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Best Poems Written by Arnold Henry

Below are the all-time best Arnold Henry poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Am the Child

I am the child, of a child, of a child, of a child, of a slave.   They were the children, of the 
children, of the children of kings, Queens, scholars and worriers of Africa.

I am the descendent of wisdom, which gave the inhabitants of Earth the Knowledge of the 
World that surrounds them, the universe above, the earth beneath their feet and oceans that 
surround this planet.

I am the child that has to prove himself more then others, who has to study harder, play 
harder, pray with sincerity and walk in faith.  I am the child that must put God first. 

I am the child through the wisdom of my ancestors I am able to see further then most.  The 
future that awaits me, brighter then the one my father and mother before me had.

I am the child that listens when my elders speak, because they were the ones who laid the 
groundwork.  From them I will take the torch, carry it high and proudly as they did years 
before me.

I am the child who will one day have children, and those children will believe as I do.  They 
will know that they are the descendent of a proud people, and the strength of the spirit will 
keep them from harm.////

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

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My Life In Short

I have tears that I have not shed, pain that I have not felt and memories that I anticipate, 
will haunt me in my slumber.  From the neck up, I am paralyzed comprehending nothing 
only seeing gray images that stare through me.  Facing myself in a mirror and not 
recognizing the characters that become apparent with each blink.
My indignities hidden with lies and this made me numb to embarrassments past and present. 
I have feelings, as if I am under surveillance, constantly looking over my shoulder 
wondering if the person coming up behind me is a merchant of Death.  Fearing my life is on 
the verge of extinction, I consider planning my last breath so not to give satisfaction to those 
that forecast my demise.       
My Hands shake when I try to raise my hopes, and my loyalty is not with Gods, but green 
papers with presidents.  Left with the misfortunes that always end my dream, and 
nightmarish figures that stork the corners of my reality peddling insanity, I pause to pause.  
I make the choice each day to keep my sanity, but the obsession to indulge in the madness 
takes over my mind and body.  I become a junkie needing a fix of stupidity to stop the 
voices of reason, so to intensify my incentive to fail. 
I have a phobia to sounds I do not recognize, and tense in terror when surrounded in 
darkness and silence.  Through this thickness, I fight my way soaked in perspiration from 
hostile thoughts.  Fragments of images from deep in my psyche, challenges me for control of 
my actions and dialog.   
If only I would cry, then maybe the hurting will start and the image in the mirror will be 
recognizable.  My numbness will pass along with my paranoia, and thoughts of suicide will 
change to memories of happier times.  I will become comfortable in my surroundings and 
myself.  My grip on life will become steady and the only fix I will need is the one from 

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

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A Wave of My Hand

I wave my hand and the misery that cramp the space in my vision melts into pastels. The 
sky twinkles with morning stars and the clouds that dot across the horizon seem reachable. 
With a breath, I create a breeze that races across a meadow filled with tall grass. Lifting lose 
dried blades, that dance to the melody that replaced the screams in my head.
Emancipated from the stress that held me hostage to a reality counterfeited from past 
suffering. Disrobing the attire that identified the roll played, to an assembly of fools that only 
believe what they see. The truth is the rabbit pulled from the hat; the illusion is the hand that 
holds the rabbit. What we are to believe, that imagination is the playground of evil and we 
except our surrounding as Godly.
How is survival possible, in a reality that plays tricks on your sanity? Feeding information out 
of order, challenging dreams and awakening you to your nightmare. Having you hypothesize 
from the only data made available, from a system designed to enslave. 
When there is no knowledge to where you exist, questions are not necessary and anarchy is 
a word without definition. However, with a wave of my hand, I can travel to the pleasures of 
my thoughts. Letting my imagination take me to places that I only vision in my dreams, 
picking the rolls I will dress up to play. To an audience that has liberated their minds to view 
the truth.
No more questions, I have realized the power that controls my universe, and with just a 
wave of my hand...I am it.////

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

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I Just Said Nothing

Your Life began for me when the mention of the possibility of your existence presented.  
When my seed fertile the egg and the blue print of life took on form, you were alive to me. 
The insecurity of the one responsible for your transformation fell prey to ignorance 
disguised.  The voices that dictated the decision, that directed the choices, believed that they 
were speaking in the best interest.  How ever, the world views of the conception of life 
matters little to me.  
I weep; that I will not see smiles, hear laughter or cry’s, experience the touch when you grip 
my finger with your little hand.  Robbed of the embraces I will never receive, because of 
babble from empty spaces between ears.  Believing they will keep alive a dream by 
destroying one in the making.  “Do the right thing”, was the fraise used out of content by 
injudicious people with selfish ideals, looking into futures that are not theirs.
Having love for someone never known, not being able to share feelings never felt.  The tiny 
phantom kisses that haut my dreams awakening me from my slumber, to a world missing 
you.  I cannot imagined the pain your little body felt while heartless physicians thinking, no 
life no pain, snatched creations essence. 
What will become of the spirit, looking for the soul mate that will never respond to its call?  
Looking into the depths of all eyes, they pass, for a glimpse of something familiar to hitch 
their life too.  A life unfulfilled missing the beauty that should have been theirs and the 
feelings they will never share.
I tiptoe past empty shadow filled rooms listening for the sounds of life, humbling silence; I 
surrender and accept that you will never be mine to hold, spoil or watch grow.  Forgive me 
for not taken control and standing against the powers that were.  I had a say in what should 
have happened, I just said nothing.

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

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I am not sure why it happens, but it does.  
Everything that is sad in this world seems 
to take residency in my head.  This 
overwhelming sensation drowns my senses 
with the intense rush of the dramatic, to the 
subtleness of surrender without resistance.  
It removes me from my interpretations of 
how someone should feel, and I am able to 
experience the full scope of this emotion.

I wonder; is it my turn to take on what the 
world cannot handle, and give all of those 
who live with these feelings some rest.  
Should I be upset when I indulge in this 
madness of sadness, or should I explore the 
origin that gave birth to tear’s.  Am I 
supposed to just sit and wait until I am 
relieved of my duties as the keeper of pain? 

I know why parents cry, and I know the fear 
felt in their hearts when they sit and watch 
their child lowered into the ground.  It is the 
lost of innocents that they morn, or the fact 
that this soul will never have a chance to live.  
Should I embrace the sadness that is not mine, 
so to appreciate the love held by those when 
love is lost?

I know what it takes to break a heart, and I 
know the sound it makes when it starts to 
crumble.  The screams that go on inside when 
there is no one outside to direct this feeling.  
I know the feeling left when that heart lay in 
pieces and the emptiness those pieces fall into 
when a soul has lost its reason for living.

Should I cry out in anger, or should I look for 
all the reasons why this emotion should 
happen?  No! I should just let it all pass while 
I wait for my turn to be over.////

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

Details | Arnold Henry Poem

Distances I Traveled

All my adventures are at an end, 
and the treasure I have salvaged 
over the years, I have stored away.  

The map that guides locked safely 
in the many memories of distant 
places visited.  

Shorelines that always gave rise to 
curiosities of what lies over a 
horizon are now just resting places 
to revisit travels.  

Distances I traveled, careless, 
winning over the moments taking a 
piece of wealth to enjoy in my 
twilight years.  

Precious memories re-examined, 
reliving the experience, enjoying 
life’s cuisine and leaving my 
audience with tears of joy. 

I have been blessed, my life a book 
written with subplots of valor, 
infidelities and admiration.  

Challenging situations in dark places 
and stepping out on faith overcoming 
hostel environments.  

Seeking, always looking for the 
forbidden fruits, savoring the flavors 
proudly displaying my conquest.  

The many lives I have influenced and 
those that have touched mine.  Are 
but the many gifts presented in the 
years I planted the seeds of my 

I have used my time, sometime 
recklessly and sometime wisely, but I 
used it to the fullness ether way.  I have 
no regrets, I loved, I lost, and I made 
friends and enemies.  

There is not much more I can do, but 
what ever is left cannot compare to the 
adventures I have already experienced.  
Therefore, as I walk off into the sunset I 
tip my hat to a life well lived.

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

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I Feel Now

I feel now those touches I rejected,
the sweet nectar of the kisses I 
received without ever tasting.  My 
dreams are of the faces I left tear 
tracked, hunted by the sound of 
weeping from dark rooms.  All those 
beautiful women hearts I had stolen
then pawned.

I wish I had those lost moments back, 
to feel the caresses, strokes and the 
softness of held hands. The caring 
pecks on the cheeks, long passionate 
kisses stolen in shadows.  

If I could just wipe away the tears, 
and take back the hurt, to live again 
in the wonders of Love.  I would fall 
to my knees every day to worship the 
creation God so favorably blessed.  
Sacrificing all that I have, just to lay 
quietly beside love and listen while 
she Breathe.//////

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

Details | Arnold Henry Poem

I Am Wiser

I see you reach out to me with welcoming arms, beckoning me to enter and enjoy your 
beauty.  My heart cries out, my soul implores you for deliverance.  As the night, passes we 
live in our awareness, clinging while the gates of our hearts open to greet love created.
Many a time you have come to me when I was apprehensive and troubled, no sooner do I 
see you all worries turn to joy I am submerged in a welcoming calmness.  When my spirit 
rebels against all the trouble and injustice around me, I find your face amidst those faces in 
the crowd.  Rage in my heart subside and is replaced by the heavenly sound of your voice; I 
am at peace.
You may ask yourself, how can I be so content with such a simple existence, and how can a 
man like myself on the border of his twilight years, find joy in the silence of the darkness 
and the shadows of his dreams?  The time I have spent in those setting, I have found to be 
the foundations of all that I have come to know about life, love, beauty, happiness and 
Life is good to me now, the heavy weights that I once carried as if a yoke has fallen broken 
at my feet, and are now the stepping-stones I use to reach my goals.  The roads beginning 
has lead me to a point closer to its end.  With the horizon in front of me, I stop to smell the 
flowers; beauty with exceptional fragrance, my awareness of creation expands.  My smile 
radiates deep in my life and joys rewards become abundant.
I am wiser because of our alliance and richer in spirit due to our intimate episodes.  
Pleasures reached, physically and spiritually has altered the gathering of thoughts.  I am 
able to dissect meanings; foolishly, I believe there would never be a successful conclusion.  
However, with wisdom I have a happy beginning.

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

Details | Arnold Henry Poem

A Romantic Poem

There was a touch, I knew as an 
infant when my mother lifted me 
up and held me close to her bosom.  
I knew this was Love and that she 
loved me.
There was a touch, I knew as a 
child when, I would hold the hand 
of my father, and we would walk 
and talk.  He would lift me high in 
the air and laugh spinning me 
around.  I knew this was Love and 
that he loved me. 
There was a touch I looked forward 
to when I was early in my teens, 
when I could rest my head on my 
grandmother’s shoulder.  She would 
lift my spirits by saying “Things 
going to be OK let Granny take care
of you now.”  I knew this was Love 
and I knew she loved me.
There was a touch I looked for when 
I became a man, a Mother’ caress, a 
Father’s strength and a Grandmother’s 
smile.  All of this was lost to me, and 
I wondered through life searching for 
this touch in all that crossed my path. 
It was not until I met you that I 
realized that the touch I was looking 
for was the one upon my heart.  That 
is when I knew this was Love and you 
loved me.

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010

Details | Arnold Henry Poem

I Never Knew

I never knew feelings like this before, 
I only could imagine what a touch like 
yours would be like.  I never knew that 
the essence of my life altered to accent 
the aroma of your psyche.  Forever 
making it impossible for me to 
concentrate on anything other then the 
grandeur that emanates from your 

I never saw a vision like yours before; I 
never believed the concept of such an 
image was possible.  However, here 
before me, the spectacle that supports the 
myth of dreams, beauty beyond boundaries.  

I find myself lost in a sea of desire, the 
magic that lights your eyes are the beacons 
that lead me safely to the shores of your 
heart.  I never believed such a thing could 
ever happen to me, a light in my darkness, 
and a savior from shadows that feed on the 
quintessence of my reality.  

Happily I exist knowing that you are there 
and with just a thought, I can summon your 
beauty and be caressed by the vision of you.

Copyright © Arnold Henry | Year Posted 2010


Book: Reflection on the Important Things