinyl that scratches and repeat from the start
guys live for a chase
so don't let him down
therefore, avoiding catergorization
and placed in a spot with previous women
There is a lot of advice on how to get a man
and many more on how to keep one
But all you need to do is run from all
sexual immorality
and maintain your purity
I am a man I should know
Don't give it up yet
Where is the ring and romance?
Where is the invitation to meet his parents?
Beware, the "Marksman" is coming 
and selling tickets to his show
It is a showcase of all the broken hearts
and a space on the wall waiting for yours,
Don't be afraid to walk away
It only adds value and a ton of respect 
and make all sex moguls scatter
If he lacks respect let me deal with him
Read Proverbs 31
I look in your eyes and there is innocence and purity
I want it to stay that until Daddy walks down the aisle
with arms locked
dressed in all white 
I hand you over to your life mate
18 letters to Chana
One for every year of your young adolescent life
Focus on your purpose
Don't get sidetracked based on your emotions
Leave foolishness behind
When he tells you, "he loves you"
don't give it up now
When he buys gifts and flashes his wealth
Let him know you are priceless
Don't give it up now
When he asks you "to come up to my place"
Say, "you rather not now, because you know what it will lead to
especially if temperatures are high
I'm your dad
I know what is best
I know how you feel
but contrast to popular belief
you can't trust your heart
many a person has tried
and still ended up in defeat
you will do better protecting it
because out of it flows the issues of life
How can the heart distinquish between lust and love?
Don't give it up now
It will be beautiful 
once you gift your virginity 
on your honeymoon
passion without committment is only a recipe
for single parent motherhood
enough to end some dreams 
and no sex is that good.
Wait until you learn a little bit more about his childhood
The moment you give up the panties
The "Marksman" has won
and will move on to greener pastures
your hope for eternity gone.

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Great stature, 
enormous strength; 
huge, colossal
the way my heart exploded 
so many different ways to express it
Does anyone hear the sound a heart 
Makes when it breaks
Even continents away
Did she hear it?
The only one that mattered
It seemed like four days ago
We were so in love 
Frolicking in the opulence,
Luxury of our acquaintance
Our love compared to the strength of the greek gods
Basking in the afterglow,
Proposing a toast,
With reason to believe it will not collapse
Without knowing our pride would lead to our demise.
And leave us cold, destitute, shocked beyond our mortal
Sobering to the thought this is the end
And the heat we once shared can’t take this chill away
I had to leave my body as the frost was setting in. . . 
In                      d i s b e l i e f
This is just a tip of the iceberg
How could “us” the greatest love story
Go down in history as a shame
Will we be known as the world's greatest love tragedy?
Sinking down to the oceans living room
Look at me soaking in all my tears of sorrow
Cubit measurements of the ocean amounting 
To the number of shed tears
Poisedon, nowhere to be found
Must have won the fight with the Titans
Was I the Titan,
And you Poisedon
Was our love destined to fail before it started
Who is to blame
This seems like a case for a wrongful death suit
Never to regain
Nor to recover
Just a titanic mockery
Be forewarned before you sign on
It may look good,
But we didn’t see what was lurking underneath
So much planning for our debut
A year in the making
Big lights
Cameras, the fame
So much for what we thought we knew 
What we didn’t see coming!

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Pain As a Hobby V

Reverse time and take it out it out of the universe!
I’m stamping you null and void
You got a lot to say but you’re not talking about much
It shouldn’t take you so long to come up with such
Non sense
Talk about something relevant and provoke thought
Is wisdom so hard to obtain
Stay away
The way I put words together remind me of the way God put the Earth together
Nothing missing and everything in place
The way I mix the spiritual with the natural
means i have superpowers
call it the spirit of discernment
I can see pass three dimensional
To say I aint lyrical is like saying religion is going away one day
It doesn’t make sense
Nope never I’m here to stay
You believe in something and when a whole bunch of people feel the same way
I am born 
I got arms and legs and I’m growing
Without a bomb on me I’m blowing up
No one is allowed to use the pronoun “I’, followed by the words “like” and “as”
It belongs to me now
Pay me every time it slips out your mouth
Just like insurance all I state is there
I don’t care about your feelings right now
I’m arrogant I know and you wish me the best of luck
I know
But my charismatism makes sure I don’t get into a crash
I can’t get out of
God broke the mold when he created me so it is only right I give
You originality
Pain as a hobby
Why didn’t I think of that
Look in the mirror if you dare
And see where I’m at
This is the most powerful writing I ever done
My ex’s can be proud to say I use to f*** with him
“Yeah, I left him, he was too controlling.” Period, 
Comma dot I’m innocent.
When all I ever wanted was you to do better than me
So that way all the pressure doesn’t fall on me
Not to brag about what I have done and what I’m doing but 
I’m the one that co-signed for you to go to school
I listen to too much rap music that’s why I have a nice flow
I know what you’re thinking before you thought it
Name all the things you have done for me
I can do the math
I got a 100% in Algebra and my recall is great to be modest
But you swear so much like you were there in the delivery room
Helping my moms push

