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Best Poems Written by Anya Chebukina

Below are the all-time best Anya Chebukina poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Basements Basements

This is just for fun..=)

In the basement of my heart
there is a basement
and in that basement there are two basements. 

You open one
and enter the basement 
only to find out there is yet another basement

That basements basement 
was light and blue
But that basements basement
was black

from basement to basement you walked 
until you couldn't anymore

The basements basements 
basements basements basements 
basements basements basements basement
of my heart.

You found my love...

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2011

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Some one is in trouble
Every one is silent.
Some one is being bullied
Every one is silent
Some one is crying
Every one is silent

We're always silent
We never speak
When something is to be said
Silence is every where

Step up for what is right
Stand up for the weak
Comfort some one crying

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2011

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The wind rushing past me The sun above The ground below Will i fall Or will i float? My heart beating fast Adrenaline pumping Head in full confuse Will i fall Or will i float? The ground is so close now Its going to hurt I could feel the pain right now I might not survive I'm Falling Definitely not floating! But then a soft landing Was it only a dream? Am i really alive? I looked around And saw that i was in my room "Phew! It was just a dream!"

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2012

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The Star Was Falling

The Day I sat outside
The stars twinkled
Very bright

The wind was calm
The moon big and white

That night I thought
Was the end

That night I fell asleep
In the meadow 
Of my love

This meadow that I lay in
Was found by my heart

I've come here for years 
I come there still

I spent the night
In this magical meadow

To wake 
At the end of the next day

And as I sit and gaze at the Stars
I see a shooting star

'Oh shooting star, oh shooting star
Grant me my one true wish

I'm in need of a loved one
I'm in need of a friend

Let this be the day
I find him '

And then it disappeared
With a trail out behind it

Out of nowhere
There you were

So lonely 
laying in the grass

Now that I found you
It will be easier

For you 
For me

So now we sit in this meadow
Where three years ago we met

We look up at the sky and see
That the same star was passing by

'The star is falling'
I replied

You smile and say in the silence

'Yes, The star is falling'

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2010

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The Dream

My dreams are fake
But the realm exists
But where can i 
Go and sleep

There is not peace in some ones dream
Some are sweet and some are not

How can i go to bed
When i know that soon I might die

In my dream i run down hills
I fall and roll to the ground

Where do i turn? 
Where do i run?

But there is nothing 
And no one around

And soon i see it
The end of my dream

I know it's the end
But i just can't wake

Soon this figure is so close
I feel its heat and smell of old

But something different starts to happen
The darkness turns to light

The smell of old
To smell of flowers in the night

The heat of hate 
To the heat of love

And then this figure is all on light
What is happening?

What do i do?
Where do i run?

Nothing matters
I want to see

What happens in this world of mine
Is for me to know

Soon this figure will hurt me here
But no, not this time

This figure is an older boy
About the age of me

He looks so lonely
So out of place 
what do i do to such a face?

But when he sees me
His face lights up

A smile 
A tear

As he walk up to me
I know not what to do

But soon he's standing here
Right beside me

Leaning down i smell his skin
Leaning up i feel his lips

So soft but yet so sad

And so i wake at last
Hoping its done at last

The next two days i have no dream
So strange it seems to me

The second day it seemed
Somewhat out of place

The air is filled with that one smell
The smell of flowers in the night

This boy is stand out of place
On the curb of a bus stop

He sees me and smiles
and walks over toward me

And then i remember that
It was the Dream.

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2010

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My Happy Happy Mood

I cant explain the happy mood
Im feeling at this time
It makes me want to somersault
And twist and twist around

I feel as if i might just fly
Feeling really light
I can't explain the happy mood
Im feeling at this time

But i hope that after reading this
You'll smile all the time...

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2011

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Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle soup On a cold and winter day makes you feel all warm inside And ready to face today You slurp the noodles and you smile at its tastiness You drink the broth and giggle a little Its Chicken Noodle Soup So slurp away.

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2012

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I Love You Alyona

(My brother asked me to post his poem here. Its his love poem to his girlfriend [soon-to-be fiancée]
So please tell me what you think) 

When people say I can't imagine
A world with out you to one another. 
I don't think they fully understand the words. 
I've never felt my heart beat so calmly before. 
Your touch, your voice your eyes. 
They are my escape. 
They are my support. 
The fact that you exists makes me feel so alive. 
It's easier to breathe. 
To walk, to talk, to feel, 
To truly love. 
You are the electrical pulse that keeps my heart beating. 
You are the sun I see every morning. 
You are the moon I gaze on every night. 
And as every day and night pass. 
I become more of you. 
It's hard to explain. 
I don't think there were words ever created 
To explain the feeling I'm trying to get across. 
They only came up with one word. 
I love you? No. 
That's to small of an expression than what I feel towards you.
But until I find something new. 
Something more fitting. 
I will tell you I love you every day and night I live. 
I'll call you beautiful with every breath I have in my lungs. 
I will never let you feel any less than what you deserve to feel. 

You don't have my heart. 
You are my heart 
And I can't live with out you. 
I love you baby. 
I love you Angel. 
I love you Alyona!!!

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2014

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Just For Now

Can we stop the fighting?
Just for now,
Can we think of other things to say?
Can we try and talk?
Just for now,
Can we say the things we mean?

Will I get to tell you how I feel?
Will you tell me what I need to hear?
Will we move on for all these thing?
Will this fight just get the both of us?

Just for now,
Forget about the broken vase.
Just for now,
Forget about my tears.
Just for now,
Forget about this stupid fight

Just for now,
Say you love me and hold me close.
So that I can see you really care.
Even if its Just for now. 

(I haven't written here in a long while. Sorry if this is weird.)

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2013

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Its Not My Problem

Is it really my problem that things dont turn out for you?
Is it really my fault you fall in love so easily?
Because if i remember correctly
You went from one to another to another to another
and back to the one.

You confuse me with your constant talking about boys
After a while i learned to just listen and ignore.

I mean is it really my problem?

When we hang out with friends i'm invisible
But when you need to talk i'm the first one on your list.
Give me a break will you?

I'm not a boy chasing girl
To be listening to all your stories of heart ache

Ok yeah i understand 
some guys are really cool
but it doesn't mean 
you have to fall for every single one of them

You'll find the one your looking for
When your time comes
So please just chill a little
And enjoy this simple life

Because in truth 
Its Not My Problem

Copyright © Anya Chebukina | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs