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Best Poems Written by Kishore R R

Below are the all-time best Kishore R R poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ode to Flowers

They spread beauty and fragrance
For the sake of it
Expect nothing in return
Friendly with the thorns
They live in grace and peace
And fade with joy

Apropos no motive
They live life for living
Nothing comes, nothing goes
Continuity pervades
Plucked and tweaked
Merge with all and never whine

Rain, sun and chill
Spring, autumn and snow
Embrace all and come again
Beyond reason and doubt
Share the nature and fate
with flavor and fullness

Full of joy, never in haste
With eternity, filling the hearts
Exuberance, innocence and poise
Blending frailty with strength
With vibrance and color
Through sunshine and clouds

Enjoying the rocks and falls
With leaves and boughs
Free from weary of time
Emitting serenity and hope
With benign and blissful heart
Turning earth into Eden

Rising from the buds
O flower! I wish you adieu
Waiting for another year

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

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The Dilemma of being

                                    Tired, worn out and sapped
                         The lonely man waiting for the day to end
                           The night is better, kind and comforting
                                           Sleep swallows all

                                      The life is good and bad
                               Changing colors like a chameleon
                                 At times, one fails to reconcile
                                   Becoming the odd man out

                                  No other option except to live
                                  Happy or sad, in the harmony
                                      All are in the same boat
                                      Only the responses vary

                                       Move, move and move
                                      You cannot sleep forever
                                      The waves are not silent
                                      They will wash you away

                                     The dilemma lies in being
                                    You are a part of the crowd 
                                 Sharing traits of collective souls
                                  You have to behave like others

                                    The body and mind is yours
                              Surroundings are not created by you.
                                       You get fixed into them
                                   Becoming a part of the same

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

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Be at peace

                                   Turmoil, turmoil and turmoil
                                         Not a day at peace
                                     Errors, slips, omissions 
                                       And their hangover
                                  Self cursing and repentance
                              Has become the order of the day

                                        But, not one or two
                                         Many live in peace 
                           Living in bigger storms and turbulence 
                                  The wise ones do not react
                                    They reconcile, respond
                                         And remain calm

                                    Life is not your subsidiary
                            It is a stream of unchartered waters
                         One has to sail according to its currents
                                      Washed out are those 
                                       Who ignore its spirit
                                   Essence lies in acceptance 

                                Enjoin the gain, forget the lost
                               Loss is a realty, not unlike gains
                                           All is not yours
                                  You will get only your share
                                 Contentment is the password
                                       To happiness and joy

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

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You are the ultimate

                                   Petals, leaves and thorns
                                Dwelling on the same bough 
                                 Dance together with breeze
                                    Singing the song of life  
                                   Blending joy and distress
                                     Oozing multiple colors
                                  Unifying pleasure and pain

                               Dried leave at the feet of trees
                            Once flourishing and vibrant green  
                                Ending their journey of bloom 
                            Continue exuding truth and beauty
                                Gleefully merge with the soil
                                And nurture their progenitor 
                                In order to appear as reborn

                                            Be yourself
                                      You are the ultimate
                                      Beyond loss and gain
                                Nothing survives perpetually  
                            Even the god's died in the jungles,
                                       Uncared and lonely 
                                So, enjoy the fountain of life

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

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                                          All is not lost
                              Memories buried in my bosom
                                        Are not yet dead
                                The plays, fads and foibles 
                                       Bubble in my heart 
                             Giving me my precious self and
                             The chaste child of golden days

                                  School, boys and teachers
                                    Were the part of myself 
                            As much as were the mango tress 
                               And the secretly plucked fruits  
                                 The sly slips of the classes 
                                   And the clever excuses 
                             Remind me of crafty endurance 

                              Days full of quest and curiosity
                           Every moment learning new things 
                         Preserving them in ceaseless memory 
                           Bracing unwanted family intrusions 
                                     An undiminished soul 
                               Always busy and demanding
                            A baby with eternal exuberance 

                                Big dreams in the tiny heart
                                     Days full of kites and
                               Paper-boats in rain-filled yard 
                             Father’s scare and mother’s love
                               Stress of exams and results
                          Marching to school with heavy bags
                               Always eager for the last bell 

                              The days blossomed into youth
                               Maturity and senility took over
                               Worries, conflicts and tensions
                                Replaced the bloom and joy 
                              Desire to retrieve the gone days 
                              Flimsy but soothing burns inside   
                                       And the life goes on

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

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Timid and mighty

                                  Slight may outdo the sizeable
                                  Nature is fascinatingly unique
                             Its sways and swings are astounding 
                                      Moon may hide the sun 

                             A damsel may win where duchess fail 
                            Not big and small, not high and low but
                           Chance, moment and providence prevail
                           Giant ship may sink, a tiny boat may sail 