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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You Must Not Know Inspired By Yulli B's "you Must Not Know"

You must not know
how I picture your lips on my bone
and if I'm not thinking at all
he'll burst through the International Concepts
70% pure, im fiend-ing for you
Can't get up from my desk because everyone will think im a Nazi, saluting proudly
the best sex around and I haven't touched you
just this wet dream
I'm trying to beat off
because that honey is the best
I bet the town next to us will know my name
You don't have time to smile when you're biting your lips
When i'm biting your lips
like a canvas brush painting 
Varying stroke patterns
o's o's o's o's all over your face
You must don't know how it feels 
when it is hard and ready to blow
you just melted all over it
pudding that good got me stalking your whereabouts
intercepting your dreams
and standing on stop of the roof with my jacket on in the middle of summer time
threatening to jump off if I don't get another lick
call the coroner
tastes so good 
I just left a skeleton
You must not know
I"m a professional
boxer without the gloves we lost count of all the rounds
What number on you on?
I'm a master 
so you could go to up bat all you want
look you are surrounded by the cockpit
wrapped around you like a bow
I bet you didn't know 
Im a gift in bed
Write down the month
write down the time
you will never get this high again
sorry I had to go and do this 
pounding so hard that it is
breaking your heart
now you writing how much your heart cries
You must not know
put the danger signs up 
he is a heart breaker
Just when you thought it was over
the levees broke 
and you flooded your panties
Operator: "Do you need FEMA ma'am"
You: "No, just called "T" instead
I'm flooding and I am drowing in my bed
I don't know what he put in me, it seems like 
I can't stay dry!
How many girls do you think he hit before me?"
Operator: "You must be the victim of the call we received about a big bang sound; hold on 
ma'am we are sending help now!
You: "Hurry, I'm seeing galaxies now, don't come without him"

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010

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Super Imposed Part 1... Inspired By the Many Talented Poetrysoup Writers!

Holding on to my words
Your kiss
Took the sun 
And replaced it with Mars
There is a deep chill 
As the heartbeats echo from 
Underneath the ground
It could have been confused with an earthquake
But it is the sound of the dead returning to life
Mesmerized, her lips are like to two mountains hidden with 
Gold in between
I never thought this would happen to me
I never thought someone could amaze me
I hope not to ruin things this time
Tugging strings
A symphony plays every time a smile exudes from her face
Dear Lord,
I hope she is the one
That will be the one for awhile
Ladylove, what is your name?
Truly irresistible,
Marilyn Monroe does not have anything on this girl
If for instance, I was interested
You would be more interested in the football star
The trail of perfume you left behind
Reminds me of my cowardice not to ask
Taking the chance not to get hit by the 
Suave man in a suit and tie
Now I took the chance and you are mine
No more looking in a million different places
True or not true
“This is the best rodeo ride”
Yes, I finally made it to a fifth round
Releasing the floodgate of emotions
Are we there?
We are from away from home
Don’t look down
The stars are reflecting from your eyes
I would give all my money away
And be poor and in love 
Just for one day
This kind of love creates shooting stars in the sky
Voice like an angel
If “Michael” means arch angel
Her name must be Michelle
The secret quest is now revelation
With Crimson Satin upon her breast
Clings to her body’s frame as if a test
Draping soft curves along her trim waist
Longs to depart without lingering haste
She has everything I want to know
I can take days just tasting

Copyright © Tavarus M. Moreland | Year Posted 2010


Book: Reflection on the Important Things