                             All is worthy and valued in the nature 
                             Circumstances and contexts do matter 
                             Not the status, extent and magnitude
                             Bird’s choir may foil a singer on platter 

                           Starry night may outshine the bright sun
                             A timid solitary wisdom may overtake 
                              The coveted and assorted minds by 
                          exposing the mysteries, remained undone

                               A shy tiny bud lying in a forlorn pot 
                                   May catch the beholder’s eye 
                               Strolling in the garden full of bloom 
                           Soliciting the petals endearing his choice

                             The poise and serenity of cool breeze
                            Cradle of green trees and golden leaves 
                               May be million times more soothing 
                               Than the affluence of palatial room

                          On a wide lonely road in the summer noon 
                            Walking fast to escape the burning heat 
                        One can’t forget shadows of thoughtful trees 
                         And their compassion with which they treat 


Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

Details | Kishore R R Poem


                                Puzzling, miraculous and random 
                                         Are the ways of life 
                                  Thinking, probing and planning 
                                   Warding chance and incident 
                                 Avoiding event and inadvertence 
                                    Moving with care and caution 
                                 One tries to steer through the trail
                                    But he reaches the crossroads 
                                    Pauses to know the right path
                               To reach the destination of his choice 
                                            But all remain mute 
                                      The crossroads do not speak
                                          He is all alone, and lost

                                  Fortuity takes over and he moves
                               Sandwiched between right and wrong
                                    The road leads to a blind end
                                    Devoid of options he Stays there 
                                      Days, months and years pass
                                     Collecting his cool and strength
                                        He starts the journey again 
                                            With gusto and delight 
                                 Flushing out his solitude and seclusion 
                                          Finds a multitude of souls
                                  All haphazard, ignorant and confused 
                                      Unable to guide his bruised past 

                                                Simmering inside 
                                         He continues with his quest
                                    Encounters a wise childhood friend 
                                    Opens his heart to the sharp dude
                                       But what comes out of him is: 
                                    ‘Life is like that, dance with destiny’ 
                                              And the void continues

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

Details | Kishore R R Poem

The bigger joke

                                       You may not be there
                                         I may not be there
                                    But the earth will revolve
                                       And the sun will shine

                                      Flowers fade and bloom
                                    Autumn and spring return
                                       Rivers parch and swell
                                     Dawn and dusk continue

                                             Nothing stops
                                               All goes on
                                          Only we disappear
                                          Never to reappear

                                            Strange but true
                                           Tragic but certain
                                           Helplessness rules
                                           The poor creatures

                                           Who made this all
                                                 And why?
                                          Where is he or she?
                                             It's a cruel joke

                                              But  be ready
                                           For a bigger joke
                                           We wail and weep
                                      But, worship him or her!

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

Details | Kishore R R Poem

Ode to Wife

What a change
                           From bouncy, bubbly and vivacious
                        To determined, devoted and dedicated
                                        More than ever
                             Reassuring, soothing and caring
                                     Pious and profound 
                          The serene figure with large persona

                         From autumn aromas to Spring bloom
                            From silent nights to morning choir
                             Mild, soft and oblivious of herself
                            Flowing from one room to another
                         The cool breeze of devotion and care
                            The selfless soul, bereft of comfort
                          Merging herself with unending chores

                               Fifty years gone like a whisper
                                  Time changed into history
                              Oblivion ruled and embraced all
                              Entering into the body and mind
                                   Of a dire and distinct man
                               Spending herself at the altar of
                            Commitment, tradition and destiny

                          Still solo and undiffused, but mellowed
                           She is the inevitable guest in my life
                                   Keeping inside her bosom 
                                  The treasure of olden days
                                    With grown up children 
                                  Gone to their destinations 
                        The lady ethereal always sings inside me

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024

Details | Kishore R R Poem


                             Beauty humming in the pearly shell
                              Melody oozing from the silver bell 
                             Charm and delight’s unending spell 
                              A silent breeze flowing without yell 

                            Adorned in long, black and silky hair 
                           The song of passion, finesse and flair 
                         Spreading splendour and glory in the air
                           Dream, delight and bliss turned bare 

                           Majestic with a mellowed divergence
                       A Beauty with poise free from indulgence 
                      An epitome displaying unique convergence 
                      Of ability, acumen, insight and intelligence 

                         Carved out of sunshine, dawn and dew 
                       The cool aroma of tolerance and patience
                            Exuding trust, conviction and hope 
                        Steering the life’s ship like a skilled crew 

                       Out of her the affection and warmth flows
                       Love, compassion and beneficence glows
                       But being mindful of not coming too close 
                        Her preserves and peripheries she knows 

                           A pristine blend of purity and wisdom 
                          An enduring asset of life’s rare dictum
                           Modernity wrapped in lasting custom 
                           Living in her abode of divine Kingdom

Copyright © Kishore R R | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs